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 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 19 
Mardi 16/01/18 à 13:03 par Firebrand
Les beta de cet émulateur Amiga continuent de s'enchaîner et la prochaine version stable arrive à grands pas. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- D3D11 fullscreen and GUI open: Quit/Restart did unnecessary fullscreen open and close. (Was working in some betas, broke later)
- Loading new config file via GUI using "Load" button when emulation is already running and loaded config had statefile selected: statefile was not loaded automatically when emulation was started.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 19 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 19 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 FR 
Lundi 15/01/18 à 13:20 par Firebrand
La dernière beta de WinUAE est maintenant disponible en français grâce à Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 FR (64-bit)
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 
Samedi 13/01/18 à 12:51 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de cet émulateur Amiga pour Windows a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Added real CHS-only IDE drive HDF imaging support that works with some (single? all?) USB adapters that don't natively support CHS only drives (Drive appears as having zero byte capacity in Windows Disk Manager and SCSI READ CAPACITY returns FFFFFFFF00000200) Imager first asks for drive's CHS geometry and then uses standard Direct SCSI mode READ (10) to read correct blocks. This works as long as adapter blindly copies SCSI LBA fields to ATA CHS/LBA registers internally.
- Default D3D11 fullscreen refresh rate may have incorrectly chosen native interlaced mode if it was available.
- D3D11 no buffer fullscreen vsync does not update as fast as possible anymore.
- Restored norawinput keyboard and mouse modes (-norawinput_all disables all, -norawinput_keyboard and -norawinput_mouse to only disable mouse or keyboard rawinput mode). They were removed in 3.3 but apparently RDP does not support rawinput keyboard.
- BCD instruction V-flag fix, 68020+ BCD instructions don't do undocumented V-flag modifications, only 68000/010, previously it was only done if 68040+.
- Notification icon handling updated, previous Windows 7 workaround removed.
- Added Misc panel option to show WinUAE in Windows shutdown/logoff screen (Vista or newer) if emulation session is active.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 18 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 History.dat v1.93b 
Jeudi 11/01/18 à 12:26 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce fichier informatif pour MAME a été publiée. Voici les données ajoutées:
- Addition of missing archimedes disks.
- Some softlists data fixes.
Télécharger History.dat v1.93b
Site Officiel de History.dat
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 FR (32-bit) 
Lundi 08/01/18 à 12:31 par Firebrand
Toujours aussi réactive, l'équipe de Tradu-France a publiée la traduction en français de la dernière beta de WinUAE.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 FR (64-bit)
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 
Dimanche 07/01/18 à 13:27 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de cet émulateur Amiga vient d'être publiée. Voici la liste des nouveautés:
- Added Profex HD3300 emulation and boot ROM.
- Fixed rounding issue in D3D11 mode screen position calculation. (Single pixel offset in some situations)
- 68040+ "cycle exact" could have appear hung if all running code and data fit in caches.
- Geometry file parsing memory free bug fix.
- Interlace artifact removal last flickering line fixed (b1)
- Allow JIT direct in CSPPC configuration. This disables CSPPC Map ROM address mapping completely.
- D3D11 threaded Present() calls removed, it is not compatible with some systems. (Caused blank screens when switching modes)
- Re-initialize D3D11 display mode if ResizeBuffers() return an error instead of showing blank screen.
- End of chip ram didn't have safety barrier if chip ram size was less than 2M. Unaligned long or word access from the very end of chip ram could have caused crash.

Profex HD3300:
- Yet another basic OMTI based HD controller.
- "omti55.device 22.0 (17-Apr-1989) (c) 1988,1989 by Thomas Rudloff for Intelligent Memory Frankfurt, W. Germany"
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 17 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Xebra/Arbex 2018/01/05 
Dimanche 07/01/18 à 13:24 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur PlayStation a été mis à jour. Cependant, il n'y pas d'information sur les améliorations.
Télécharger Xebra/Arbex 2018/01/05
Site Officiel de Xebra/Arbex
 WinFellow v0.5.7 FR 
Samedi 06/01/18 à 13:00 par Firebrand
La dernière version de cet émulateur Amiga a été traduite en français par l'équipe de Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinFellow v0.5.7 FR
 History.dat v1.93a 
Vendredi 05/01/18 à 13:04 par Firebrand
Ce fichier informatif poru MAME a été mis à jour. Voici les nouvelles données ajoutées:
- super80_cass softlist entries added.
- All the database update since 1.93 added.
Télécharger History.dat v1.93a
Site Officiel de History.dat
 Emu Loader v8.4.3 (mise à jour) 
Vendredi 05/01/18 à 13:03 par Firebrand
Ce frontend multi-système continue son développpement sur un train d'enfer. Voici les nouveautés de cette version:
Ok, this is getting out of hand. Petrificus Totalus!
If you delete/copy/move games files with Emu Loader, you need this build. For the life of me, I can't understand why CopyFile(), MoveFile(), DeleteFile() Windows APIs were malfunctioning. Replaced by their Unicode counterparts. Windows 7 seems to work ok again.
I've made a few more tweaks to the Delete/Copy/Move Games Files feature. Added a new Add System Folder checkbox so you can copy/move games to a \destination folder\system_folder\ without having to manually select a system sub-folder.
Disable this new checkbox to copy/move files directly to the destination folder without adding the extra system sub-folder.

- Oh boy... "Delete/Copy/Move Games Files" was not working at all (games popup menu)
*copy/move operations not working even when game file exists
*replaced action functions by Unicode ones: "CopyFileW()", "MoveFileW()", "DeleteFileW()"; they seem to work OK
*the "\mame_softlist_folder_name\" folder was being added BEFORE "\system_folder_name\" folder... D'OH!

- Changes to "Copy/Move Games Files"
*games list screen is closed after moving files even with operation errors; after moving files you can't move them again anyway
*when copying files, the games list screen stays open in case you want to copy them to another location (handy mode ON)
*forgot to add support for "Video Tape (VHS)" media type in the "copy/move" dialog (MAME CHD files)
*several tweaks
*removal of ancient code

- Feature "Copy/Move Games Files" got a new checkbox setting, enabled by default: "Add System Folder"
*what does it do ? It adds a "\system_name\" sub-folder at the end of the "Destination Path" you selected
*in previous frontend builds this was enfoced, giving you no option to disable it
*system names cannot be customized but are really easy to spot
*for both single and multiple games selection dialogs
*useful when you want to copy/move files of games from the same system and don't want them to be copied/moved to a "system" sub-folder
*when multiple games of different systems are selected, this settings is always enabled, even if you uncheck it ("Crash 'n Burn" mode OFF)
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.4.3 (mise à jour)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 Le sondage de janvier 2018 
Jeudi 04/01/18 à 13:58 par Firebrand
Les fêtes de fin d'année viennent de se terminer, vous avez fait votre cure annuelle de foie gras, huitres, bûche ou autres chapons... en laissant éventuellement une place pour la galette des rois à venir!

Vous avez bien entendu ouvert vos cadeaux au pied du sapin et avez constaté ce que le Père Noël vous a apporté cette année.

Sans surprise sur un site dédié aux jeux vidéos, vous avez majoritairement reçu ou donné des présents liés à notre loisir favori. Cependant, ceux qui ont fait un autre choix (ou qu'on leur a imposé) êtes néanmoins nombreux.

On a déjà fait un marronnier le mois dernier, on ne va pas recommencé cette fois. On ne va pas se lancer dans la culture du marron et les bogues ça pique.
Non, ce mois-ci nous allons nous intéressé aux jeux qui ont forgé le joueur que vous êtes devenu. Nous avons tous eux dans notre vie de joueurs des titres particulièrement fondateurs pour nos goûts ou notre façon d'appréhender le média. Ce ne sont pas nécessairement nos jeux préférés mais ils ont laissé une empreinte indélébile dans notre expérience.
Il y a autant de jeux possibles que de joueurs, pour un sondage il n'est pas possible de les citer un par un. Nous allons donc restreindre le choix à des catégories de jeux. Quelle est celle qui vous aura modelé le plus? Vous ne pouvez en choisir qu'une, le choix sera dur, mais vous pouvez aussi vous exprimer plus librement sur notre forum avec des exemples précis.

Attention, joueur en construction!

Vous pouvez venir défendre votre choix et partager vos expériences sur notre forum!
 Emu Loader v8.4.2 (mise à jour) 
Jeudi 04/01/18 à 13:02 par Firebrand
Ce frontend multi-systèmes continue sa progression rapide. Voici les améliorations du jour:
Today's forecast is... FIRE! Right, left, up and down, there's no scape. The only way out is using a pokey code to freeze time and download this new frontend version.
A couple freakish bugs caused by old code, plus more goodies.

- Frontend crash if you select "All Systems" in the arcade systems select dialog, when ZERO systems are enabled ("Create Arcade Games List" / "Scan Games")
- You could select "All Systems" in the arcade systems select dialog even if ZERO systems are enabled, making the frontend crash
- System title and type text bar properly relocated for 1280x720 resolution; it was completely hidden in "Image Category Settings" screen

- Memory card changes and fixes
*finished implementing the file search routine, it was still only searching for "*.mc", "*.mc1", "*.mc2" files
*all file extensions are now scanned and displayed in the memcard files list, no longer limited to MAME's file extensions from -listxml output
*file search masks: "gamename.*" and "game title.*"
*MAME's file extensions are only used to select files in the "open file dialog", used in slots "Select" buttons
*fixed an error where softlist memcard files could not be located in the correct folder, which is "machine_to_run_foldername\softist_foldername\gamename_foldername\"
example of the corrected search fix: "mamedir\memcard\psu\psx\wildarms\*.*" ("psx" softlist folder name wasn't being added before)
*for software list games, ALL files are scanned inside the "\gamename\" folder since you will only have memcard files for that game
*more teaks are removal of dead code

- New "This system is not available" text in the system title bar below the systems list; for systems that are disabled ("Image Category Settings" and "Video Preview Settings")
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.4.2 (mise à jour)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 FR 
Jeudi 04/01/18 à 12:58 par Firebrand
La dernière version de cet émulateur Commodore 64 a été traduite en français par l'équipe de Tradu-France.
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 (32-bit) FR
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 (64-bit) FR
 WinFellow v0.5.7 
Mercredi 03/01/18 à 14:01 par Firebrand
Non, WinUAE n'est pas le seul émulateur Amiga qui existe. Une nouvelle version de cette alternative a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
Bug fixes:
- floppy code was updated to use a track limit > 80; it will output random data beyond track 80 - fixes Outrun/The Games: Summer Edition; also added missing checks for disabled drives, fixing Winter Olympics 94
- fixed a bug where unexpected pixel format flags besides RGB stopped DirectDraw initialization
- several bugs in the screenshot code were fixed; standalone screenshots were not saved correctly in D3D mode, and used with Amiga Forever raw screenshots were missing screen areas due to faulty initialization of the internal clipping areas
- fixed screen area mismatch when Amiga Forever region/size settings are both set to auto; auto clipping is still not supported
CPU instruction fixes:
- fixed a signed bug in 64-bit division
- minor timing adjustment for btst
- CIA event counter changes according to documentation
- the project files were updated to Visual Studio 2017
Télécharger WinFellow v0.5.7
Site Officiel de WinFellow
 Kat5200 v0.8.1 
Mercredi 03/01/18 à 13:58 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur Atari 5200 et ordinateurs Atari 8-bit a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Fixed: Database issue causing poor sound and crashes for new installs
- Fixed: GUI: List scrolling in GUI
- Fixed: GUI: Wizard sets input profile after use
- Fixed: GUI: Input profile shows default correctly
- Added: Initial Android support

- If you performed a fresh install of 0.8.0 please install this immediately to fix poor sound and crashing. Updates from previous version should not be affected.
Télécharger Kat5200 v0.8.1 (Windows)
Télécharger Kat5200 v0.8.1 (MacOS)
Télécharger Kat5200 v0.8.1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de Kat5200
 NPlayers.ini et NPlayers32.ini v0.193a 
Mardi 02/01/18 à 13:29 par Firebrand
Des versions correctives de cet fichiers additionnels pour MAME ont été publiées. Voici de quoi il s'agit:
- It turns out that and archives contained NPlayers 0.192a ini files! Big mistake on my end. Please accept my sincere apologies. m(_ _)m
- Thanks to eispic for noticing it and alerting me!
- While updating files I noticed a duplicate entry for WaiWai Drive and removed it.
Télécharger NPlayers.ini v0.193a
Télécharger NPlayers32.ini v0.193a
Site Officiel de NPlayers.ini
 Emu Loader v8.4.1 (mise à jour) 
Mardi 02/01/18 à 13:23 par Firebrand
De nombreux changements ont été apportés dans cette nouvelle mise à jour d'Emu Loader. Les utilisateurs des versions précédentes devront d'ailleurs ré-générer certaines listes de jeux. En voici le détail:
"Day one" update. ^-^ More fixes and changes.
Demul v0.582 and older builds are no longer supported! Yes, I removed support for the older builds because the frontend could never handle their CDs/HDDs properly. There was a major bug detecting Demul CHD files as regular ROMs, making it impossible to validate games.
You must use Demul v0.7 and newer from now on.
Added support to 4 memory card slots for MAME v0.193 in Run Game (Extra Parameters), accessible in games popup menu. Also improved support of file extensions. The frontend was limited to .mc? extension. The frontend read extensions from -listxml output. Note that you can still use any file extension since MAME allows you to load them from the command line (not sure if this is possible in MAME's internal menu).
Improved detection of MAME CHD region tags from -listxml output. Added detection of CED VideoDisc and Video Tape (VHS) regions.
Also fixed CHD region detection for ZiNc games, to properly set them as discs files instead of ROMs. You coudn't validate ZiNc games in previous frontend builds... seriously, nobody noticed this ???
Due to all the changes you have to create games lists for the following systems again: MAME and MAME software lists, HBMAME, Demul, ZiNc.
There's no other way.
These CHD region tag changes are purely cosmetic and do not affect the way Emu Loader validate games files.

- FATALITY! Demul games with CHD files and ZiNc games with CDs were not being set as "Media Type = Disc" when creating games lists, messing up with games filtering and games files validation system; you MUST create games list for both systems again, it's the only way to fix it

- Fixes and changes to "Filter Arcade Games by Main CPU" ("Miscellaneous Filters" tool bar button)
*partial string support in TEdit box; you don't need to type the full CPU title anymore
*files "arcade\games\mame_maincpu.ini" and "arcade\games\hbmame_maincpu.ini" were not being loaded to the combo box control, making it impossible to select a CPU to filter the list
*selecting a CPU in the combo box list will automatic filter the games list... as it should have been!
*the CPU TEdit box will be emptied when selecting a CPU in the combo box
*moved the CPU combo box list to the left as it makes more sense
*improved filtering speed when games list is in grouped view mode
*tweaks to improve CPU names search speed
- Changes to the startup process
*detailed messages in splash screen so you know what the frontend is actually doing
*on a clean install (no arcade/console/computer games files found), the splash screen is closed to avoid being on top of the clean install dialog, making it look like the frontend is frozen, even though the timer is still running
*if you have arcade emulators selected but the executable files are not found, the frontend will no longer ask you to select them again ... old code leftover, sorry
*source code cleaning and some minor tweaks applied
- Changes to "Run Game (Extra Parameters)" (games popup menu)
*added support to four (4) memory card slots; PGM2 games use it
*detection of memory card file extensions (from -listxml output) so you can use MAME's supported file extensions per game/driver (you need to create MAME/HBMAME games list again)
*file extension filters in select file dialog changed to support any extension (.*)
*mouse double-click on a listed memcard file will add it to "slot 1"
*resize memcard files list panel according to slots count

- Demul v0.582 and older is no longer supported!
*games with GD-ROM files were never properly detected and were handled by the frontend in a extremely weird way
*nobody probably use old Demul builds anyway because I haven't got a single bug report for the last 2 years
*from now on, only Demul v0.7 and newer will be supported

- Detection of "ced_videodisc" disk region tag in -listxml output
*for "disk" entries and MAME only
*"CED VideoDisc" is handled as "Disc" (or "CD") media type
*this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files
- New MAME CHD media type: "Video Tape"
*detection of "vhs" region tag in -listxml output ("disk" entries only)
*new game file IDs: "21 -> Game Video Tape"; "22 -> Device Video Tape"; "23 *Bios Video Tape"
*this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files
- New "mediatype_tag" for MAME CHDs, Demul CHDs and ZiNc games
*tags added when creating games lists
*tags are listed in "arcade\games\system_name.elrom" files
*only "Disc" media type have this new tag (CD, DVD, Laserdisc, GD-ROM, AudioCD, CED VideoDisc)
*supported tags: "cdrom", "laserdisc", "gdrom", "audiocd", "ced_videodisc"
*for a future improvement, and there won't be exclusive icons for them, only a general "disc" icon
*MAME software lists "MIGHT" be supported in the future... maybe
*this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.4.1 (mise à jour)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 FR 
Mardi 02/01/18 à 13:18 par Firebrand
On est toujours à l'affût chez Tradu-France car la traduction en français de la dernière beta de WinUAE est déjà disponible.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 FR (64-bit)
 WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 
Mardi 02/01/18 à 13:15 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta pour cet émulateur Amiga a été publiée. Voici les nouveautés du jour:
- Fixed statefile memory corruption if CPU is 68060. (Introduced when 68040/060 data cache support was added)
- Made SA-1000 and SA-2000 suboptions (like SupraDrives) SA-2000 is same as SA-1000 without $f0 ROM mapping. (Old SA-1000 configs must be re-created)
- GUI opened in D3D11 fullscreen mode: GUI minimization fixed.
- D3D11 mode fullscreen alt-tab, then clicking GUI reset button didn't restore fullscreen mode correctly.
- D3D11 scaled RTG mode hardware mouse cursor position and scaling fixed.
- D3D11 fullscreen RTG, enter GUI, exit GUI: there may have been long delay before fullscreen mode was restored.
- Handle D3D11 mode possible DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED error by retrying mode setup instead of stopping screen updates.
- Catweasel expansion caused hang (infinite autoconfig loop), it was not fully updated to new expansion system.
- SA-1000 Amax driver hang fixed (WD reset command didn't clear busy in all situations)
- Tape emulation now returns single file mark after last file before final end of file/blank state, no filemark returned if last file of index file does not have ending linefeed. Fixes Amix installation error if last file on tape (X11r5src) was selected for installation. When writing, multiple filemarks between files are supported.
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v3.6.0 Beta 16 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 
Mardi 02/01/18 à 13:13 par Firebrand
Ce émulateur Commodore64 a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
1) CIA old timer B bug timing fixes for Wilfred Bos's alternate version of the dd0dtest.
2) Updated 8580 SID combined wave with slightly improved samples from a real C64C CSG 8580R5.
3) Added a new joystick setting to enable the use all fire buttons.
4) Added separate VBL sync or line sync options for both Direct X full screen and windowed mode.
5) Fixed the "Stretch with border clip" in some resolutions to provide a more optimal zoom.
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 (32-bit)
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.9.6 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de Hoxs64
 Azimer HLE Audio Plugin v0.70 WIP10 
Lundi 01/01/18 à 15:23 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version WIP de ce plugin audio pour émulateur Nintendo 64 a été publiée. Pas d'information disponible sur les modifications apportées.
Télécharger Azimer HLE Audio Plugin v0.70 WIP10
Site Officiel de Azimer HLE Audio Plugin
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