Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes: General - Misc *Updated SDL2 library for windows 2.30.6 *ROMs export: Fixed '88 Gamed' ROM info (thanks to okurka) *Updated Preview images - Video *Rewrited full screen mode .Screen now it's scaled .Hide mouse, except if needed (Spectrum mouse, Operation Wolf and Zero Point) .Fixed mouse position click - Sound engine *Added close functions to clean variables *Added some functions to ensure a sound chip have a CPU associated before it's created - Controls Engine *Joystick .Removed calibrate functions, just press button to calibrate .Rewrited all functions, now responds faster - Timer Engine *Add timer lapse, before call timer function - CPU *M6502 .Fixed 'brk' opcode (fixes Oric's 'SkoolDaze' and many others) *M680X .Added opcodes $2c, $2f and $85 .Rewrited get/put byte functions .Make RAM and ROM internal *MB88XX .Rewrited internal flags functions *Z80 .Added IRQ mode 2 external vector calls .Daisy chain: clean all functions .Z80 CTC: Clean daisy chain functions .Z80 PIO: Converted to classes - Devices *VIA6522: Implemented VIA timers with the timer engine *TAP/TZX Engine .Fixed blocks $10,$11 and $14, misses one pulse .Remove last block pause, and change pause functions .Added T64 files
Spectrum - Removed minimum border draw when fast speed, now draws full border lines (thanks to Neville)
Amstrad CPC - Fixed lenslock protection, added 'Moon Cresta' protection - Fixed tape/wav opening error
Casio PV1000 - Fixed IRQ generation - Fixed screen size and border
Commodore 64 - Enhanced PRG loading - Changed T64 to tape system, still not working
Oric HW - Changed screen draw to line by line - Fixed tape/wav opening error - Changed sound chip to AY8912
Aliens - Fixed CPU clock
Baraduke HW - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
BombJack HW - Merged with Calorie Kun - Fixed background layer - Changed memory map to a generalized one - Added rotation screen - Changed screen parameters - Enhanced NMI
Breakthru HW - Changed memory map to a generalized one +Fixed DIPs -Bubblebobble - Changed to new M680X CPU engine - Added IRQ mode 2 external vector function - Remove manual GFX invert
Centipede - Enhanced IRQ generation
Double Dragon HW - Double Dragon: Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Firetrap - Added MSM5205 reset
Gaplus - Fixed corrupted sprites
KiKi KaiKai HW - KiKi KaiKai: Added driver with sound - Kick and Run: Added driver with sound
Knuckle Joe - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Irem M62 - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Pacland - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Pooyan - Enhance palette conversion
Shaolins Road - Fixed Sprites
Skykid - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Senjyo HW - Fixed slow inputs - Changed to new Z80 PIO engine
Super DodgeBall - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Sega System 1/2 - Changed to new Z80 PIO engine
System Namco86 - Changed to new M680X CPU engine
Williams HW - Changed to new M680X CPU engine |