F Disk Editor (1988)(Igor)
3 Ko
F-15 Strike Eagle (1986)(Microprose Software)
16 Ko
F-15 Strike Eagle (1986)(Microprose Software)[a]
16 Ko
F-16 Fighting Falcon (1990)(Mastertronic)
18 Ko
F1 Tornado Simulator (1991)(Zeppelin Games)
20 Ko
F1 Tornado Simulator (1991)(Zeppelin Games)[a]
20 Ko
FA Cup Football (1987)(Virgin Games)
16 Ko
FA Cup Football (1987)(Virgin Games)[a]
16 Ko
Factory Breakout (1984)(Poppy Soft)
16 Ko
Faerie (1985)(8th Day Software)
21 Ko
Fahrenheit 3000 (1985)(Silverbird)
20 Ko
Fairground (1983)(M. Knight)
12 Ko
Fairlight - A Prelude (1986)(The Edge)
24 Ko
Fairlight - A Prelude (1986)(The Edge)(128k)
43 Ko
Fairlight - A Prelude (1986)(The Edge)[a2]
31 Ko
Fairlight - A Prelude (1986)(The Edge)[a]
24 Ko
Fairlight - A Prelude (1986)(The Edge)[h]
31 Ko
Fairlight 2 - A Trail of Darkness (1986)(The Edge)(128k)
43 Ko
Fairlight 2 - A Trail Of Darkness (1986)(The Edge)[a](128k)
43 Ko
Fairlight 2 - A Trail of Darkness (1986)(The Edge)[Part 1 of 2]
27 Ko
Fairlight 2 - A Trail of Darkness (1986)(The Edge)[Part 2 of 2]
26 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 1 of 5]
29 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 2 of 5]
29 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 3 of 5]
28 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 4 of 5]
17 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 5 of 5]
16 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[Part 1 of 5]
28 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[Part 2 of 5]
29 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[Part 3 of 5]
28 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[Part 4 of 5]
17 Ko
Fairly Difficult Mission (1988)(Zodiac Software)[Part 5 of 5]
16 Ko
Fairshare (1984)(Griffin Software)[a][Part 1 of 2]
9 Ko
Fairshare (1984)(Griffin Software)[Part 1 of 2]
9 Ko
Fairshare (1984)(Griffin Software)[Part 2 of 2]
10 Ko
Fakultet (1987)(Ribic Samir)(Bo)
9 Ko
Falcon - The Renegade Lord (1987)(Virgin Games)
26 Ko
Falcon Patrol II (1985)(Virgin Games)
17 Ko
Falcon Patrol II (1985)(Virgin Games)[a2]
14 Ko
Falcon Patrol II (1985)(Virgin Games)[a]
14 Ko
Falklands 82 (1986)(PSS)
16 Ko
Fall Guy, The (1986)(Elite Systems)
25 Ko
Fall Guy, The (1986)(Elite Systems)[a2]
24 Ko
Fall Guy, The (1986)(Elite Systems)[a]
24 Ko
Fall Of Rome, The (1984)(Argus Press Software)
13 Ko
Fall Of Rome, The (1984)(Argus Press Software)[a]
12 Ko
Falls Of Shalor, The (1983)(C.P. Woodward)
15 Ko
Famous Five, The - Five On A Treasure Island (1990)(Enigma Variations)
32 Ko
Famous Five, The - Five On A Treasure Island (1990)(Enigma Variations)(128k)
55 Ko
Famous Five, The - Five On A Treasure Island (1990)(Enigma Variations)[a]
32 Ko
Fanky Punky (1988)(PJ Soft)
13 Ko
Fanky Punky (1988)(PJ Soft)[a]
13 Ko
Fantasia (1983)(Rabbit Software)
5 Ko
Fantasia Diamond (1984)(Hewson Consultants)
21 Ko
Fantasia Diamond (1984)(Hewson Consultants)[a]
21 Ko
Fantastic Adventure (19xx)(Wayne McQuilling)
2 Ko
Fantastic American Football (1990)(Zeppelin Games)
19 Ko
Fantastic American Football (1990)(Zeppelin Games)[a]
19 Ko
Fantastic Mission (1984)(Program Soft)(Sp)
7 Ko
Fantastic Voyage (1984)(Quicksilva)
20 Ko
Fantastic Voyage (1984)(Quicksilva)[a2]
20 Ko
Fantastic Voyage (1984)(Quicksilva)[a]
20 Ko
Fantasy - An Adult Game (1987)(R 'n' H Microtec)
13 Ko
Fantasy - An Adult Game (1987)(R 'n' H Microtec)[a2]
13 Ko
Fantasy - An Adult Game (1987)(R 'n' H Microtec)[a]
13 Ko
Fantasy Mission (1984)(Program Soft)(Sp)
7 Ko
Fantasy Zone 2 (19xx)(-)(128k)
11 Ko
Fantomas (1984)(G.B. Max)(Sp)
7 Ko
Fargo Wells (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
29 Ko
Farmer Horace (1983)(CCS)
5 Ko
Fast & The Furious, The (1987)(Ernieware)
26 Ko
Fast & The Furious, The (1987)(Ernieware)[a]
26 Ko
Fast Breed (1988)(Master H.C.G.)(128k)
61 Ko
Fast Food Dizzy (1989)(Codemasters)
25 Ko
Fast Food Dizzy (1989)(Codemasters)(128k)
27 Ko
Fast Food Dizzy (1989)(Codemasters)[a2]
25 Ko
Fast Food Dizzy (1989)(Codemasters)[a]
25 Ko
Fat Worm Blows A Sparky (1985)(Durell)
29 Ko
Fat Worm Blows A Sparky (1985)(Durell)(128k)
25 Ko
Fat Worm Blows A Sparky (1985)(Durell)[a]
27 Ko
Father Of Darkness (1986)(Central Solutions)[Part 1 of 2]
23 Ko
Father Of Darkness (1986)(Central Solutions)[Part 2 of 2]
24 Ko
Faulty Towers (1984)(Harbour Soft)
14 Ko
Faust's Folly (1983)(Abbex Electronics)[a][Part 2 of 2]
6 Ko
Faust's Folly (1983)(Abbex Electronics)[Part 1 of 2]
2 Ko
Faust's Folly (1983)(Abbex Electronics)[Part 2 of 2]
6 Ko
Fearless Frank (1984)(Visions Software)
14 Ko
Federation (1988)(CRL Group)
28 Ko
Feline Sleepy (19xx)(Edwina Bronw)(128k)
27 Ko
Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Mirrorsoft)
23 Ko
Fernando Martin Basket Master (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)
22 Ko
Fernando Martin Basket Master (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)[a2]
22 Ko
Fernando Martin Basket Master (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)[a]
22 Ko
Festung (19xx)(-)(De)
3 Ko
Feud (1987)(Mastertronic)
26 Ko
Feud (1987)(Mastertronic)(128k)
27 Ko
Feud (1987)(Mastertronic)[a]
27 Ko
Fido (1985)(Wildest Dreams)
13 Ko
Fido (1985)(Wildest Dreams)(Different)
12 Ko
Field, The (19xx)(ABAD)
2 Ko
Fifth Game Designer (demo) (1983)(CRL Group)
10 Ko
Fifth Game Designer (demo) (1983)(CRL Group)[a]
10 Ko
Fifth Quadrant, The (1987)(Bubble Bus Software)
27 Ko
Fifth Quadrant, The (1987)(Bubble Bus Software)[a2]
28 Ko
Fifth Quadrant, The (1987)(Bubble Bus Software)[a3]
28 Ko
Fifth Quadrant, The (1987)(Bubble Bus Software)[a]
28 Ko
Figgins Chess (1987)(Figgins)
11 Ko
Fighter (1983)(Werner Spahl)(De)
9 Ko
Fighter Bomber (1990)(Activision)(128k)
61 Ko
Fighter Pilot (1983)(Digital Integration)
21 Ko
Fighter Pilot (1983)(Digital Integration)[a]
21 Ko
Fighting Soccer (1989)(Activision)(128k)
52 Ko
Fighting Warrior (1985)(Melbourne House)
27 Ko
File Card (19xx)(Daniel Sailer)
3 Ko
Filler (1996)(CSSCGC)
1 Ko
Fillers (1995)(Oleg Sergeyev)
11 Ko
Final Accounts (1984)(Gemini Marketing)
9 Ko
Final Assault (1988)(US Gold)(128k)
57 Ko
Final Assault (1988)(US Gold)[a2]
23 Ko
Final Assault (1988)(US Gold)[a]
23 Ko
Final Chorus, The (1995)(Zenobi Software)(128k)
68 Ko
Final Matrix, The (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)
27 Ko
Finance Manager (1983)(Oxford Computer Publishing)
13 Ko
Finders Keepers (1985)(Mastertronic)[a2][Magic Knight 1]
21 Ko
Finders Keepers (1985)(Mastertronic)[a][Magic Knight 1]
21 Ko
Finders Keepers (1985)(Mastertronic)[Magic Knight 1]
21 Ko
Fire & Forget (1988)(Titus)
21 Ko
Fire & Forget (1988)(Titus)[a]
19 Ko
FIRE (1988)(Fuxoft)
42 Ko
FIRE (1988)(Fuxoft)[a]
27 Ko
Fire Copy v1.0 (1985)(Juric Zeljko)
3 Ko
Firebird (1983)(Softek Software)
4 Ko
Firebird (1983)(Softek Software)[a]
5 Ko
Fireflash (1983)(Abacus Programs)
6 Ko
Firefly (1988)(Ocean Software)
25 Ko
Firefly (1988)(Ocean Software)[a]
30 Ko
Firelord (1986)(Hewson Consultants)
33 Ko
Firelord (1986)(Hewson Consultants)[a2]
33 Ko
Firelord (1986)(Hewson Consultants)[a3]
33 Ko
Firelord (1986)(Hewson Consultants)[a]
33 Ko
Fireman Fred (1984)(Tynesoft)
16 Ko
Firestorm (1987)(Nexus)
20 Ko
Firestorm (1987)(Nexus)[a]
20 Ko
Fireterm Scrolling Terminal (1986)(Paul Clevett)
11 Ko
Fireterm Scrolling Terminal (1986)(Paul Clevett)(128k)
14 Ko
Firetrap (1987)(Electric Dreams Software)
18 Ko
Firetrap (1987)(Electric Dreams Software)[a]
16 Ko
Fireview - Main Menu (1986)(Paul Clevett)
13 Ko
First Moves (1985)(Longman)
16 Ko
First Moves (1985)(Longman)[a]
16 Ko
First Past The Post (1991)(Zenobi Software)
15 Ko
Fischen (1983)(Kurt Windolf Westerland)(De)
5 Ko
Fish 2 - The Supplement Issue 1 (1993)(CDT)(128k)
17 Ko
Fish 2 - The Supplement Issue 2 (1993)(CDT)(128k)
19 Ko
Fish 2 - The Supplement Issue 3 (1994)(CDT)(128k)
14 Ko
Fish 2 - The Supplement Issue 4 (1994)(CDT)
14 Ko
Fisher King, The (1991)(Zenobi Software)[Part 1 of 2]
25 Ko
Fisher King, The (1991)(Zenobi Software)[Part 2 of 2]
26 Ko
Fisherman's Friend v1.305 (1996)(Joseph Aron)
8 Ko
Fisherman's Friend v1.305 (1996)(Joseph Aron)[a]
9 Ko
Fishing Mission (19xx)(-)
5 Ko
Five A Side Footy (1988)(Firebird)
20 Ko
Five Card Cribbage (1984)(Gamma Software)
10 Ko
Five Dice (1985)(Artic Computing)
7 Ko
Five Doctors, The (1986)(Kevin O'Shea)
13 Ko
Five Doctors, The (1986)(Kevin O'Shea)[a2]
13 Ko
Five Doctors, The (1986)(Kevin O'Shea)[a]
13 Ko
Fixsterne (19xx)(Werner Mueller)(De)
3 Ko
Flaggen (1983)(J. Koellner)(De)
3 Ko
Flak (1984)(US Gold)
14 Ko
Flak (1984)(US Gold)[a]
16 Ko
Flameout (1994)(Zenobi Software)
31 Ko
Flash Gordon (1987)(Mastertronic)(128k)
42 Ko
Flashpoint (1987)(Ocean Software)
18 Ko
Fleebyte Grid Quest (1984)(Clive Smith)
5 Ko
Flexitest - Introduction (19xx)(-)
4 Ko
Flexitext - Introduction (19xx)(-)[a]
4 Ko
Flight Path 737 (1985)(Anirog Software)
11 Ko
Flight Simulation (1982)(Psion)
14 Ko
Flight Simulation (1982)(Psion)[a2]
15 Ko
Flight Simulation (1982)(Psion)[a]
16 Ko
Flintstones, The (1988)(Grandslam Entertainment)(128k)
37 Ko
Flintstones, The (1988)(Grandslam Entertainment)[a](128k)
42 Ko
Flip Flap (1984)(Software Super Savers)
11 Ko
Flip It (1991)(Mikropol)
22 Ko
Flipi (1984)(Wr. Agostini)
8 Ko
Flipper (1983)(Wicosoft)(De)
9 Ko
Flipper (1983)(Wicosoft)(De)[a]
8 Ko
Flippit (1983)(Lez Peranto)
4 Ko
Flix (1984)(Softricks)
17 Ko
Flow Chart (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Flow Chart (19xx)(-)[a]
2 Ko
Flucht (1983)(P.S. Software)(De)
5 Ko
Flucht Aus Der Pyramide (19xx)(Bakersoft)(De)
5 Ko
Flucht Aus Der Pyramide (19xx)(Bakersoft)(De)[a]
5 Ko
Flunky (1987)(Piranha)
26 Ko
Fly, The (19xx)(Agent X)
9 Ko
Flyer Fox (1984)(Bug-Byte Software)
21 Ko
Flying Formula, The (19xx)(ZX Computing)
10 Ko
Flying Formula, The (19xx)(ZX Computing)[a]
10 Ko
Flying Shark (1987)(Firebird)
23 Ko
Flying Shark (1987)(Firebird)[a]
23 Ko
Flying Train (1983)(Chris Sievey)
14 Ko
Flying Train (1983)(Chris Sievey)[a]
13 Ko
Follow Me v3.1 (1990)(Prospect Software)
8 Ko
Folyo (19xx)(-)
3 Ko
Font Find (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Fontaisia (1984)(Spectrasoft)
9 Ko
Football (1983)(Wintersoft)
14 Ko
Football (1984)(Antisoft)(De)
11 Ko
Football Champions (1990)(Cult)
20 Ko
Football Champions (1990)(Cult)[a]
20 Ko
Football Champions - Introduction (1990)(Cult)
3 Ko
Football Director (1989)(Addictive Games)
17 Ko
Football Fever (1986)(Tanglewood Software)
13 Ko
Football Frenzy (1987)(Alternative Software)
28 Ko
Football Frenzy (1987)(Alternative Software)(128k)
29 Ko
Football Manager (1982)(Addictive Games)
12 Ko
Football Manager (19xx)(-)
16 Ko
Football Manager - World Cup Edition (1990)(Addictive Games)
29 Ko
Football Manager 2 (1988)(Addictive Games)
27 Ko
Football Manager 2 - Expansion Kit (1989)(Addictive Games)
23 Ko
Football Manager 3 (1991)(Addictive Games)
19 Ko
Football Manager 3 (1991)(Addictive Games)[a]
19 Ko
Footballer (1989)(Cult)
11 Ko
Footballer Of The Year (1986)(Gremlin Graphics)
20 Ko
Footballer Of The Year (1986)(Gremlin Graphics)[a]
20 Ko
Footballer Of The Year 2 (1986)(Gremlin Graphics)
20 Ko
Footballer Of The Year 2 (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)
20 Ko
For Gold Or Glory (1988)(Alternative Software)
29 Ko
For Gold Or Glory (1988)(Alternative Software)[a]
29 Ko
For Pete's Sake (1993)(Zenobi Software)[Part 1 of 2]
30 Ko
For Pete's Sake (1993)(Zenobi Software)[Part 2 of 2]
29 Ko
For Your Thighs Only (1987)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 1 of 2]
23 Ko
For Your Thighs Only (1987)(Zodiac Software)[a][Part 2 of 2]
22 Ko
For Your Thighs Only (1987)(Zodiac Software)[Part 1 of 2]
23 Ko
For Your Thighs Only (1987)(Zodiac Software)[Part 2 of 2]
22 Ko
Forbidden Planet (1986)(Design Design)
21 Ko
Forbidden Planet (1986)(Design Design)[a]
29 Ko
Force Fighter (1983)(Perfection Software)
7 Ko
Force Fighter (1983)(Perfection Software)[a2]
7 Ko
Force Fighter (1983)(Perfection Software)[a]
7 Ko
Force, The (1985)(Argus Press Software)
19 Ko
Foreign Trade (1987)(KAW)(Ru)
12 Ko
Forest At The Worlds End, The (1984)(Interceptor Micros Software)
25 Ko
Forest, The (1983)(Phipps Associates)
9 Ko
Forgotten City (1987)(Hawk Adventuring)[a][Part 1 of 2]
28 Ko
Forgotten City (1987)(Hawk Adventuring)[Part 1 of 2]
28 Ko
Forgotten Village, The (1989)(-)
16 Ko
Forgotton Worlds (1989)(US Gold)(128k)
38 Ko
Format 42 (1982)(Stuart Licholls)
4 Ko
Format 64 In Line (1985)(Megasoft)(UNK-LANG)
5 Ko
Formula 1 (1986)(Mastertronic)
13 Ko
Formula 1 (1986)(Mastertronic)[a]
13 Ko
Formula One Simulator (1983)(CRL Group)
13 Ko
Formula One Simulator (1983)(CRL Group)[a2]
21 Ko
Formula One Simulator (1983)(CRL Group)[a]
24 Ko
Fortress Of Fear (19xx)(FSF Adventures)(128k)[Unfinished Game]
45 Ko
Fountain Pd News 2 (demo) (1986)(Tigers Claw)
16 Ko
Four Minutes To Midnight (1987)(8th Day Software)[a][Graphical]
29 Ko
Four Minutes To Midnight (1987)(8th Day Software)[Graphical]
29 Ko
Four Minutes To Midnight (19xx)(8th Day Software)[Text Version]
20 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - 11 A Side Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)
23 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - 11 A Side Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)[a2]
23 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - 11 A Side Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)[a]
22 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Indoor Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)
22 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Indoor Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)[a]
22 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Soccer Skills (1989)(Codemasters)
25 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Soccer Skills (1989)(Codemasters)[a]
25 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)
24 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)[a2]
26 Ko
Four Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (1989)(Codemasters)[a]
25 Ko
Four Symbols, The (19xx)(FSF Adventures)(128k)[Part 1 of 2]
43 Ko
Four Symbols, The (19xx)(FSF Adventures)(128k)[Part 2 of 2]
36 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a2][Part 1 of 3]
25 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a2][Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a2][Part 3 of 3]
16 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a3][Part 1 of 3]
25 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a3][Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a3][Part 3 of 3]
15 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a4][Part 1 of 3]
25 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a][Part 1 of 3]
25 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a][Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[a][Part 3 of 3]
15 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[Part 1 of 3]
25 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)(Hutchinson Computer Publishing)[Part 3 of 3]
15 Ko
Foxes & Rabbits (1982)(Psion)
5 Ko
Foxes & Rabbits (1982)(Psion)[a]
5 Ko
Foxx Fights Back (1988)(Image Works)
24 Ko
Foxx Fights Back (1988)(Image Works)[a]
24 Ko
Fractals (1989)(James Cox)
4 Ko
Fractals (1989)(James Cox)[a2]
4 Ko
Fractals (1989)(James Cox)[a]
4 Ko
Fractions (1983)(SciSoft)
4 Ko
Frames Viewer (19xx)(-)
3 Ko
Frank Bruno's Boxing (1985)(Elite Systems)
19 Ko
Frank N Stein (1984)(PSS)
22 Ko
Frank N Stein (1984)(PSS)[a]
22 Ko
Frank The Flea (1986)(Megasoft)
7 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a2][Part 1 of 3]
28 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a2][Part 2 of 3]
28 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a2][Part 3 of 3]
26 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a][Part 1 of 3]
29 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a][Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[a][Part 3 of 3]
27 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[Part 1 of 3]
28 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[Part 2 of 3]
28 Ko
Frankenstein (1987)(CRL Group)[Part 3 of 3]
26 Ko
Frankenstein 2000 (1985)(Icon Software)
20 Ko
Frankenstein Jnr (1990)(Codemasters)
23 Ko
Frankenstein Jnr (1990)(Codemasters)[a]
25 Ko
Frankie (1991)(Huckysoft)
14 Ko
Frankie Goes To Hollywood (1985)(Ocean Software)
31 Ko
Frankie Goes To Hollywood (1985)(Ocean Software)[a]
31 Ko
Fransk (19xx)(-)(Du)
4 Ko
Freaky Football (1990)(Psychedelic Hedgehog)
21 Ko
Fred (1984)(Quicksilva)
14 Ko
Fred (1984)(Quicksilva)[a]
14 Ko
Fred's Fan Factory (1984)(Software Projects)
11 Ko
Fred's Fan Factory (1984)(Software Projects)[a]
11 Ko
Freddy Hardest (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)[Part 1 of 2]
22 Ko
Freddy Hardest (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)[Part 2 of 2]
23 Ko
Freddy Hardest In South Manhattan (1987)(Dinamic)(Sp)
28 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[a][Part 1 of 3]
19 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[a][Part 2 of 3]
17 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[a][Part 3 of 3]
18 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[Part 1 of 3]
19 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[Part 2 of 3]
17 Ko
Free Climbing (1988)(Zafiro Software)[Part 3 of 3]
18 Ko
Free Copy (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Freedom Fighter (1988)(The Power House)
16 Ko
Freescape 3D Compiler (19xx)(Freescape)
16 Ko
Freex (1984)(Software Super Savers)
19 Ko
Freez Bees (1983)(Silversoft)
8 Ko
Freez Bees (1983)(Silversoft)[a]
8 Ko
Frekvencna Disribucija (1986)(Napisal Rolando Horvat)(Sp)
4 Ko
French Is Fun (1983)(CDS Microsystems)
18 Ko
French Mistress, The (1984)(Kosmos Software)
10 Ko
French Verbs (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
10 Ko
French Vocabulary - Common Words (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 5 of 6]
5 Ko
French Vocabulary - Homework Tester (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 4 of 6]
4 Ko
French Vocabulary - Irregular Words (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 6 of 6]
5 Ko
French Vocabulary - Topic Tester 1 (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 1 of 6]
6 Ko
French Vocabulary - Topic Tester 2 (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 2 of 6]
5 Ko
French Vocabulary - Topic Tester 3 (1983)(Rose Software)[Part 3 of 6]
5 Ko
Frenzy (1982)(Quicksilva)
5 Ko
Frenzy (1982)(Quicksilva)[a]
5 Ko
Frenzy (1983)(Spectrum Games)
4 Ko
Freq File (1984)(Rack)(UNK-LANG)
3 Ko
Frequenz Analyse (1984)(Oliver Wallner)(De)
2 Ko
Frere Gustav (1995)(Vaxalon)
1 Ko
Friday The 13th (1986)(Domark)
25 Ko
Friday The 13th (1986)(Domark)[a2]
13 Ko
Friday The 13th (1986)(Domark)[a]
13 Ko
Fridge Frenzy (1985)(Bug-Byte Software)
17 Ko
Fridge Frenzy (1985)(Bug-Byte Software)[a2]
17 Ko
Fridge Frenzy (1985)(Bug-Byte Software)[a]
16 Ko
Frightmare (1988)(Cascade Games)
27 Ko
Frodo (1994)(Spiridonenko MV)
11 Ko
Frog (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Frog 5 (1983)(Artic Computing)
4 Ko
Frog 5 (1983)(Artic Computing)[a]
4 Ko
Frog Adventure (1986)(Automata UK)
19 Ko
Frog Run (1983)(Anirog Software)
4 Ko
Frog Run (1984)(Anirog Software)
4 Ko
Frog Shooter (1984)(Kuma Computers)
7 Ko
Frogger (1983)(A & F Software)
7 Ko
Frogger (1983)(A & F Software)[a]
9 Ko
Frogger (19xx)(-)[Different 1]
4 Ko
Frogger (19xx)(-)[Different 2]
5 Ko
Frogger (19xx)(-)[Different 3]
4 Ko
Froggy (1983)(DJL Software)
6 Ko
From Out Of A Dark Night Sky (1988)(Zenobi Software)
27 Ko
From Out Of A Dark Night Sky (1988)(Zenobi Software)[a]
26 Ko
Frost Byte (1986)(Mikro-Gen)
18 Ko
Frost Byte (1986)(Mikro-Gen)[a]
19 Ko
Frozen Penguin (1984)(Silversoft)
8 Ko
Fruit (1997)(CSSCGC)
2 Ko
Fruit 2000 (19xx)(Rossware)
11 Ko
Fruit 2000 (19xx)(Rossware)[a]
11 Ko
Fruit 2010 (1986)(Rossware)
18 Ko
Fruit 2010 (1986)(Rossware)[a]
19 Ko
Fruit Machine (1982)(C-Tech)
5 Ko
Fruit Machine (1983)(DK'Tronics)
8 Ko
Fruit Machine (1983)(DK'Tronics)[a2]
8 Ko
Fruit Machine (1983)(DK'Tronics)[a]
8 Ko
Fruit Machine (1985)(Green Fish Enterprise)
7 Ko
Fruit Machine (19xx)(-)(Different)
5 Ko
Fruit Machine (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
3 Ko
Fruit Machine (19xx)(R. Hutchinson)
10 Ko
Fruit Machine (19xx)(R. Hutchinson)[a]
10 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash Bash (1987)(Codemasters)
22 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash Bash (1987)(Codemasters)[a]
22 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash n Grab (1989)(Zeppelin Games)
21 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash n Grab (1989)(Zeppelin Games)(128k)
22 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega Trek (1990)(Codemasters)
26 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega Trek (1990)(Codemasters)(128k)
29 Ko
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega Trek (1990)(Codemasters)[a]
26 Ko
Fruit Snapper (1984)(Scott Jones)[Speech]
14 Ko
Fruity (1984)(5D Software)
4 Ko
Fudbal Menadzer - Football Manager (1982)(Addictive Games)(Yu)
13 Ko
Fuddo & Slam (1988)(Zenobi Software)
26 Ko
Fuddo & Slam - Pictures (1988)(Zenobi Software)
27 Ko
Fuk Soft 1 (1987)(Sybilasoft)(Sl)
19 Ko
Full & Integer Compiler (19xx)(-)
1 Ko
Full Screen Copier (1985)(Speedy Print)
13 Ko
Full Throttle (1984)(Micromega)
14 Ko
Full Throttle (1984)(Micromega)[a]
14 Ko
Full Throttle II (1990)(Zeppelin Games)
18 Ko
Full Width Printer System (1983)(Hilderbay Ltd)
4 Ko
Fun Maths (19xx)(-)
5 Ko
Fun To Learn - Geography (19xx)(Psion)
5 Ko
Fun With English Literature (19xx)(Psion)
6 Ko
Fun With English Literature (19xx)(Psion)[a2]
6 Ko
Fun With English Literature (19xx)(Psion)[a]
6 Ko
Fun With Music (19xx)(-)
6 Ko
Funciones (19xx)(-)(Sp)
2 Ko
Funcoes (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
12 Ko
Function Key 1 (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Function Key 2 (19xx)(-)
1 Ko
Function Plotter (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
3 Ko
Funhouse (1984)(Pacific Software)
22 Ko
Funkcja Kwadratowa (1986)(Rabbit Software)
12 Ko
Funkcja Kwadratowa (1986)(Rabbit Software)[a]
12 Ko
Fury, The (1988)(Martech Games)(128k)
46 Ko
Fury, The (1988)(Martech Games)[a2]
25 Ko
Fury, The (1988)(Martech Games)[a]
25 Ko
Fussball Manager (1984)(H. Diefenbach)(De)
13 Ko
Futura (19xx)(-)(De)
2 Ko
Future Games (1986)(Mastertronic)[a][Part 1 of 2]
24 Ko
Future Games (1986)(Mastertronic)[a][Part 2 of 2]
26 Ko
Future Games (1986)(Mastertronic)[Part 1 of 2]
24 Ko
Future Games (1986)(Mastertronic)[Part 2 of 2]
23 Ko
Future Knight (1985)(Gremlin Graphics)
23 Ko
Future Knight (1985)(Gremlin Graphics)[a]
23 Ko