Abenteurer - Die Weltraum Odyssee (1989)(ASE)(De)(PD)
209 Ko
Adventure of a Crazed Hermit, The (19xx)(-)(PD)
106 Ko
Agi Quest I - The Computer Game (2003)(Juha Terho)(PD)
91 Ko
Airline Manager v1.03 (1989-11-18)(ATC Soft)(PD)
92 Ko
Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
177 Ko
Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
183 Ko
Airline ST v2.0 (1992)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
198 Ko
Alfred's Kistenlager Schiebereinen (1990)(Stefan Berlitz)(De)(PD)
342 Ko
Aliens (1992-12-14)(PD Pool)(PD)
331 Ko
Allein in Eritra (1990)(-)(De)(PD)
80 Ko
Arcan (1993)(Softwave Games)(De)(PD)
432 Ko
Arcan (1993)(Softwave Games)(De)(PD)[a]
493 Ko
Arena Earth (1990)(Sys Tim)(SW)[One Disk]
335 Ko
Arena Earth (1990)(sysTim)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
335 Ko
Asteroidia (1995)(Munsie)(SW)
501 Ko
Ballerburg (1987)(Eckhard Kruse)(PD)
33 Ko
Balls (19xx)(Poon Software)(PD)
104 Ko
Battlezone (19xx)(Cunning and Devious Games)(PD)
432 Ko
Battlezone (19xx)(Cunning and Devious Games)(PD)[a]
290 Ko
Bauernkampf (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
50 Ko
Bauernkampf (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
50 Ko
Billy Boy (1997)(Stosser)(SW)
509 Ko
Bio Hazzard v1.1 (1993)(L.J. Greenhalgh)(LW)[b][Registered]
304 Ko
Blitz (19xx)(Gallaz Software)(Fr)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
166 Ko
Blitz (19xx)(Gallaz Software)(Fr)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
397 Ko
Blob Race (1994)(Chaos)(SW)[Power Disk Magazine version]
109 Ko
Bold v1.0b (2004)(Laurent Kermel)(PD)
338 Ko
Bolo - Public Domain Version (1987)(Application Systems)(PD)
86 Ko
Bomb Disposal (19xx)(Ozsoft)(PD)
224 Ko
Bombs Away (1995)(Ninth Wave)(PD)
40 Ko
Bombs Away (1995)(Ninth Wave)(PD)[a]
40 Ko
BrainGame ST, The (1988-04-05)(Digital Graphics)(De)(PD)[monochrom]
115 Ko
Breakout (1992)(Mike Fulton)(PD)
118 Ko
Brekanoid v1.0 (19xx)(Ken Newman)(PD)
283 Ko
Brixit - PD-Version (19xx)(Oliver Blohm)(De)(PD)
52 Ko
Bubbles v1.4 (1998)(Uli Gruszka)(De)(FW)
192 Ko
Candyman (1996)(Xtream)(PD)
261 Ko
Centipede (1992)(Sinister Developments)(SW)
91 Ko
Centipede (1992)(Sinister Developments)(SW)[a]
92 Ko
Chain Reaction (1991)(Stephen Taylor - Colin Whitehead)(SW)
84 Ko
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Martin Brownlow)(PD)
667 Ko
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Martin Brownlow)(PD)[a2]
671 Ko
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Martin Brownlow)(PD)[a3]
667 Ko
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Martin Brownlow)(PD)[a4]
667 Ko
Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Martin Brownlow)(PD)[a]
667 Ko
Chronos v1.54 (1994)(Daniel Roth)(De)(SW)
205 Ko
Chu Chu Rocket (2001)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)
757 Ko
Cops and Robbers Chess (2005)(Outland Quest)(FW)
243 Ko
Cromo (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
50 Ko
Cyber Snake (1992)(Bombout Brothers)(SW)
72 Ko
Cyber Snake (19xx)(Bombout Brothers)(SW)
72 Ko
Deadland (1996-01-06)(Loftsoft)(SW)
171 Ko
Destruction Imminent (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)(SW)
659 Ko
Destruction Imminent (demo-playable) (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)[a]
424 Ko
Diamond Ice (1996)(Stosser)(PD)
597 Ko
Diamond Mine v1.91 (19xx)(Jurgen Hollfelder)(PD)[mono]
330 Ko
Dizzy's Fun Time Disk 2 (1991)(Pollysoft)(SW)
153 Ko
Dopewars V2 Beta (2000)(Divine Inspiration)(PD)
95 Ko
Double Juggle Vegatabobble (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)
118 Ko
Droid 2 (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
95 Ko
Droid 2 (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
100 Ko
Droid 3 (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
118 Ko
Droid 3 (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
110 Ko
Dungeon Lord (1992)(Patrick Maidorn)(SW)
221 Ko
Egerie, L' (1993)(Francois Coulon)(Fr)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
572 Ko
Egerie, L' (1993)(Francois Coulon)(Fr)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
601 Ko
Emperor (1992)(Christoph Ashwanden)(De)(PD)
145 Ko
Errettung von Mandria (19xx)(Harald Schlindwein)(De)(SW)
46 Ko
Escape (1992)(Fire-Soft)(SW)
467 Ko
Escape (1992)(Firesoft)(SW)[a2]
466 Ko
Escape (1992)(Firesoft)(SW)[a]
467 Ko
Fang die Ratte (19xx)(Bobby Kirchhoff)(De)(PD)
125 Ko
Fang die Ratte (19xx)(Bobby Kirchhoff)(De)(PD)[a]
122 Ko
Four-F (2005)(Fruitware)(FW)
100 Ko
Four-F (2005)(Fruitware)(FW)[a]
100 Ko
Fred the Frisky Fler (1989)(Fredrik Bjork)(PD)
68 Ko
Fuck Quest (1998)(Richard Eter)(PD)
78 Ko
Fussball-ST plus v1.8 (19xx)(Rainer Duda)(PD)
127 Ko
Fussball-ST plus v1.9 (19xx)(Rainer Duda)(PD)
315 Ko
Galaxian (1993)(Sinister Developments)(M5)(SW)
157 Ko
Geo_Monde v1.41 (1993-12)(Pascal Broder)(Fr)(SW)
455 Ko
Glaeserne Schwert, Das (19xx)(Stefan Schnarr)(De)(PD)
265 Ko
Goin' Down with the Captain (1995)(T.A. King)(FW)
115 Ko
Gorf's Laby (1988)(Motelsoft)(FW)
179 Ko
Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest (1992)(Ian Scott)(SW)
422 Ko
Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel 2, Das (19xx)(Michael Rieck und Thomas Ehlers)(PD)
78 Ko
Hank's Quest - Victim Of Society (2001)(Femo Duo Entertainment)(PD)
214 Ko
HASCS II v2.04 (1987)(Alexander Kirchner)(De)(PD)
431 Ko
Headlong (1992)(Gary Wheaton)(SW)
134 Ko
Horror Schloss (1988)(Michael Heyduk)(De)(PD)
24 Ko
Hot-Dog (19xx)(-)(PD)[b]
107 Ko
Hysula (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)
83 Ko
IBS Pegasus (19xx)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
150 Ko
IBS Pegasus (19xx)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)
53 Ko
Impulse (1989)(Ian Grainger)(PD)
176 Ko
International Cricket (19xx)(-)(SW)[STOS]
215 Ko
Island Strike - The ultimate Conflict (1996-05)(Stosser)(PD)
206 Ko
It's a Mug's Game (1993-08)(Channel X)(SW)
241 Ko
Kick Off 2 - Player Editor v4.19p (1991)(Giles Douglas)(SW)
81 Ko
Kicker v1.82 (1990)(PolarSoftware)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
176 Ko
Kicker v1.82 (1990)(PolarSoftware)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
255 Ko
Kiktris 2D & 3D (1994)(Philippe Reverdy)(Fr)(PD)
251 Ko
Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
342 Ko
Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
322 Ko
Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
183 Ko
Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
180 Ko
Kreh Orakel, Das (19xx)(-)(De)(FW)[b]
118 Ko
Mafiabrothers v0.9.7beta (1997-07-29)(Istari)(FW)
70 Ko
Magic Stones v1.05 (1996)(Emanuel Mocklin)(PD)
40 Ko
Magic Tower - Darkstone Ritual (1992)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[Disk 1+3]
556 Ko
Magic Tower - Darkstone Ritual (1992)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)[Disk 2]
238 Ko
Manga Paradise (19xx)(Coolest Paradise)(Fr)(PD)
670 Ko
Manga Paradise (19xx)(Coolest Paradise)(Fr)(PD)[a]
660 Ko
Marlowe (1992-05-20)(IDL)(PD)
106 Ko
Mastermind (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)
146 Ko
Medieval Chess (1996)(JV Enterprises)(SW)
358 Ko
Medieval Chess (1996)(JV Enterprises)(SW)[b]
360 Ko
Megaroids (1985)(Mike and Mitch Bunnell)(FW)
23 Ko
Megatrix (1993)(Energy)(En-Fr)(SW)
55 Ko
Memorix (1988)(Christian Magrin)(Fr)(PD)
235 Ko
Midi Wiz v1.1f (1994)(Von Heiko Harkmann)(De-En)(SW)
308 Ko
Mile Stone (1986)(David Addison)(PD)
50 Ko
Mind Sweeper v1.1 (1994-05-18)(Eric Hameleers)(SW)
89 Ko
Mine Field (2004)(MJJ-Prod)(Fr)(PD)
66 Ko
Mine&Markt (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
291 Ko
Mine&Markt (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
284 Ko
Mine&Markt (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
253 Ko
Mine&Markt (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
250 Ko
Monkey Business (19xx)(Other Valley)(PD)
44 Ko
Monopoly (19xx)(David Addison)(PD)
250 Ko
Morpion 3D v1.10 (2002)(Wolfy II)(Fr)(PD)
144 Ko
Move It 2 (1990)(Motelsoft)(PD)
180 Ko
Murder (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
61 Ko
Murder (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
94 Ko
Mystic Well (1990)(Jing Gameware)(FW)[b]
142 Ko
Mystic Well, The (1990)(Jing Gameware)(FW)
148 Ko
Mystic Well, The (1990)(Jing Gameware)(FW)[a]
148 Ko
Napalm Quest v0.5 (1998)(Marshall Hahn)(PD)
211 Ko
Nick's Quest in Pursuit of QuakeMovie 2.1 Gold (19xx)(-)(PD)
140 Ko
No Name - The Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
85 Ko
No Name - The Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
120 Ko
Norwood Castle (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)
129 Ko
Operation Garfield (1992)(D.J. Brankin)(PD)
166 Ko
Opus No.1 (19xx)(Christian Bach)(FW)
62 Ko
Ozone (1989)(Goodman International)(SW)
182 Ko
Pacman on E's (1994)(Digital Dreams)(PD)
468 Ko
Penta (2005)(Paradize)(FW)
108 Ko
Pile Up (19xx)(Russell Moll)(SW)
141 Ko
Piss Flaps (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)
599 Ko
Piss Flaps (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)[a]
622 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 - Revenge of the Twat (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
229 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 - Revenge of the Twat (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
510 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 Data (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 1 of 5)[b]
552 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 Data (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 2 of 5)[b]
510 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 Data (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 3 of 5)[b]
502 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 Data (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 4 of 5)[b]
553 Ko
Piss Flaps 2 Data (19xx)(Sub Humans in Turkey)(PD)(Disk 5 of 5)[b]
548 Ko
Planet Lander (1988)(Eric Boehnisch)(SW)
42 Ko
Pong 1993 (1993)(Slamer)(STE)(PD)
56 Ko
Pop! (1993)(Bit Culture)(En-Es)(SW)
312 Ko
Pop! (1993)(Bit Culture)(En-Es)(SW)[a]
312 Ko
Pothole II (1993)(Paul Grenfell)(SW)
93 Ko
PrinseQuest 1 (2000)(Jalbeckwith)(PD)
124 Ko
Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
185 Ko
Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)
170 Ko
Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW-R)(Disk 1 of 2)
187 Ko
Psycho Pigs 2 (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW-R)(Disk 2 of 2)
170 Ko
Punk (1990)(Softwave)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
238 Ko
Punk (1990)(Softwave)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
70 Ko
Puzzlepuzzle (1986)(Tommy)(De)(SW)
113 Ko
Quizzzy Quiz (1988)(Motelsoft)(PD)
82 Ko
Quizzzy Quiz (1988)(Motelsoft)(PD)[a]
82 Ko
Rat der Weise (19xx)(Holger Scholz)(De)(PD)
68 Ko
Rebels vs. Laserthons (1996)(Decon)(PD)
235 Ko
Recoil (1989)(Zero Magazine)(PD)
43 Ko
Revenge of the Mutant Camels v1.0 (demo-playable) (1991)(Llamasoft)(SW)
136 Ko
Ripcord (1986)(Duke)(PD)
11 Ko
Road Fighter (19xx)(Pool)(De)(PD)
517 Ko
Robot Repairs Inc. (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)
42 Ko
Robot Repairs Inc. (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)[a]
41 Ko
Rocket Defense (19xx)(-)(De)(PD)
20 Ko
Rockfall (1992)(SOS)(PD)
18 Ko
Rockfall - Special Edition (1992)(SOS)(PD)
24 Ko
Rockfall II - The Perils of Spud v2.14 (1992)(SOS)(PD)
208 Ko
Rockfall III - Rock Hard (1995)(SOS)(PD)
270 Ko
Roger (2004)(B. Bros)(PD)
345 Ko
Roger (2004)(B. Bros)(PD)[a]
345 Ko
Sabotage (1993)(Byterape)(PD)
574 Ko
Sam in Monster's Garden (1995)(Sam 23)(PD)
145 Ko
Sandor (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
101 Ko
Sandor (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
192 Ko
Sandor II - Kotalan und die drei Schwestern (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
294 Ko
Sandor II - Kotalan und die drei Schwestern (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
294 Ko
Sandor II - Kotalan und die drei Schwestern (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
199 Ko
Santafly (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)
390 Ko
Schiebung (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
82 Ko
Serguei's Destiny v1.1 (2001-09-05)(Robin Gravel)(FW)[b]
146 Ko
Seven little Horrors (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
130 Ko
Seven little Horrors (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
130 Ko
Seven little Horrors (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)
187 Ko
Seven little Horrors (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
187 Ko
Shanghai - Revenge of the Dragon v1.22 (1991)(Nero W.)(ST)(PD)
62 Ko
Shanghai - Revenge of the Dragon v1.22 (1991)(Nero W.)(ST)(PD)[a]
62 Ko
Singende Schwert, Das (1991)(Boarsoft)(De)(PD)
95 Ko
Snacman (1994)(Impact Software)(SW)(STF-STE)
133 Ko
Sno-Fite (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)
30 Ko
Sno-Fite (19xx)(Outland Quest)(SW)[a]
30 Ko
Solit (1988)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
48 Ko
Spaceball (1987)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
162 Ko
Spaceball (1987)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
162 Ko
Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
164 Ko
Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a2]
175 Ko
Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a3]
164 Ko
Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a4]
174 Ko
Spaceball II - Zuno's Game (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
172 Ko
Special Delivery (19xx)(Madis Muul)(FW)
87 Ko
Speedy Joe (1992)(Motelsoft)(PD)
145 Ko
Sporttabellen - Verwaltung v3.1 (1990-12-10)(Thomas Kieblich)(De)(PD)[monochrom]
341 Ko
Square Off (1995)(Munsie)(STE)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
278 Ko
Square Off (1995)(Munsie)(STE)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
222 Ko
Square Off (1995)(Munsie)(STE)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)
637 Ko
Square Off (1995)(Munsie)(STE)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]
533 Ko
Starnukers (1992)(Scott Standiford)(SW)
66 Ko
Stello 2.0 (1994)(Futuresoft)(SW)
440 Ko
StrataGEM (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
592 Ko
StrataGEM (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
65 Ko
StrataGem v1.80 (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
592 Ko
StrataGem v1.80 (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
592 Ko
StrataGem v1.80 (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
64 Ko
StrataGem v1.80 (1991)(Oskari Koskimies)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
64 Ko
Sub Humans in Turkey (19xx)(-)(PD)[a][XXX]
592 Ko
Sub Humans in Turkey (19xx)(-)(PD)[XXX]
603 Ko
Subaqua (1996)(Digi Talis)(SW)
102 Ko
Subaqua (1996)(Digi Talis)(SW)[a]
102 Ko
Superfly (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(PD)
375 Ko
Swapping Tiles (1991)(Pashion)(PD)
60 Ko
Take It (1994-12-04)(Stuff)(PD)
190 Ko
Take It (1994-12-04)(Stuff)(PD)[a]
190 Ko
Taschentuch, Das (1994)(Familie Schubert)(De)(PD)
253 Ko
Tauris ST (19xx)(Michael Rieck - Thomas Ehlers)(PD)
80 Ko
Tauris ST (19xx)(Michael Rieck - Thomas Ehlers)(PD)[a]
80 Ko
Teenage Queen - Ami-Chan's Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)
268 Ko
Teenage Queen - Atari Hentai Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)
145 Ko
Teenage Queen - Jane Jetson Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)
175 Ko
Teenage Queen - Velma's Sweater Strip Poker (19xx)(-)(FW)
391 Ko
Think 2 (1991)(Motelsoft)(PD)
173 Ko
Think ST v1.1 (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
168 Ko
Tonight the Shrieking Corpses Bleed (2004)(Magic Poultry Productions)(PD)
355 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)
377 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[2Mb]
365 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]
391 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
366 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[m Atariforce]
368 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)
463 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[2Mb]
451 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]
457 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]
453 Ko
Towers (1993)(JV Enterprises)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[m Atariforce]
458 Ko
Trace, The v1.15 (19xx)(Typhoon)(FW)
370 Ko
Transmitter GmbH v2.31 (19xx)(-)(SW)[b2]
596 Ko
Transmitter GmbH v2.31 (19xx)(-)(SW)[b]
597 Ko
Tuerme von Hanoi (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
42 Ko
Tuerme von Hanoi (1990)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)[a]
32 Ko
U-Boot (1989)(Motelsoft)(De)(FW)
50 Ko
U-Boot (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)
50 Ko
Utopos v1.50 (1995)(Aggression)(STE)(En-Fr)(SW)
227 Ko
Vidigrid v2 (1996)(Stosser Software)(PD)
671 Ko
Violence (1992)(Digital Dynamics)(SW)
169 Ko
Voodoo Girl - Queen of the Darned (2002)(Andrew Ulyssus Baker)(PD)
229 Ko
Walls of Illusion (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(SW)
381 Ko
Walls of Illusion (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(De)(SW)[a]
381 Ko
Walls of Illusion (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(SW)[tr En PHF]
367 Ko
Walls of Illusion (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(SW)[tr En PHF][a]
370 Ko
Walls of Illusion (1993)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(SW-R)[tr En PHF]
376 Ko
Well 'Ard (1994)(Cybernation)(SW)
181 Ko
Wiederkehr des Zauberer, Die (1992)(Daniel Biegel)(PD)
164 Ko
Wiliness 3 v1.0b (2004)(Laurent Kermel)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)
267 Ko
Wiliness 3 v1.0b (2004)(Laurent Kermel)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)
274 Ko
Wizard of War (1991)(F. Dingler)(PD)[Pre-Release]
36 Ko
World Fighting Championship (1993)(Mark Leonard)(SW)
210 Ko
Worm Race (1994)(ST Revolution)(PD)
498 Ko
Yacoo (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)
123 Ko
Zehntausend (1989)(Motelsoft)(PD)
104 Ko
Zombie Apocalypse (2003)(Stax)(PD)
223 Ko