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Monster World IV (J) [T+Eng1.02_DeJap+Demiforce]
Monster World IV (J) [T+Fre]
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Fre]
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Por_Charnego]
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Rus]
Mortal Kombat II (W) [f1][T+Fre099_arkames]
Mortal Kombat II (W) [T+Fre099_arkames]
Nobunaga no Yabou Haouden - Lord of Darkness (J) [T+Chi]
Pac-Mania (U) [T+Por_=EEP=]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi1.1]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1][T+Por]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+PorRev5_Hyllian e grande elenco]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Por]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Eng100_Naflign]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Ger100_T.K.]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Spa]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV02) [T+Ger100_T.K.]
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Fre2]
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Rus070]
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Spa100%_Pablito]
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Spa100_sayans]
Pirates of Dark Water, The (U) [T+Rus_grand]
Pirates of Dark Water, The (U) [T+Rus_refrresh]
Pit Fighter (UE) (Jun 1991) [T+Por_Felipe-17]
Pocahontas (U) [T+Rus]
Prince of Persia (Beta 2) [f1][T+Rus]
Prince of Persia (Beta 2) [T+Rus]
Prince of Persia (U) [T+Rus]
Rent A Hero (J) [T+Eng]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV03) [T+Fre]
Robocop Versus The Terminator (U) [T+Por100%_LordRipper]
Robocop Versus The Terminator (U) [T+Rus]
Rock n' Roll Racing (U) [T+Rus]
Rocket Knight Adventures (E) [T+FreRC1_Terminus]
Sangokushi II (J) [T+Chi]
Sangokushi III (J) [T+Chi]
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [T+Por]
Shining Force (Beta) [T+Chi]
Shining Force (U) [T+Chi0.9]
Shining Force II (U) [T+Rus]
Shining Force II - Inishie no Fuuin (J) [T+Chi1.3_Ken]
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [T+Fre]