E-Motion (1990)(US Gold)
20 Ko
E-Motion (1990)(US Gold)(128k)
27 Ko
E.T. (1983)(Macronics Systems)(Sp)
8 Ko
E.T. - Instructions (1983)(Macronics Systems)(Sp)
4 Ko
Earth Defence (1984)(Artic Computing)
5 Ko
Earth Defence (1984)(Artic Computing)[a2]
5 Ko
Earth Defence (1984)(Artic Computing)[a]
5 Ko
Earth Shaker (1990)(Michael Batty)
22 Ko
Earth Shaker (1990)(Michael Batty)[a2]
22 Ko
Earth Shaker (1990)(Michael Batty)[a]
23 Ko
Earth Shock (1986)(8th Day Software)
29 Ko
Earth Shock (1986)(8th Day Software)[a]
29 Ko
Earthbound (1984)(Central Solutions)
20 Ko
Earthbound (1984)(Central Solutions)[a]
20 Ko
Earthlight (1988)(Nexus)
23 Ko
Earthlight (1988)(Nexus)(128k)
26 Ko
Earthlight (1988)(Nexus)[a2]
23 Ko
Earthlight (1988)(Nexus)[a]
23 Ko
Earthlight (1988)(Nexus)[a](128k)
26 Ko
East Enders (1987)(Macsen Software)
14 Ko
East Enders (1987)(Macsen Software)[a]
14 Ko
East Front - Tactical Warfare Russia 1941 - 1945 (1984)(CCS)
14 Ko
Easy Ledger (1984)(Gemini Marketing)
4 Ko
Echelon (1988)(US Gold)(128k)
61 Ko
Eclipse (1990)(Zenobi Software)
23 Ko
Ed On (1983)(C.C.I.)
4 Ko
Edd The Duck (1990)(Impulse Games)
17 Ko
Edd The Duck (1990)(Impulse Games)[a]
17 Ko
Edd The Duck (1990)(Impulse Games)[t]
19 Ko
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (1984)(Martech Games)
12 Ko
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (1984)(Martech Games)[a]
12 Ko
Edit Link (1992)(Andy Schraepel)
1 Ko
Edit M (1987)(Kapyrin M.W)(UNK-LANG)
8 Ko
Edit Sampler (1990)(Proxima Software)
7 Ko
Editas Assembler (1983)(Oxford Computer Publications)
6 Ko
Editas Assembler (1983)(Oxford Computer Publications)(16k)
6 Ko
Editas Assembler (1983)(Oxford Computer Publications)[a2]
6 Ko
Editas Assembler (1983)(Oxford Computer Publications)[a]
6 Ko
Editor & Microprint For Hisoft Pascal (1985)(Adamek)
21 Ko
Editor 48 (19xx)(-)
4 Ko
Editor 48 (19xx)(-)[a]
4 Ko
Editor Tekstu v0.1 (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
10 Ko
Egg Farm (1983)(Lasersound)
3 Ko
Egg Head (1989)(Jonathan Cauldwell)
12 Ko
Egg Head (1989)(Jonathan Cauldwell)[a]
12 Ko
Egg Head 2 - To The Rescue (1989)(Jonathan Cauldwell)
14 Ko
Egg, The (1985)(Automata UK)
14 Ko
Ego (19xx)(Stephen Smith)
926 o
Egyptian Pyramid (19xx)(-)(De)
6 Ko
Egyptian Pyramid (19xx)(-)(De)[a]
4 Ko
Eh Dollah (19xx)(-)
9 Ko
Eh Dollah (19xx)(-)[a]
9 Ko
Eidolon, The (1986)(Activision)(128k)
61 Ko
Eidolon, The (1986)(Activision)[Incomplete]
17 Ko
Eight Cards Patience (19xx)(-)
6 Ko
Eights (1985)(Atlantis Software)
12 Ko
Einstein (19xx)(-)
3 Ko
Ekezet (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
3 Ko
El Cid (1988)(Dinamic)(Sp)
17 Ko
El Cid (1988)(Dinamic)(Sp)[a]
18 Ko
El Corazon Del Angel (1990)(Year Zero Software)(Sp)
25 Ko
El Detective - The Detective (1983)(Ventamatic Software)(Sp)
11 Ko
El Dorado (1984)(Atlantis Software)
17 Ko
El Dorado (1984)(Atlantis Software)[a]
19 Ko
El Espacio Maligno I (1989)(Daniel Perez Espinosa)(Sp)
28 Ko
El Espacio Maligno II (1989)(Daniel Perez Espinosa)(Sp)
27 Ko
El Gato (1985)(Load 'n' Run)(Sp)
20 Ko
El Gato (1985)(Load 'n' Run)(Sp)[a]
20 Ko
El Gato Con Botas (19xx)(Nancho Gonzalez Cutre)(Sp)(128k)
54 Ko
El Gerente (1984)(Dimension NEW)
13 Ko
El Juego De La Oca (1989)(Zafiro)(Sp)
10 Ko
El Jugador De Ajedrez (1983)(Quicksilva)(Sp)
19 Ko
El Mago (19xx)(-)(Sp)
3 Ko
El Misterio Del Nilo (19xx)(Zigurat)(Sp)
31 Ko
El Mundo Perdido (1988)(Topo Soft)(Sp)
31 Ko
El Poder Oscuro (1988)(Zigurat Software)(Sp)
22 Ko
El Premio (1984)(Arcade Software)(Sp)
15 Ko
El Premio (1984)(Arcade Software)(Sp)[a]
15 Ko
El Topo (1989)(-)(Sp)
6 Ko
El Topo (1989)(-)(Sp)[a]
6 Ko
El Viejo Archivero (1988)(Aventuras)(Sp)
21 Ko
Elecciones Generales (1986)(Hobbypress)(Sp)[a][Part 1 of 2]
21 Ko
Elecciones Generales (1986)(Hobbypress)(Sp)[a][Part 2 of 2]
20 Ko
Elecciones Generales (1986)(Hobbypress)(Sp)[Part 1 of 2]
21 Ko
Elecciones Generales (1986)(Hobbypress)(Sp)[Part 2 of 2]
20 Ko
Election (1984)(Mastertronic)
13 Ko
Election (1987)(Virgin Games)
24 Ko
Electro Bingo (1989)(Sinclair User)
9 Ko
Electro Bingo II (1989)(Sinclair User)
10 Ko
Electro Bingo III (1989)(Sinclair User)
10 Ko
Electro Bingo III (1989)(Sinclair User)[a2]
10 Ko
Electro Bingo III (1989)(Sinclair User)[a]
10 Ko
Electronic Music Machine (19xx)(-)(UNK-LANG)
2 Ko
Electronics (1982)(FV)
9 Ko
Electronics (1982)(FV)[a]
9 Ko
Elektro Storm (1983)(PSS)
9 Ko
Elektro Storm (1983)(PSS)[a2]
9 Ko
Elektro Storm (1983)(PSS)[a]
10 Ko
Elevator Action (1987)(Quicksilva)
14 Ko
Elevator Action (1987)(Quicksilva)(128k)
35 Ko
Elevator Action (1987)(Quicksilva)[a](128k)
17 Ko
Elevator Boy (1988)(MMG)
20 Ko
Elfin Wars, The (19xx)(Zenobi Software)
10 Ko
Eliminator (1988)(Alternative Software)
9 Ko
Eliminator (1988)(Hewson Consultants)
26 Ko
Eliminator (1988)(Hewson Consultants)(128k)
25 Ko
Eliminator (1988)(Hewson Consultants)[a2]
25 Ko
Eliminator (1988)(Hewson Consultants)[a]
26 Ko
Elite (1986)(Firebird)
28 Ko
Elite (1986)(Firebird)(Ru)
28 Ko
Elite (1986)(Firebird)[a2]
28 Ko
Elite (1986)(Firebird)[a3]
29 Ko
Elite (1986)(Firebird)[a]
28 Ko
Elite - Character Designer (1987)(Igg)
6 Ko
Elite - Character Designer (1987)(Igg)[a2]
6 Ko
Elite - Character Designer (1987)(Igg)[a]
6 Ko
Elite - Deadly Save (1985)(Firebird)
29 Ko
Eliza The Therapist (19xx)(-)
5 Ko
Eliza The Therapist (19xx)(-)[a]
5 Ko
Ellisnore Diamond, The (1992)(Zenobi Software)
26 Ko
Ellisnore Diamond, The (1992)(Zenobi Software)[a]
26 Ko
Elopement (1997)(Omega Hackers Group)
45 Ko
Elven Warrior (1989)(Players Premier)
21 Ko
Embassy Assault (1982)(Psion)
6 Ko
Embassy Assault (1982)(Psion)[a2]
6 Ko
Embassy Assault (1982)(Psion)[a3]
6 Ko
Embassy Assault (1982)(Psion)[a]
6 Ko
Emerald Elf, The (1995)(Zenobi Software)
25 Ko
Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9 Computing)
35 Ko
Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9 Computing)[a2]
35 Ko
Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9 Computing)[a]
35 Ko
Emilio Butraguemo (1988)(Ocean Software)(Sp)
20 Ko
Emilio Butraguemo (1988)(Ocean Software)(Sp)[a]
21 Ko
Emilio Butraguemo II - Campeonato (1989)(Ocean Software)(Sp)
24 Ko
Emilio Butraguemo II - Campeonato (1989)(Ocean Software)(Sp)[a]
24 Ko
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (1990)(Zigurat Software)(Sp)
23 Ko
Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz (1990)(Audiogenic Software)
27 Ko
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1989)(Audiogenic Software)
29 Ko
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1989)(Audiogenic Software)[a2]
29 Ko
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1989)(Audiogenic Software)[a]
31 Ko
Empire (1986)(Firebird)
27 Ko
Empire (1986)(Firebird)[a]
28 Ko
Empire Fights Back, The (1985)(Mastertronic)
15 Ko
Empire Fights Back, The (1985)(Mastertronic)[a2]
14 Ko
Empire Fights Back, The (1985)(Mastertronic)[a3]
15 Ko
Empire Fights Back, The (1985)(Mastertronic)[a]
18 Ko
Emulator Speed Test (19xx)(-)
2 Ko
Enchanted (1989)(KFR Soft)(Sp)
26 Ko
Enchanted Cottage, The (1992)(Zenobi Software)
27 Ko
Encounter (1983)(Severn Software)
14 Ko
Encounter (1983)(Severn Software)[a]
14 Ko
Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles - Designer (1988)(CCS)
17 Ko
Encyclopedia Of War - Ancient Battles - Game (1988)(CCS)
20 Ko
End Is Nigh, The - Interstellar Zone (1994)(Zenobi Software)[Part 2 of 3]
29 Ko
End Is Nigh, The - Subterranean Zone (1994)(Zenobi Software)[Part 3 of 3]
29 Ko
End Is Nigh, The - The Victorian Zone (1994)(Zenobi Software)[Part 1 of 3]
29 Ko
End Of The World Simulator (1999)(Andy Kavanagh)
1 Ko
End Zone (1989)(Alternative Software)
19 Ko
End Zone (1989)(Alternative Software)[a]
18 Ko
Enduro (1984)(Activision)
6 Ko
Enduro (1984)(Activision)[a]
7 Ko
Enduro Racer (1987)(Activision)(128k)
52 Ko
Enduro Racer (1987)(Activision)[a](128k)
31 Ko
Energy (1987)(Mastertronic)
17 Ko
Energy Fields (19xx)(-)
3 Ko
Enforcer 1 (19xx)(Brown Software)
10 Ko
Enforcer 1 (19xx)(Brown Software)[a]
10 Ko
Enforcer 2 (1988)(Brown Software)
12 Ko
Engendro (19xx)(-)(Sp)
26 Ko
Engineer Humpty (1984)(Artic Computing)
12 Ko
Engineer Humpty (1984)(Artic Computing)[a2]
12 Ko
Engineer Humpty (1984)(Artic Computing)[a]
12 Ko
England Adventure (1984)(Jujstronic)(De)
6 Ko
England Adventure (1984)(Jujstronic)(De)[a]
7 Ko
Enigma Force (1985)(Beyond)
29 Ko
Enigma Force (1985)(Beyond)[a]
29 Ko
Enjoy With PC-System (1989)(Br0mba)
16 Ko
Enterprise (19xx)(-)(De)
8 Ko
Envelope, The (1984)(Yodasoft)
8 Ko
Eprom Operation System v1.0 (19xx)(-)
6 Ko
Eprom Operation System v1.0 (19xx)(-)[a]
6 Ko
Eprom Programmer (1988)(G. Windt)(De)
6 Ko
Epson IIs (1997)(Miodray Stanocevic)(UNK-LANG)
18 Ko
Equinox (1986)(Mikro-Gen)
29 Ko
Eric And The Floaters (1983)(Hudson Soft)
8 Ko
Eric Bristow's Pro Darts (1984)(Quicksilva)
14 Ko
Eric Bristow's Pro Darts (1984)(Quicksilva)[a]
14 Ko
Erik - The Phantom Of The Opera (1987)(Crysys)
17 Ko
Erik The Viking (1985)(Level 9 Computing)
33 Ko
Erik The Viking (1985)(Level 9 Computing)[a2]
33 Ko
Erik The Viking (1985)(Level 9 Computing)[a]
33 Ko
Escalador Loco (1983)(Ventamatic Software)(Sp)
4 Ko
Escape (19xx)(-)
13 Ko
Escape (19xx)(A. Biglin)
4 Ko
Escape (19xx)(R.G.Hallas)
6 Ko
Escape (19xx)(Tartan Software)
13 Ko
Escape From Castle (1988)(Jioi Chabek)(Cz)
14 Ko
Escape From Colditz (1982)(Martin Malley)
7 Ko
Escape From Devil's Island (19xx)(-)
11 Ko
Escape From Hodgkin's Manor (19xx)(Zenobi Software)
22 Ko
Escape From Khoshima (1988)(Atlantis Software)
22 Ko
Escape From Khoshima (1988)(Atlantis Software)[a]
22 Ko
Escape From Krakatoa (1983)(Abbex Electronics)
10 Ko
Escape From Krakatoa (1984)(Abbex Electronics)
10 Ko
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)
23 Ko
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)(128k)
44 Ko
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)[a]
23 Ko
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)[a](128k)
47 Ko
Escape, The (19xx)(Stefan Anderson)
11 Ko
Escaping Habit, The (19xx)(Zenobi Software)
27 Ko
Escoba, La (1985)(Microhobby)(Sp)
11 Ko
Eskimo Eddie (1984)(Ocean Software)
12 Ko
Eskimo Eddie (1984)(Ocean Software)[a]
12 Ko
Espia (19xx)(-)(Sp)
19 Ko
Estacion Acuario (1992)(Luis Sanchez Palacios)(Sp)
30 Ko
ETa (1982)(Automata UK)
4 Ko
Etch A Sketch (19xx)(-)
4 Ko
Ethnipod (1991)(Your Sinclair)
22 Ko
Ethnipod (1991)(Your Sinclair)(128k)
22 Ko
Ethnipod (1991)(Your Sinclair)[a]
22 Ko
Etiuda (1986)(Krakow)(UNK-LANG)
12 Ko
ETX - The Extra Terrestrial Xargon (1983)(Abbex Electronics)
21 Ko
ETX - The Extra Terrestrial Xargon (1983)(Abbex Electronics)[a]
21 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[a][Part 1 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[a][Part 3 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[a][Part 5 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 1 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 10 of 10]
26 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 2 of 10]
25 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 3 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 4 of 10]
27 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 5 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 6 of 10]
27 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 7 of 10]
23 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 8 of 10]
26 Ko
Eureka (1984)(Domark)[Part 9 of 10]
24 Ko
Euro Boss (1991)(Challenge Software)
16 Ko
Euro Soccer (19xx)(-)(128k)
37 Ko
European 2 (19xx)(A.J.Clayton)
13 Ko
European Champions (1990)(Challenge Software)
14 Ko
European Champions (1990)(Challenge Software)[a]
14 Ko
European Five A Side Footy (19xx)(Timothy Cross)
20 Ko
European II (1986)(E&J Software)
13 Ko
European II (1986)(E&J Software)[a]
13 Ko
European Soccer Challenge (19xx)(Players Premier)
19 Ko
European Trophy (1985)(E&J Software)
12 Ko
Evaristo El Punky (1988)(System 4)
22 Ko
Eve (1986)(-)
12 Ko
Evening Star (1987)(Hewson Consultants)
18 Ko
Evening Star (1987)(Hewson Consultants)[a]
18 Ko
Everest Ascent (1983)(Richard Shepherd Software)
13 Ko
Everest Ascent (1983)(Richard Shepherd Software)[a]
13 Ko
Every Second Counts (1988)(Domark)
26 Ko
Every Second Counts (1988)(Domark)[a]
26 Ko
Everyone's A Wally (1985)(Mikro-Gen)
22 Ko
Everyone's A Wally (1985)(Mikro-Gen)[a]
22 Ko
Evil Crown (1985)(Argus Press Software)
20 Ko
Evil Crown (1985)(Argus Press Software)[a]
23 Ko
Evil Dead, The (1984)(Palace)[a][Speech]
17 Ko
Evil Dead, The (1984)(Palace)[Speech]
17 Ko
Evolution (1983)(Microsphere)
18 Ko
Excalibur - Sword Of Kings (1987)(Alternative Software)
23 Ko
Excalibur - Sword Of Kings (1987)(Alternative Software)[a2]
22 Ko
Excalibur - Sword Of Kings (1987)(Alternative Software)[a]
23 Ko
Excessus (1990)(Wazertown Works)(Sp)
23 Ko
Excessus (1990)(Wazertown Works)(Sp)[a]
23 Ko
Exiled (1992)(Your Sinclair)
24 Ko
Exiled (1992)(Your Sinclair)[a]
24 Ko
Exodus (1984)(Firebird)
17 Ko
Exofox (1990)(Robert Glavas)
16 Ko
Exolon (1987)(Hewson Consultants)
24 Ko
Exolon (1987)(Hewson Consultants)(128k)
24 Ko
Exolon (1987)(Hewson Consultants)[a]
24 Ko
Exolon (1987)(Hewson Consultants)[a](128k)
25 Ko
Exoter (1987)(Cybexlab Software)(Cz)(128k)
17 Ko
Exotron (1985)(Carrium Software)
11 Ko
Expert (1988)(OKF)
15 Ko
Explode v3.1 (1989)(Homesoft)(Sp)
16 Ko
Exploding Atoms (1991)(Proxima Software)(Cz)
11 Ko
Explorer (1986)(Electric Dreams Software)
24 Ko
Explorer (1986)(Electric Dreams Software)[a]
24 Ko
Express Raider (1987)(US Gold)
24 Ko
Express Raider (1987)(US Gold)[a2]
24 Ko
Express Raider (1987)(US Gold)[a]
25 Ko
Exterminator (1983)(Silversoft)
6 Ko
Exterminator (1991)(Audiogenic Software)(128k)
78 Ko
Extreme (1991)(Digital Integration)
25 Ko
Extreme (1991)(Digital Integration)[a]
25 Ko
Extricator 2, The - The Energem Enigma (1986)(Precision Games)
28 Ko
Extricator, The (1986)(Precision Games)
23 Ko
Eye (1987)(Endurance Games)
17 Ko
Eye Of The Star Warrior, The (1983)(Carnell Software)
13 Ko
Eye Of Varian (1985)(Central Solutions)
17 Ko
Eye Of Varian (1985)(Central Solutions)[a]
17 Ko