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 AQZ Netplay Input Plugin v126 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:44 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle versions de ce plugin permettant de jouer en ligne avec les émulateurs Nintendo 64 a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- Improve UDP hole punching
Télécharger AQZ Netplay Input Plugin v126
Site Officiel de AQZ Netplay Input Plugin
 WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 35 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:42 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de cet émulateur Amiga a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Adjusted 68000 IPL sampling timing. (Spectre Party / Phenomena, F1GP by MicroValue. Not Microprose!)
- Blizzard PPC: if RESET m68k instruction executed, apparently board logic also forces external CPU reset.
- Fixed GDI handle leak (GUI panel change always leaked 2 font handles)
- Updated GUI tab order.
- If emulator was started by selecting statefile and GUI was opened after starting emulation, every time GUI Misc panel was opened, selected statefile was set to reload when GUI exited. (b31?)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 35 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 35 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Mameinfo.dat v0.236 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:40 par Firebrand
Les données de MAME v0.236 ont été intégrées à ce fichier informatif:
- Updated to MAME 0.236 (
- Added Source/Listinfo changes.
- Newest Bugs (29th Sep).
- Added/Reorganized 'Recommended Games'.
- Fixed 'Recommended Games' descriptions.
- Added rom infos to DEVICE sets.
- Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos.
Télécharger Mameinfo.dat v0.236
Site Officiel de Mameinfo.dat
 MESS et MESSUI v0.236 (64-bit) 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:37 par Firebrand
Ce builds de MAME dépourvus des machines d'arcade bénéficient également des améliorations de MAME v0.236.
Télécharger MESS v0.236 (64-bit)
Télécharger MESSUI v0.236 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de MESS
 SDLMAME v0.236 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:22 par Firebrand
Ces versions de MAME pour MacOS ont été mises à jour avec les sources de MAME v0.236.
Télécharger SDLMAME v0.236 (Intel)
Télécharger SDLMAME v0.236 (M1)
Site Officiel de SDLMAME
 HBMAME et HBMAMEUI v0.236 (64-bit) 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:19 par Firebrand
Ces builds spécialisés dans les homebrews et les HackROMs ont été mis à jour. Voici les changements apportés:
New Games
- [abyssal] Abyssal Infants
- [baby1] Pacman (Baby Maze 1)
- [bevpac] Bevelled Pacman
- [invispac] Pacman (Invisible Maze)
- [mcatadvs01] Magical Cat Adventure (R.Zara)
- [mcpacman] McPacman
- [ndo_a_td] Neo Driftout Tech Demo
- [pacforks] Forks
- [pacmini3] Pacmini (maze 3)
- [pacsmall] Pacman (Small Maze)
- [pacman25s01] Pac Man (4 New Maps - After Dark)
- [pacman25s02] Pac Man - (Fruit 1)
- [pacman25s03] pac Man - (Fruit 2)
- [pacman25s04] Pac Man 25 (Chomp Ms Pac Em SJB Maps)
- [pacman25s05] Pac Man 25 (Chomp Ms Pac Em)
- [pacman25s06] Pac Man 25 (Cookie Man)
- [pacman25s07] Pac Man 25 (FHMC Sil 13 Mazes)
- [pacman25s08] Pac Man 25 (Namco Mazes Alternate)
- [pacman25s09] Pac Man 25 (Namco Mazes Featuring Ms Pac-Man)
- [pacman25s10] Pac Man 25 (Namco Mazes)(PAC-MAN Classic Look)
- [pacman25s11] Pac Man 25 (Namco Mazes)
- [pacman25s12] Pac Man 25 (SJB Mazes)
- [pacman25s13] Pac Man 25 (T-Bone Mazes)
- [pacman25s14] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Mazes)(PAC-MAN Classic Look)
- [pacman25s15] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Mazes)
- [pacman25s16] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Mini Mazes)(PAC-MAN Classic Look)
- [pacman25s17] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Mini Mazes)
- [pacman25s18] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Tall Mazes)(PAC-MAN Classic Look)
- [pacman25s19] Pac Man 25 (Tengen Tall Mazes)
- [pacman25s20] Pac Man 25 (Ultra Pac-Man)
- [pacman25s21] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 1)
- [pacman25s22] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 2)
- [pacman25s23] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 3)
- [pacman25s24] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 4)
- [pacman25s25] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 5)
- [pacman25s26] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament (Set 6)
- [pacman25s27] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - 360 Escape
- [pacman25s28] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Alien
- [pacman25s29] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Arcade
- [pacman25s30] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Beach
- [pacman25s31] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Beetle
- [pacman25s32] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Blue
- [pacman25s33] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Boys
- [pacman25s34] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Candyland
- [pacman25s35] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Chase
- [pacman25s36] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Cherries
- [pacman25s37] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Chocolate
- [pacman25s38] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Colors
- [pacman25s39] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Cookie
- [pacman25s40] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Cup
- [pacman25s41] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Dice
- [pacman25s42] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Dinos
- [pacman25s43] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Dragon
- [pacman25s44] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Fire
- [pacman25s45] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Fountain
- [pacman25s46] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Garden
- [pacman25s47] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Girder
- [pacman25s48] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Girl
- [pacman25s49] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Infinate
- [pacman25s50] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Invisible
- [pacman25s51] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Jailhouse
- [pacman25s52] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - kaleidoscope
- [pacman25s53] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Minutes
- [pacman25s54] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Night Flower
- [pacman25s55] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Night
- [pacman25s56] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - No Escape
- [pacman25s57] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Opposite
- [pacman25s58] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Pig
- [pacman25s59] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Plotted
- [pacman25s60] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Prismatic
- [pacman25s61] Pac Man 25 - Pac man + Tournament - Red Bull
- [pacman25s62] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Royal
- [pacman25s63] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Shadow
- [pacman25s64] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Ship
- [pacman25s65] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Six Pac
- [pacman25s66] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Solar System
- [pacman25s67] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Square Dance
- [pacman25s68] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Sugar Rush
- [pacman25s69] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Sushi
- [pacman25s70] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Tilt
- [pacman25s71] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Traffic
- [pacman25s72] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Trap
- [pacman25s73] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Tunnels
- [pacman25s74] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Turtle
- [pacman25s75] Pac Man 25 - Pac Man + Tournament - Windy
- [upsidpac] Pacman (Upsidedown Maze)
Télécharger HBMAME v0.236 (64-bit)
Télécharger HBMAMEUI v0.236 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de HBMAME
 ARCADE v0.236 (64-bit) 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:16 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version du successeur de MAMEUIFX a été publiée. Pas de modification spécifique à signaler.
Télécharger ARCADE v0.236 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ARCADE
 MAMEUI64 v0.236 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:13 par Firebrand
MAMEUI a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.236.
Télécharger MAMEUI64 v0.236
Site Officiel de MAMEUI64
 MAME v0.236 (64-bit) 
Mercredi 29/09/21 à 15:11 par Firebrand
La mise à jour mensuelle de MAME est arrivée, voici ce qu'elle propose:
The big event of the day is here! MAME 0.236 is ready for your enjoyment! Sadly, this month marked the passing of Sir Clive Sinclair, who it could be argued did more to put computers into the hands of everyday people than anyone. There’s a small update to MAME’s ZX Spectrum software list in this release.
The effort to dump and preserve protection microcontrollers is still going well. This month’s additions include Juuouki and Wonder Planet. Protection simulation has been removed for Wonder Planet and Space Harrier. Remember, this is a worthy cause that provides multiple benefits: it improves accuracy by taking guesses out of emulation, helps people maintain and repair ageing arcade boards, and simplifies MAME’s code.
MAME’s NEC PC-8001 now supports floppy disks. The PC-8001 and PC-8801 software lists have been reorganised to match, and a big batch of items from the Neo Kobe collection have been added. MAME continues to improve its NES/Famicom cartridge coverage. There are a whole lot of games you can play now, including Chinese RPGs, fighting game bootlegs, and pirate multi-game cartridges. Experience a parallel universe of software of such inconsistent quality that you can’t stop going down the rabbit hole! Saturn emulation has seen a few improvements, with several games that didn’t boot previously reaching playable status this month.
As you might expect, the FM Towns, PC-98 and V.Smile software lists have been updated as usual. A couple of recently dumped prototypes have been added to the SNES and Game Boy software lists. The SpongeBob SquarePants Jellyfish Dodge game has been dumped and emulated, and a Korean version of Sotsugyo Shousho known as Jor-eop Jeungmyeongseo has been found. More pleasant surprises include working emulation for the IDE protection dongle included in Killer Instinct 2 upgrade kit, and some fixes for Atari 8-bit home computers using the ANTIC video chip.
For people with more exotic tastes, MAME has added its oldest working software list additions: Munching Squares and Punchy for the MIT TX-0. There’s also a new disassembler for the DEC VAX architecture. In more mundane news, you can now reduce the proliferation of duplicate ROM sets for families of similar keyboards and other devices.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed
- 04022: [Sound] (segas16b.cpp) altbeastj: Music does not stop when the transformation sequence begins. (TeamEurope)
- 07883: [Color/Palette] BGFX: Direct3D 9 back-end does not work. (Ryan Holtz)
- 08059: [DIP/Input] (taito_f2.cpp) deadconx, deadconxj: DIP switches are labeled incorrectly. (GoldS_TCRF)
- 08065: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) altbeast, altbeast6: Sprites flicker, most visibly in the third stage. (hap)
- 08074: [Media Support] FILE MANAGER: Drive root directories cannot be selected on Windows. (Vas Crabb)
- 08075: [Gameplay] (changela.cpp) changela: Car incorrectly steers to the right without player input. (hap)
- 08076: [Sound] (tubep.cpp) rjammer: Sound test does not work, and causes loss of game sounds. (AJR)
- 08077: [DIP/Input] (darius.cpp) dariusu: Discounted continue DIP switch is labeled “unknown”. (GoldS_TCRF)
- 08078: [DIP/Input] (vigilant.cpp) vigilant and clones: Kick and punch buttons are reversed. (abelardator2)
- 08081: [Sound] (srmp2.cpp) srmp2, srmp3: Character voice samples do not play. (kmg)
- 08085: [Documentation] (msx.cpp) hbf9pr: The description says “Russion” instead of “Russian”. (AntoPISA)
- 08090: [Documentation] (polepos.cpp) polepos2: Documented “Freeze” DIP switch is labeled “Unknown”. (Cow)

New working machines
- Danger Express (prototype) [hap]
- Fidelity Electronics Checker Challenger (model CR, 2 levels) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Head On Channel (prototype, hack) [hap]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd SpongeBob SquarePants Jellyfish Dodge (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Apr 5 2007) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- OOPArts (prototype, joystick hack) [hap]
- SegaSonic Bros. (prototype, hack) [hap]
- unknown Paradise Automatique / TourVisión bowling themed poker game with gum prizes (France) [Benjamin Roux, David Haywood]

New working clones
- American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 3) [Roberto Fresca]
- beatmania complete MIX (ver AA-C) [DeepSeaSqueeze]
- Casino Five (3315-12, U5-0) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Jor-eop Jeungmyeongseo (Korea) [xuserv, juking]
- Leader (version Z 2F, Greece) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Missile / Circuit (bootleg of Alpha Fighter / Head On) [MikeMcBike]
- Pucman [Nnap]
- Route 16 (Sun Electronics, set 2) [hammy]
- Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Plymate 5.5MHz [hap, Berger]
- unknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 2) [Nnap]
- VTech Dora the Explorer - Doras Abenteuer-Globus (Germany) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]

Clones promoted to working
- Killer Instinct 2 (upgrade kit) [pdaderko]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
- Alaska [Robbbert]
- Black Magic 4 [Robbbert]
- Cavalier [Robbbert]
- Crazy Race [Robbbert]
- Diamonds & Hearts - Power Pay (10229311, NSW/ACT) [anonymous]
- Don Quijote [Robbbert]
- Escalera Tobogan (MPU4, set 1) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- Fair Fight [Robbbert]
- The Flipper Game [Robbbert]
- Hot & Cold [Robbbert]
- Mr Doom [Robbbert]
- Mr Evil [Robbbert]
- NEC PC-9801US [coolmod]
- NEC PC-9801VX [qazmko1029]
- NEC PC-9821Nr15 (98NOTE Lavie) [flyingharuka]
- NEC PC-98HA (Handy98) [anonymous]
- NEC PC-98LT [anonymous]
- Poker Plus [Robbbert]
- Que Long Gao Shou [Guru, Dyq]
- Recel Bios [Robbbert]
- Screech [Robbbert]
- Swashbuckler [Robbbert]
- Torneo [Robbbert]
- unknown medal game GS471 [Phil Bennett, R. Belmont]
- Zelos (Japan, terminal) [Phil Bennett]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
- American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 1) [Roberto Fresca]
- American Poker II - Jackpot (Spanish, set 2) [Roberto Fresca]
- Carnival (cocktail, earlier) [Kevin Eshbach]
- Cherry Bonus III (set 5, encrypted bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Escalera Tobogan (MPU4, set 2) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- Escalera Tobogan (MPU4, set 3) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- Faeton (6 digits) [Jordi, Orlando, PinMAME]
- Fast Track [Robbbert]
- Hardbody (rev. C) [PinMAME]
- Hook (UK 4.06, display A4.01) [PinMAME]
- MIT TX-0 upgraded system (8 kWords of RAM, old order code) [AJR]
- MotorDome (rev. B) [PinMAME]
- Mushiking The King Of Beetle (2K3 2ND Ver. 1.000-, Korea) [Jorge Valero, MetalliC, rtw]
- NEC PC-8001mkIISR [anonymous]
- NEC PC-9821Cx3 (98MULTi CanBe) [flyingharuka]
- NEC PC-9821Nr166 (98NOTE Lavie) [flyingharuka]
- NEC PC-9821Nw150 (98NOTE Lavie) [flyingharuka]
- NEC PC-9821Ra266 (98MATE R) [flyingharuka]
- Peacock Flutter (01J00011, NSW/ACT) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
- Samsung Saturn (Korea) [Angelo Salese]

New working software list additions
- arb: Avelan [hap, Wolfgang Zugrav]
- cdi: Getting Ahead - Making Time (Euro, reprint), Nijmegen 'n rijk aan mogelijkheden (NL), Paranasal Sinuses & Anterior Skull Base, Sinnaneun Susjanala 2 (KR), Ulihamkke Bulleoyo - Chinguwa Hamkke (KR), Ulihamkke Bulleoyo - Jayeongwa Hamkke (KR) [Gaming Alexandria, David Silva]
- coco_flop: Joust (6809 Transcoded - v1.10) (512kb) [Glen Hewlett]
- fmtowns_cd:
CRI Postman, Hyper Aquarium - Kaisui-hen, Hyper Aquarium - Tansui-hen, Hyper Eigo Gakushuu System - New Crown English Series 1, Igo Doujou Yaburi - Menkyo Kaiden!! Mezase 7-kyuu, J.League 1994 Professional Soccer, Master CD - Fresh Series-you, Meikyoku Master (FM Towns Marty version), Nihon no Rekishi - Sengoku-hen - Oda Nobunaga, Nihongo Nyuumon Dai-1-kan - Fundamental Japanese, Steepia, TownsPAINT V1.1 L21 []
Dynamic English 3 - Upper Basic, FM Towns Shougaku Ongaku (5-6-nensei-you), Touch the Music by Casiopea [, cyo.the.vile]
- fmtowns_flop_orig:
Houma Hunter Lime Dai-1-wa, Houma Hunter Lime Dai-2-wa, Houma Hunter Lime Dai-3-wa, Kitty World 2, Sadistic Gamers Part-3 - Telephone Play, Sadistic Gamers Part-5 - Burusera Play [cyo.the.vile]
Metal Eye Special Disk [r09]
- gameboy: Sarakon (prototype) [Gaming Alexandria]
- ibm5150: Avoid the Noid, Bad Blood (3.5"), Bad Blood (5.25"), Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail (3.5"), David Wolf: Secret Agent, Emmanuelle: A Game of Eroticism, Feud, Final Orbit, Frontline, Hostage: Rescue Mission [The Good Old Days]
- ibm5170:
Star Wars - X-Wing - Space Combat Simulator (Spain) []
The Games: Winter Challenge (3.5" HD), HardBall 3 (3.5" DD), HardBall 3 - MLBPA Players Disk [Old-Games.RU]
DOOM (Japan, v1.1) [r09]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Unlimited Adventures, HardBall 3 (5.25" HD), Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard, Hyperspeed (3.5" DD), Hyperspeed (5.25" HD), Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature Edition (5.25"), Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing, Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (v1.052), Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (v1.1), The Games: Summer Challenge, The Games: Winter Challenge (3.5" DD), Tony La Russa Baseball II [The Good Old Days]
Doukyuusei, Doukyuusei 2, Kairaku no Okite - Aoi Taiken [wiggy2k]
- ibm5170_cdrom: Paranasal Sinuses & Anterior Skull Base [Gaming Alexandria, David Silva]
- nes:
9 in 1 (Journey to the West), 11 in 1 (A-042), 35 in 1 (HM5511), 68 in 1 (HM5511), 1994 Super HiK 6 in 1 (A-017), 5000000 in 1 (JPx72), Donkey Kong 8 in 1 (JY-041), Super 190 in 1, Star Versus [anonymous]
2 in 1 Uzi Lightgun [CaH4e3]
4 in 1 (0203), 80 in 1 (KD-6096) [Consolethinks]
4 in 1 (0207), 4 in 1 (0210), 9999999 in 1 (KD-6037-B), Olympic 2000 1000000 in 1 [Consolethinks, MrNorbert1994]
7 in 1 1993 Chess Series (JY-015) [Consolethinks, NewRisingSun]
14 in 1 (NTDEC) [Consolethinks, Nikolka]
4 in 1 HQ [famiac]
Gauntlet (USA, alt PCB) [kmg]
Highway Star (Whirlwind Manu bootleg), Sangokushi III - Haou no Tairiku (Asia, Sangokushi II pirate) [krzysiobal]
1997 Super 6 in 1 (JY-202), 1997 Super 7 in 1 (JY-201), 1997 Super 7 in 1 (JY-203), 1997 Super 7 in 1 (JY-204), 1997 Super 7 in 1 (JY-205), 1997 Super 7 in 1 (JY-206), 1997 Super HiK 4 in 1 (JY-021) [MLX]
2 in 1 - The Lion King & Bomber Boy, 9 in 1, 1993 Super HiK 8 in 1 (G-002) [NewRisingSun]
1995 Super HiK 4 in 1 (JY-022), 1996 Super HiK 4 in 1 (JY-051) [NewRisingSun, taizou]
Super Russian Roulette [re4mat]
Super 8 in 1 (Supervision menu) [v5100v5100]
- pc8001_flop: 15 Puzzle (alt), 2001 A Space Odyssey (v1.2), 3 by 4 (alt), 7 Narabe, The Akunin, The Akunin (alt), The Akunin 2, The Akunin 2 (alt), The Akunin 3, The Akunin 3 (alt), Alien Bomb, Alien Fall, Alien Fall (alt), The Alien Island 3D-Version, Alien Part 2, Alien Part 2 (alt), Astoria, AY-1 Fortress Solomon (bootleg), AY-2 Orion80 (alt), BDS C (v1.50), Backgammon, Bastille Rougoku, Beep Music Test, Beep Music Test 2, Block, Bomber Game, Bug Fire!, Bug Fire! (alt), City Line, Combat (v1.2, alt), Computer Othello, Computer Othello (alt), Cosmic Ineiger (v1.0), Cosmo Missile, Cosmo Missile (alt), Cosmo Traveler (v1.1), CP/M for PC-8001 (v2.2), CP/M for PC-8001 (v2.2, alt), CP/M for PC-8001 (v2.2B), Dasshutsu! Shi no Aokigahara, Destroy Helicopter, Destroy Helicopter (alt), Dinosaur N, Docking Three, Dragon 'N' Spirit, Dragon Lair, Dual Alien (alt), Dungeon, Emmy, Emmy (alt), Emmy (alt 2), Emmy (alt 3), Emmy (alt 4), Europe Taisen, Fan Fun (alt), The Farway, Fejone Buster, Fenix Part 2, Fenix Part 2 (alt), Flag World, Flag World (alt), Foresight #01, Foresight #16 (Demo), Foresight #18 (Inu), Foresight #19 (Drive), Foresight #21 (Man), Foresight #22 (Back), Foresight #39 (Demo), Fruits Fields (N-BASIC version), Galaxian (Geimu Kyoujin), Galaxian (alt Geimu Kyoujin), Galaxy Bats, Galaxy Fighter, Gekisen! Minami Taihei-yo (alt), Gekisen! Minami Taihei-yo (alt 2), Genma Taisen, Golgo 13 - Moretti Ikka Zansatsu Jiken, The Guardian, Hammer Break, Hammer Break (alt), Hammer Break (alt 2), Hashire! Skyline (alt 2), Hashire! Skyline (alt 3), Heart Catch Harumi-chan, Heiankyo Alien (Arrange ver.), Heiankyo Alien (Original ver.), Hokkaido Bouei Sakusen, Hon Shogi, Hu's Mind, I wa Sanjutsu Nari (alt), Ice World II, Ice World II (alt), JRT Pascal, Jankyu, Kawanakajima no Kassen, Ken to Mahou, Ken to Mahou (alt), Manbiki Game (alt), Missile Commander, Missile Commander (alt), Missile Commander (alt 2), Mojidoori Wa o Tsukurou, Monster and Ball, Moon Beam, Morita Othello (v2.7), Morita Othello (v2.7, alt 2), Morita Othello (v2.7, alt), N BASIC system disk (PC-8034-2W), N BASIC system disk (PC-8034-2W, alt 2), N BASIC system disk (PC-8034-2W, alt), N-BASIC Games (compilation), NS-DOS Pack (compilation), Ndisk (compilation), New Rally-X (Komaj), Newpc (compilation), Ninja Yashiki, Nippon Rettou Kaishime Game, Nobunaga no Yabou (N Basic), Normandy Jouriku Sakusen (alt), Normandy Jouriku Sakusen (alt 2), The Oil Field, Omotesando Adventure, PC-8001 BASIC Game Book (compilation), PC-8001 Game Pack (compilation), PC-8001 Games (compilation), PC-8001 Micro Disk Basic 2W, Pac-World, Pac-World (alt), Pachinko, Pack Man Modoki, The Planet Miners, Popping Panic, Puck Man, Puck Man (alt), The Racer, Rem & Lum, RGB Colors Game, River Rescue (alt), S-DOS Game Pack (compilation, alt 2), S-DOS Game Pack (compilation, alt), Scramble (alt 2), Scramble (alt), Select 5, Shogi Trainer, Space Amoeba (N Basic), Space Base, Space Flaper (v1.0), Space Follow, Space Pattern, Space Pulsar, Space Travel, Space Trip 2 "Melyos" (v1.1), Spy Daisakusen (N Basic, alt), Star Fire!!! (v1.0), Stop! Harumi-chan, Submarine Part 2, Submarine Part 3, Super Balloon (alt), Surabaya-oki Kaisen, Takahashi Harumi programs, Tank Batabata, Tengoku to Jigoku (alt), Tennis (Kiyoshi Kawamura), Terra SOS, Tetris-8001 (alt), Tetris-8001 (alt 2), Tlix, Toriaezu Tinyan da yo!, Toriaezu Tinyan da yo! (alt), Toushi Game, Tsume Shogi, UFO, Uchuu Ei, Underground Monster, Foresight (Demo), Various, Various (alt), Various 2, Various 2 (alt), World Alien, Yojigen no Ie - 4 Dimension House, Yuureisen, Zaxus (alt) [Neo Kobe Collection]
- pc8001mk2_flop: Cranston Manor, Game-PC (Collection), N80 BASIC system disk (alt), N80 and N88 Disk BASIC Utility Collection, Ulysses and the Golden Fleece [Neo Kobe Collection]
- pc8001mk2sr_flop: Mappy (mkIISR), N80SR BASIC system disk (PC-8037SR), PC-8001mkIISR Game Pack (Compilation), Xanadu (mkIISR) [Neo Kobe Collection]
- pc8801_flop: Shikotei (alt) [Neo Kobe Collection]
- pc98: Marubatsu EXE, Sabnack [Justin Kerk]
- samcoupe_flop: Batz 'n Balls, Domino Box, Double Top, Exodus, Five on a Treasure Island, Quizball, Spell Master, Splat! [World of SAM]
- snes:
Raiden Densetsu (Jpn, prototype) [Gaming Alexandria]
Raiden Trad (USA, prototype) [Revenant]
- spectrum_cass:
Blam!, Esquimó, O Globo da Luz, Golden Pack 100, Pesquisa Submarina, The Raven + Polearn, Travessia, Travessia (alt), Vampiri, WOSP - Whole Orbit Survey Plotter [Planeta Sinclair]
Action Force (Dro Soft), Combat School (Erbe), Cross, Insomnia, Mr. Weems and the She Vampires (Zafi Chip), Silent Service (Erbe), Turbo Esprit (Durell) []
- tx0_ptp: Munching Squares, Punchy [Bitsavers, AJR]
- vectrex: Star Sling Turbo Edition, Vec Sports Boxing [Justin Kerk]
- vgmplay: Alien Crush (TG-16), Angelic Warrior DEVA (MSX2, OPLL), Angelic Warrior DEVA (MSX2, OPLL+OPL1), Bomberman Panic Bomber (SNK Neo Geo), Bubblegum Crash - Knight Sabers 2034 (PC Engine), Galaga '88 (TG-16), Hayaoshi Quiz Grand Champion Taikai (Jaleco Mega System 32), Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (Jaleco Mega System 32), Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen - The King Of Quiz (Jaleco Mega System 1-B), Herzog (MSX2, PSG), I.M. Meen (IBM PC AT), MoonDriver Demo (MSX2+), Ooparts (Sega System C-2), Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation - Hiragana Katakana Kakechatta! (Sega Pico), Rod Land (Jaleco Mega System 1), The Smurfs (Nintendo Game Boy), The Smurfs' Nightmare (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (PC Engine), Strip Fighter II (PC Engine), Sutte Hakkun GB (Nintendo Game Boy), Toilet Kids (PC Engine), Toy Shop Boys (PC Engine), Tricky Kick (TG-16), Turrican (Atari ST), Turrican II - The Final Fight (Atari ST), V-Tetris (Nintendo Virtual Boy), Valna (NEC PC-8801), Victory Run (TG-16), Waterworld (Nintendo Virtual Boy), World Court Tennis (TG-16), Zanac A.I. (NES) [, Tafoid]
- vsmile_cart: The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood (USA), Barney - The Land of Make Believe (USA), Care Bears - A Lesson in Caring (USA), Disney Handy Manny (USA), Disney's Cinderella - Cinderella's Magic Wishes (USA, rev. 101), Disney/Pixar Up (USA, rev. 001), Nick Jr. Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! (USA), TinkerBell (USA) [skaman]

Software list items promoted to working
- fmtowns_cd: Hyper Note [cyo.the.vile]
- nes:
Toy Story [etabeta]
2 in 1 (J-M2), 2 in 1 (King005), 2 in 1 Super 808, 3 in 1, 5 in 1 (SPC005), 9 in 1 King001, 15 in 1, 42 in 1 (Reset Switch), 70 in 1, 76 in 1 (alt games), 800 in 1, Garou Densetsu Special (Asia, alt), Ghostbusters 63 in 1, Jīng Kē Xīnzhuàn (China, Shenzhen Jncota), Maxi 15 (Aus), Maxi 15 (USA), Maxi 15 (USA, v2.0), Mortal Kombat 3 Extra 60 (Asia), Mortal Kombat 3 Extra 60 (Asia, alt), Prima Soft 9999999-in-1 (02 8807870-3), Quánhuáng R-2 - Dàshé Sìtiānwáng (China), Shènghuǒ Lièzhuàn (China), Super 128k - 16 in 1, Super 308 3 in 1, Wángzhě Wúshuāng (China), Xiákè Chuánqí (China), Yǒngzhě Chuánshuō (China), Zhànguó Fēngyún (China) [kmg]
Blood of Jurassic (GD-98) [NewRisingSun]
- pc8801_flop: 177 (alt), 177 (alt 2), 177 (alt 3), 177 (alt 4), AcroJet, Agni no Ishi - The Stone of Agni, Agni no Ishi - The Stone of Agni (Mad?), Alpha (Demo), Amazones no Hihou - Romancing Grey-I, Sangokushi (19860416, Alt), Sangokushi (Original Release?) [Angelo Salese]
- pc98: Datsui Mahjong Margarita, Locus Alba, Lotus 1-2-3 (Demo), Metal Mover Jastrike, Trial of Fours [Angelo Salese]
- saturn: Big Ichigeki! Pachi-slot Daikouryaku (Jpn, v1.000), Capcom Generation - Dai-1-Shuu - Gekitsui Ou no Jidai (Jpn), Capcom Generation - Dai-5-Shuu - Kakutou ke Tachi (Jpn), Shichisei Toushin Guyferd - Crown Kaimetsu Sakusen (Jpn) [Angelo Salese]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
- apxen_flop:
Various Diags, XEEROM, XEN Boot Disk MS-DOS 3.2 BIOS 1.9.0 and Utilities [ACT/Apricot]
Various Diags, XEEROM (cracked) [Dirk Best]
- cdi: Bill Brandt: The Picture Post Years 1938-1951, CD-i in Schools, Depression - The Search For The NaSSA (NL), From The Associated Press: The Best of Photo Journalism, Peaches [Gaming Alexandria, David Silva]
- easy_karaoke_cart: Mega Hits Vol.2 [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- fmtowns_cd: Dynamic English 2 - Basic []
- pc8001_flop: 300m (alt), Dig Dug (PCG), The Dusty World (PCG), Planet Taizer (alt), Seiken Densetsu, Snake [Neo Kobe Collection]
- wicat: WICAT Unix (Ver. 2.0), WICAT Unix (Ver. 2.2.0) [Josh Dersch]

Merged pull requests
- 7880: Decoupled RPK format logic from the TI-99 cartridge code. [Nathan Woods]
- 8456: formats, osd, util: Started modernising file/stream/archive I/O interfaces. [Vas Crabb]
- 8470: video/upd7220.cpp: Don’t run wdat if figd figure type is set, and set the pattern in wdat. [Carl]
- 8475: Refactored NEC PC-98 drivers, separating different hardware types. [Angelo Salese]
- 8481: bus/nes: Improved emulation for 8237/8237A boards. [kmg]
- 8483: kikikai.cpp: Fixed a cross-reference note. [cam900]
- 8485: bus/nes: Added support for a 9-in-1 multi-game cartridge. [kmg]
- 8487: rfslotsmcs48.cpp: Add year for ‘babyfrts25’. [ClawGrip]
- 8488: render/bgfx: Fixed off-by-one issue in fs_blit_palette16 affecting carpolo, kncljoe, and other drivers. [Ryan Holtz]
- 8489: sound/ics2115.cpp: Implemented stereo panning support. [nabetse]
- 8490: bus/nes: Added support for a Highway Star bootleg. [kmg]
- 8493: f-32.cpp: Added lamps, input and protection handling for royalpk2. [Ryan Holtz]
- 8494: nes.xml: Set correct board type for garousp1 and sonic3d6h. [kmg]
- 8495: bus/nes: Simplified a few related Kasheng and Hosenkan board. [kmg]
- 8496: vsmile_cart.xml: Fixed hashes for “cinderlanl” and “cinderlasp”. [ClawGrip]
- 8498: debugger/debuggdbstub.cpp: Fixed m_readbuf_state starting in undefined state. [Alex Siryi]
- 8500: bus/nes: Added support for several Shenzhen Jncota RPGs. [kmg]
- 8502: bus/nes: Added support for Blood of Jurassic and Super Hang-On. [kmg]
- 8503: r2dx_v33.cpp: Added notes about the 1998 release of New Zero Team. [cam900]
- 8504: Implemented non-ideal behavior of game I/O port one-shot timers for Apple II and clones. [xotmatrix]
- 8505: render/bgfx: Fixed UV rounding errors in fs_blit_palette16, allowing direct indexed texture uploads. [Ryan Holtz]
- 8507: vsmile_cart.xml: Marked “mannyfr” as a clone of “mannyge”. [ClawGrip]
- 8508: formats/wd177x_dsk.cpp: Added head count check to compatibility test. [Jesse Marroquin]
- 8510: ui: Added ability to zoom out to fractional sizes in the tilemap viewer. [Ryan Holtz]
- 8513: bus/nes: Fixed several games not loading in Maxi 15 multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8516: render/bgfx: Use D32F texture format rather than D24 (fixes issues with AMD GPUs). [Belegdol]
- 8519: video/gime.cpp: Fixed shape of £ and ƒ characters in the hand-built character data. [Tim Lindner]
- 8520: missbamby.cpp: Identified unknown game and added its PCB layout, and dumped the PROM for “basket”. [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 8521: video/toaplan_scu.cpp: Use single-pass priority drawing for sprites. [cam900]
- 8522: easy_karaoke_cart.xml: Added Mega Hits Vol.2. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 8524: rfslotsmcs48.cpp: Corrected comments about populated devices in “babyfrts”. [ClawGrip]
- 8525: konmedal68k.cpp: Fixed visible area for konslot and konslot2. [David Haywood]
- 8526: bus/nes: Fixed graphical issues for N625092-related multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8527: bus/nes: Moved gc6in1 games over to 8237 board and removed old code. [kmg]
- 8528: render/bgfx: Use R8 texture format for bitmap_ind16 contents. [Ryan Holtz]
- 8529: cdi.xml: Added five items. [Gaming Alexandria, David Silva]
- 8531: spg2xx.cpp, spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added two TV games. [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 8532: Added floppy support for the NEC PC-8001, improved µPD3301 emulation, and split up software lists. [Angelo Salese]
- 8533: bus/nes: Added support for HP-898F board and related multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8536: machine/fdc37c665gt.cpp: Fixed address usage for serial port registers. [Windy Fairy]
- 8539: saturn.xml: Corrected description for “zico”. [ArcadeShadow]
- 8540: atarisy1.cpp: Adjusted sound levels to avoid clipping in indytemp when speech is playing. [algestam]
- 8544: docs: Updated the RTD theme to the 1.0.0rc1 release (includes Sphinx 4 CSS fixes). [Aaron Giles]
- 8547: bus/nes: Added support for A88S-1 board and related multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8549: bus/nes: Added support for a 4 in 1 multi-game cartridge. [kmg]
- 8550: bus/nes: Improved interrupt emulation emulation for Kaiser KS202 and KS7032 boards. [kmg]
- 8551: ibm5170.xml: Added four items. [r09, wiggy2k]
- 8552: segahang.cpp: Hooked up microcontroller for sharrier and removed simulation code. [Dirk Best]
- 8553: Adjusted levels in Votrax SC-01 device and various drivers to avoid saturating outputs. [David Haywood]
- 8554: ibm5170.xml: Added seventeen items. [The Good Old Days, Old-Games.RU,, ArcadeShadow]
- 8555: psikyo.cpp: Fixed sound output saturation in gunbird. [algestam]
- 8556: audio/segam1audio.cpp: Reduced levels to fix saturated sound outputs for Sega Model 1 and Model 2 games. [algestam]
- 8557: Updated PCB details for A Ressha de Ikou, making it playable. [kmg]
- 8558: 4enraya.cpp: Added an unknown French bowling-themed poker game with gum payout. [Benjamin Roux, David Haywood]
- 8559: bus/nes: Added support for MMC1-based multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8561: bus/nes: Improved emulation for T-262 board and related multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8562: nes.xml: Set correct board types for several games, and removed a hacked dump. [kmg]
- 8564: ibm5150.xml: Added eleven items. [The Good Old Days, ArcadeShadow]
- 8565: bus/nes: Fixed Super HiK 4 in 1 so that Master Fighter III loads. [kmg]
- 8566: blockout.cpp: Fixed description for agress lives DIP switch. [Kaito Sinclaire]
- 8567: bus/nes: Fixed graphical issues for BMC-20IN1, BMC-SUPER700IN1 and BMC-VT5201 cartridges. [kmg]
- 8568: bus/nes: Simplified Zemina board emulation, and cleaned up some comments. [kmg]
- 8571: bus/nes: Added support for 820720C and JY820845C multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8573: bus/nes: Improved emulation of reset-based 42 in 1 cartridge. [kmg]
- 8574: bus/nes: Added support for an NTDEC 14 in 1 cartridge. [kmg]
- 8575: util/delegate.cpp: Eliminated a level of indirection for delegates bound to functoids. [Vas Crabb]
- 8578: Do not use the -m64 compiler switch when building for 64-bit RISC-V. [Graham Inggs]
- 8580: bus/nes: Fixed empty menu in Super 128k - 16 in 1, and fixed Ghostbusters 63 in 1 cartridge emulation. [kmg]
- 8581: msx.cpp: Fixed a spelling error in the description for hbf9pr (MT08085). [kmg]
- 8583: video/gime.cpp: Update interrupt outputs when master interrupt switches change. [Tim Lindner]
- 8584: bus/nes: Added support for two more multi-game cartridges. [kmg]
- 8585: bus/nes: Fixed graphical glitches for multi-game cartridges using the BMC-GKB board. [kmg]
- 8586: djmain.cpp: Added beatmania complete MIX (ver AA-C) (Asian English version). [DeepSeaSqueeze, Windy Fairy]
- 8587: spectrum_cass.xml: Added seventeen new entries and four re-dumps. [Planeta Sinclair,, ArcadeShadow]
- 8588: fmtowns_flop_misc.xml, fmtowns_flop_orig.xml: Added seven items, and fixed various issues in the lists. [r09, cyo.the.vile]
- 8589: util/delegate.cpp: Fixed multiple issues, particularly affecting classes using multiple inheritance. [Vas Crabb]
- 8591: bus/nes: Added support for Super Russian Roulette. [kmg]
- 8592: formats/sc3000_bit.cpp: Added TZX to the list of tape formats for the Sega SC-3000. [Fabio DL]
- 8593: acesp.cpp Dumped MC68705P3 microcontrollers from two types of sp.ACE fruit machine reel driver board. [TTX, David Haywood]
- 8594: fmtowns_cd.xml: Added sixteen new items, replaced seven items with better dumps, and added two missing floppy images. [, cyo.the.vile, akira_2020, r09]
- 8595: merits.cpp: Correctly identified unknown set as “Pub Time Darts II”. [ClawGrip]
- 8596: samcoupe_flop.xml: Added eight items. [World of SAM, ArcadeShadow]
- 8598: bus/nes: Added support for Star Versus. [kmg]
- 8599: vsmile_cart.xml: Added eight items. [skaman, ClawGrip]
- 8600: vsmilem_cart.xml: Added note about pocket cartridges using the same ROMs as the motion ones. [ClawGrip]
- 8601: hh_sm510.cpp: Added cheat inputs for gnw_flagman, gnw_judge and gnw_lion. [Milan G., algestam]
- 8602: gameboy.xml: Added Sarakon (prototype). [Gaming Alexandria, ArcadeShadow]
- 8603: bus/nes: Added support for Donkey Kong 8 in 1; nes.xml: Set correct board type for Grandia games. [kmg]
- 8604: snes.xml: Added two Raiden prototypes. [Gaming Alexandria, Revenant, kmg]
- 8607: mpu4.cpp: Added three Vifico Escalera Tobogan sets. [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 8608: saturn.cpp: Added placeholder system for Korean BIOS, and fixed some issues affecting various games. [Angelo Salese]
- 8609: bus/nes: Reimplemented BMC-70IN1 and BMC-800IN1 board emulation and added iNES loader support for them. [kmg]
- 8610: 4enraya.cpp: Added ASCII PCB layout for “tourpgum”. [ClawGrip]
- 8612: cdi.xml: Added six items (one also appears in ibm5170_cdrom.xml). [Gaming Alexandria, David Silva]
- 8614: bus/nes: Simplified handling of SXROM and SOROM boards fitted with MMC1A chips. [kmg]
- 8615: bus/nes: Added support for a bootleg Sangokushi II cartridge. [kmg]
- 8616: video/antic.cpp: Fixed effects of DLISTL and DLISTH writes on DPAGE and DOFFS, and fixed issues with modes 2, 3 and 15. [Golden Child]
- 8617: bus/nes: Uncommented some existing code for supporting the Toy Story pirate cartridge. [kmg]
- 8618: nes.xml: Removed a duplicate dump of Xiāngshuài Chuánqí. [kmg]
- 8620: bus/nes: Fixed hard-wired four-screen mirroring for MMC3 games. [kmg]
- 8621: nes.xml: Added an alternate PCB configuration for Gauntlet. [kmg]
Télécharger MAME v0.236 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de MAME
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v17.01 
Lundi 27/09/21 à 14:55 par Firebrand
Ces frontends multi-systèmes orientés multimédia ont été mis à jour, mais pas d'information sur les changements apportés.
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Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v17.01
Site Officiel de GameEx
 m64p v26/09/2021 
Lundi 27/09/21 à 14:53 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur Nintendo 64 a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Update custom ROM settings (performance improvements) for Smash Remix 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
Télécharger m64p v26/09/2021 (Windows)
Télécharger m64p v26/09/2021 (Linux)
Site Officiel de m64p
 vAmiga v1.1 Beta 3 
Dimanche 26/09/21 à 13:59 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Amiga pour MacOS a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- From now on, vAmiga distinguishes two OCS Agnus revisions (A1000 and A500/2000).
- Fixed a bug that generated erroneous bitmap blocks on disks created by importing single files or directories.
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Site Officiel de vAmiga
 vAmiga v1.1 Beta 2 
Vendredi 24/09/21 à 14:36 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur Amiga pour MacOS a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
Compatibility enhancements:
- Fixed a bug related to reading the BLTDDAT register.
- Fixed a bug related to the computation of the DDF window.
- Fixed a bug related to dropping register writes when DMA is performed at the same time.

- Fixed a display bug in the Denise debug panel (BPLCON2 showed wrong values)
Télécharger vAmiga v1.1 Beta 2
Site Officiel de vAmiga
 KEGS v1.13 
Vendredi 24/09/21 à 14:34 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Apple // pour MacOS et Linux (l'archive contient les deux versions) a été publiée. Pas de détails à son sujet en dehors d'un support joystick MacOS amélioré sans plus de précisions.
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Site Officiel de KEGS
 History.xml v2.35a 
Mardi 21/09/21 à 14:18 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce fichier informatif pour MAME a été publiée. La version en .dat n'est pas concernée. Voici les changements:
- Big update: added many descriptions for sms games.
Télécharger History.xml v2.35a
Site Officiel de History.xml
 WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 FR 
Mardi 21/09/21 à 14:15 par Firebrand
La dernière beta de WinUAE a été traduite en français par Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 FR (64-bit)
 RetroArch v1.9.10 
Lundi 20/09/21 à 15:18 par Firebrand
Cet ensemble de noyaux d'émulateurs réunis sous une même interface a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- 3DS: Add bottom screen idle state
- 3DS: Add unique IDs for Gearboy/Gearcoleco/Gearsystem, correct CAP32 code
- 3DS/SAVESTATES: Fix RAM states to file when core deinits
- AUDIO/MIXER: Pad sample buffers to prevent potential heap-buffer-overflows when resampling (fixes crash when using 30 kHz menu audio files)
- CHEEVOS: Don’t write achievement credentials to overrides
- CHEEVOS: Disable slowmotion when enabling hardcore mode
- D3D9: Fixed MVP matrix issue for RGUI texture (main game frame still won’t show up though)
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed contrast to be more correct – now scales from 0-10 linearly and behaves more the way you’d expect it to – changed name to ditch legacy settings users may have
- D3D11/HDR: Fixed D3D11’s blend, rasterizer and topology states not being set to the sames when using HDR and leaving the menu – caused issues with PCSX2’s Shadow of the Colossus
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added ability to skip inverse tonemapper to the shader via the constant buffer using ‘inverse_tonemap’ – set to 0.0f to skip
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Fixed potential bug when swapping between hdr and sdr and the bit depth not being set correctly
- D3D11/D3D12/HDR: Added numerous helper functions to help create the correct values to colour the UI – normally the white UI elements should be rendered at paper white not max brightness for various reasons
- BUGFIX/ANDROID: Fix crash that could happen on Android with Sameboy core – would crash on rumble function
- GFX/WIDGETS: New regular widget message appearance
- INPUT/MOUSE: Add distinct mouse zero index label for drivers that do not support multimouse
- INPUT/RUMBLE: Add generic rumble gain to input settings
- INPUT/UDEV/X11: Add workaround to fix keyboard input when using X11 + Udev
- LIBNX/SWITCH: Add Video Filters support
- LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
- PLAYLISTS: Add ‘Refresh Playlist’ option
- STEAM: Initial release on Steam
- UWP/VFS/XBOX: Improvements and bugfixes to UWP VFS driver
- VIDEO/REFRESH RATE: Automatic PAL/NTSC refresh rate switch where available – as long as the platform display server allows changing refresh rates and the display has the desired refresh rate
- VIDEO FILTERS: Add ‘Picoscale_256x-320×240’ video filter
WIIU/HID: Fix analog inputs on HID devices
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (XP/Vista 32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (XP/Vista 64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (64-bit) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Metal2) (MacOS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Nintendo GC)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Nintendo Wii)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Nintendo WiiU)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (.3dsx) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (.cia) (Nintendo 3DS)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Nintendo Switch)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (PlayStation 2)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (PSP)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (PS Vita)
Télécharger RetroArch v1.9.10 (Xbox One)
Site Officiel de RetroArch
 WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 
Lundi 20/09/21 à 14:59 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de WinUAE a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- Harmnless bug causing "Negative nr_color_changes.. " log messages fixed.
- Copper VBLANK startup was 2 cycles too early. (Previous fix was not correct)
- Partially reverted b9 sound update that caused worse sound stability on some systems. It also makes FPS value slightly less stable.
- Audio volume (from AUDxVOL) is only loaded to internal volume register when period counter is loaded. Volume changes during period counting don't affect audio until next period load.
- Copper writes to AUDxDAT in non-cycle exact modes had inaccurate timing.
- AUDxDAT undocumented feature: AUDxDAT write has 1 cycle delay, state machine==3 INTREQ test is done when period counter==1, not when it is zero. (Thanks to ross again, another weird test set )
- RTG screen was not fully cleared in some situations when switching modes (b25)
- Changed debugger "dp" to "dppc" (switch to PPC disassembly mode)
- Ateo Pixel 64 RTG board emulation. Another Cirrus Logic based RTG board. Very quickly done, only works with recent Picasso96 versions, does not work with drivers that need ateobus.library (will be done if someone disassembles it, I am too lazy, as usual). 256 color mode has wrong colors and right edge wraps around. Does not autoswitch.
- "Smooth Copper" works correctly again.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.9.0 Beta 34 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 AQZ Netplay Input Plugin v125 
Dimanche 19/09/21 à 14:43 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce plugin pour émulateur Nintendo 64 a été publiée. Voici les nouveautés:
- Fix delayed/stuck input when input authority is delegated (i.e. golf mode)
- Always join “test” room with debug build
Télécharger AQZ Netplay Input Plugin v125
Site Officiel de AQZ Netplay Input Plugin
 Nintendulator FR v0.985 Beta (14/06/21) 
Dimanche 19/09/21 à 14:41 par Firebrand
La dernière version de cet émulateur NES a été traduite en français par Tradu-France.
Télécharger Nintendulator FR v0.985 Beta (32-bit) (14/06/21)
Télécharger Nintendulator FR v0.985 Beta (64-bit) (14/06/21)
 My Nes v7.9.7931.3259 (32-bit) 
Samedi 18/09/21 à 14:32 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur NES a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Fixed: My Nes mixer look-up table.
- Fixed: sound output for external sound channels.
- Improved: MY Nes mixer. Now it sounds better.
Télécharger My Nes v7.9.7931.3259 (32-bit)
Site Officiel de My Nes
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