Advanced Daisenryaku (J) (REV01) [T+Chi]
737 Ko
Advanced Daisenryaku (J) (REV01) [T+Eng65%_NebelwurferHQ]
733 Ko
After Burner II (UE) [T+Por]
239 Ko
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (U) [T+Fre]
151 Ko
Alien Soldier (E) [T+Ita]
1.06 Mo
Alien Soldier (J) [T+Ita]
1.06 Mo
Altered Beast (UE) (REV02) [T+Por_Son_Car]
319 Ko
Another World (E) [T+Rus]
517 Ko
Ariel - The Little Mermaid (UE) [T+Rus]
311 Ko
Asterix and the Great Rescue (U) [T+Rus]
965 Ko
Atomic Runner (E) [T+Fre]
515 Ko
Back to the Future Part III (U) [T+Rus]
196 Ko
Batman Returns (W) [T+Rus]
636 Ko
Battletech (U) [T+Rus100]
804 Ko
Beyond Oasis (U) [f1][T+Por1.0_TRAP]
1.72 Mo
Beyond Oasis (U) [f1][T+Por100]
1.72 Mo
Beyond Oasis (U) [f1][T+Rus]
1.73 Mo
Beyond Oasis (U) [T+Por100]
1.72 Mo
Beyond Oasis (U) [T+Rus]
1.73 Mo
Caesar no Yabo (J) [T+Chi]
348 Ko
California Games (UE) [p1][T+Por100]
328 Ko
Chakan - The Forever Man (UE) [T+Fre]
659 Ko
Chakan - The Forever Man (UE) [T+Por]
660 Ko
Comix Zone (U) [f2][T+Spa090_kale]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [p1][T+Ita]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [p1][T+Spa090_kale]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [T+Ger]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [T+Ita]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [T+Rus]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [T+Spa090_kale]
1.55 Mo
Comix Zone (U) [T+Spa]
1.55 Mo
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [T+Fre]
1.3 Mo
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [T+Por_BRGames]
1.3 Mo
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [T+Rus]
1.3 Mo
Contra - The Hard Corps (J) [T+Chi_Phanteam]
1.31 Mo
Crusader of Centy (U) [T+Por]
1.26 Mo
Crusader of Centy (U) [T+Rus]
1.26 Mo
Cyber-Cop (U) [T+Rus]
283 Ko
Daikoukai Jidai II (J) [T+Chi]
1.04 Mo
Daikoukai Jidai II (J) [T+Chi_Simple]
1.03 Mo
Dial Q o Mawase! (Unl) [T+Chi]
254 Ko
Disney's Aladdin (U) [T+Fre]
1.13 Mo
Disney's Aladdin (U) [T+Ger98.5%]
1.13 Mo
Disney's Aladdin (U) [T+Rus]
1.13 Mo
Donald in Maui Mallard (E) [T+Rus]
1.45 Mo
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (U) [T+Rus]
1.38 Mo
Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin (F) [T+Eng95%_DBZGameTran]
1.41 Mo
Duke Nukem 3D (B) [T+Rus]
903 Ko
Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (E) [f1][T+Rus]
631 Ko
Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (E) [f2][T+Rus]
631 Ko
Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (E) [T+Rus]
631 Ko
ECCO - The Tides of Time (U) [T+Ser1.0_Mad Fox]
1.18 Mo
ECCO The Dolphin (UE) [T+Fre]
503 Ko
ECCO The Dolphin (UE) [T+Por1.3_FServ]
504 Ko
ECCO The Dolphin (UE) [T+Ser1.0_Mad Fox]
504 Ko
Europa Sensen (J) [T+Chi]
621 Ko
Fatal Labyrinth (JU) [T+Rus]
102 Ko
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [a1][T+Por]
961 Ko
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [T+Por]
961 Ko
Flintstones, The (U) [T+Por_BR-Trans]
321 Ko
Flintstones, The (U) [T+Por_EmuROMS]
320 Ko
Flintstones, The (U) [T+Rus]
321 Ko
Gaiares (JU) [T+Fre100%_Terminus]
593 Ko
Golden Axe (W) (REV00) [p1][T+Por_Son_Car]
341 Ko
Golden Axe (W) (REV00) [T+Por_Son_Car]
341 Ko
Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude (UE) [T+Por_Lithium]
387 Ko
Judge Dredd - The Movie (W) [T+Rus]
1.05 Mo
JuJu Densetsu (J) [T+Por_FjM]
273 Ko
Jungle Book, The (U) [p1][T+Rus]
1.3 Mo
Jungle Book, The (U) [T+Rus]
1.3 Mo
Jurassic Park (U) [T+Ger]
1.1 Mo
Justice League Task Force (W) [f1][T+Spa095_kale]
1.49 Mo
Justice League Task Force (W) [T+Spa095_kale]
1.49 Mo
Kishi Densetsu (J) [T+Eng20%_Gaijin_Productions]
460 Ko
Langrisser II (J) (REV00) [T+Chi]
982 Ko
Langrisser II (J) (REV01) [T+ChiV06]
990 Ko
Langrisser II (J) (REV01) [T+ChiV06][a1]
991 Ko
Langrisser II (J) (REV01) [T+Eng100%_HiryuuHonyaku&NoPrgress]
1.01 Mo
Lost Vikings, The (Beta) [T+Ser_Mad Fox]
664 Ko
Lost Vikings, The (E) [T+Ser_Mad Fox]
664 Ko
Lost Vikings, The (U) [T+Rus]
691 Ko
Lost Vikings, The (U) [T+Ser_Mad Fox]
690 Ko
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (W) (REV00) [p1][T+Por_Son_Car]
330 Ko
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (W) (REV00) [T+Por_Son_Car]
331 Ko
Monster World IV (J) [T+Eng1.02_DeJap+Demiforce]
981 Ko
Monster World IV (J) [T+Fre]
983 Ko
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Fre]
997 Ko
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Por_Charnego]
998 Ko
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [T+Rus]
997 Ko
Mortal Kombat II (W) [f1][T+Fre099_arkames]
2.25 Mo
Mortal Kombat II (W) [T+Fre099_arkames]
2.25 Mo
Nobunaga no Yabou Haouden - Lord of Darkness (J) [T+Chi]
971 Ko
Pac-Mania (U) [T+Por_=EEP=]
73 Ko
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [T+Chi1.1]
2.73 Mo
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [f1][T+Por]
2.3 Mo
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+PorRev5_Hyllian e grande elenco]
2.3 Mo
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (U) [T+Por]
2.3 Mo
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Eng100_Naflign]
466 Ko
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Ger100_T.K.]
466 Ko
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV01) [T+Spa]
466 Ko
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV02) [T+Ger100_T.K.]
466 Ko
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Fre2]
441 Ko
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Rus070]
444 Ko
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Spa100%_Pablito]
440 Ko
Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (UE) [T+Spa100_sayans]
441 Ko
Pirates of Dark Water, The (U) [T+Rus_grand]
1.14 Mo
Pirates of Dark Water, The (U) [T+Rus_refrresh]
1.14 Mo
Pit Fighter (UE) (Jun 1991) [T+Por_Felipe-17]
631 Ko
Pocahontas (U) [T+Rus]
1.62 Mo
Prince of Persia (Beta 2) [f1][T+Rus]
387 Ko
Prince of Persia (Beta 2) [T+Rus]
387 Ko
Prince of Persia (U) [T+Rus]
399 Ko
Rent A Hero (J) [T+Eng]
728 Ko
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV03) [T+Fre]
358 Ko
Robocop Versus The Terminator (U) [T+Por100%_LordRipper]
1.03 Mo
Robocop Versus The Terminator (U) [T+Rus]
1.03 Mo
Rock n' Roll Racing (U) [T+Rus]
655 Ko
Rocket Knight Adventures (E) [T+FreRC1_Terminus]
661 Ko
Sangokushi II (J) [T+Chi]
447 Ko
Sangokushi III (J) [T+Chi]
746 Ko
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [T+Por]
342 Ko
Shining Force (Beta) [T+Chi]
1.48 Mo
Shining Force (U) [T+Chi0.9]
1.47 Mo
Shining Force II (U) [T+Rus]
1.56 Mo
Shining Force II - Inishie no Fuuin (J) [T+Chi1.3_Ken]
1.85 Mo
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [T+Fre]
625 Ko
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [T+Ger]
625 Ko
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [T+Por1.0v_Felipe-17]
625 Ko
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [T+Por_Rigues]
625 Ko
Shove It! - The Warehouse Game (U) [T+Por]
47 Ko
Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants (UE) (REV00) [T+Por_Venon_Total]
198 Ko
Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants (UE) (REV01) [T+Rus]
190 Ko
Skitchin' (UE) [f1][T+Spa090_kale]
990 Ko
Slam Dunk - Shikyou Gekitotsu! (J) [T+Chi1.0_Bearteam]
933 Ko
Soleil (E) [f1][T+Ita0.5_TRAP]
1.1 Mo
Soleil (E) [T+Ita0.5_TRAP]
1.1 Mo
Soleil (S) [T+Fre]
1.1 Mo
Sonic 3D Blast (UE) [T+Por_Dark_Ryder]
2.5 Mo
Sonic 3D Blast (UE) [T+Rus]
2.49 Mo
Sonic Eraser (SN) (J) [T+Eng_Derrick Sobodash]
109 Ko
Sorcerian (J) [T+Eng10%_NaflignsEgo]
419 Ko
Spider-Man and Venom - Maximum Carnage (W) [T+Spa95_sayans]
942 Ko
Spider-Man and Venom - Maximum Carnage (W) [T+Spa]
942 Ko
Splatterhouse 3 (U) [T+Ita]
1.04 Mo
Splatterhouse Part 3 (J) [T+Spa099_bokudono]
1.04 Mo
Stargate (UE) [T+Rus]
1.09 Mo
Steel Empire, The (UE) [T+Fre]
463 Ko
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (E) [T+Rus]
1.73 Mo
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (J) [T+Chi_1.00_Madcell]
1.77 Mo
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (J) [T+Chi_Simple]
1.72 Mo
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (S) [T+Por_Raptor_Z]
1.72 Mo
Streets of Rage (W) (REV00) [p1][T+Spa090_pkt]
365 Ko
Streets of Rage (W) (REV00) [p2][T+Spa090_pkt]
365 Ko
Streets of Rage (W) (REV00) [T+Fre]
365 Ko
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [f1][T+Ita1.0]
1010 Ko
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [f1][T+Rus]
1010 Ko
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [T+Ita]
1010 Ko
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [T+Por_XMib]
1010 Ko
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [T+Rus]
1010 Ko
Streets of Rage 3 (E) (Apr 1994) [T+Fre]
1.61 Mo
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [T+Por_SpkLeader]
1.61 Mo
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [T+Por_XMib]
1.61 Mo
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [T+Spa]
1.61 Mo
Streets of Rage 3 - Special Edition (Hack) [T+Por100%_SpkLeader]
1.61 Mo
Super Monaco Grand Prix (W) (M2) (REV01) [T+Por_Leo_Luz]
385 Ko
Super Monaco Grand Prix (W) (M2) (REV02) [T+Por_Leo_Luz]
385 Ko
Syd of Valis (U) [T+Fre]
283 Ko
Taz-Mania (W) [T+Fre1.00_Terminus]
333 Ko
Taz-Mania (W) [T+Por]
334 Ko
Taz-Mania (W) [T+Por_Kobe]
333 Ko
Tecmo Cup (J) [T+Spa]
335 Ko
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (U) [f1][T+Ger99]
654 Ko
Theme Park (UE) [f1][T+Rus]
728 Ko
Toejam & Earl (U) (REV00) [T+Por_FjM]
602 Ko
Valis (U) [T+Por]
738 Ko
Valis (U) [T+Rus1.01]
738 Ko
Valis III (U) [T+Fre]
764 Ko
Valis III (U) [T+Por_Desconhecido]
764 Ko
Valis III (U) [T+Rus]
765 Ko
Warsong (U) [T+Rus]
285 Ko
Wonder Boy in Monster World (UE) [T+Fre]
516 Ko
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (E) [T+Spa]
757 Ko
Worms (E) [T+Rus]
825 Ko
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (J) [T+Chi]
1.15 Mo
Zero Wing (E) [T+Pol]
356 Ko
Zero Wing (J) [T+Chi1.0_Bearteam]
358 Ko