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 NPlayers.ini et NPlayers32.ini v0.204 
Mardi 11/12/18 à 14:17 par Firebrand
Ces fichiers permettant de trier les jeux MAME par nombre de joueurs a été mis à jour avec les nouvelles machines de MAME v0.204.
Télécharger NPlayers.ini v0.204
Télécharger NPlayers32.ini v0.204
Site Officiel de NPlayers.ini
 Fuse v1.5.7 
Mardi 11/12/18 à 14:15 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur ZX-Spectrum a été mis à jour, mais seule la version Windows est disponible pour le moment. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- GTK+ 3: Make the offset entry wider in memory browser
- GTK+: Remove duplicated surface creation code
- GTK+: Remove use of deprecated gtk_device_(un)grab functions
- GTK+/Win32: Add *.bin as an allowed filetype to file selectors and amend .fmf filetype
- Improve Fuse's Kempston mouse handling under GTK+ 3.x
- "Save binary" command can now save 65536 bytes again (regression introduced in 1.5.6)
- Various minor bugfixes
Télécharger Fuse v1.5.7
Site Officiel de Fuse
 Le sondage de de décembre 2018 
Dimanche 09/12/18 à 15:06 par Firebrand
L'année 2018 vit ses derniers jours, et les décorations de Noël ont déjà fait leur apparition depuis un moment. On ferait bien le tour des vitrines, mais avec le temps pourri du moment, on se dit qu'on est bien au chaud devant un petit jeu-vidéo.

En attendant le vieux barbu, regardons les résultats du dernier sondage enrichi en testostérone:

Le légendaire Final Fight reste parmi vos favoris mais vos goûts sont finalement assez diversifiés avec des scores plutôt serrés. Petite déception personnelle pour mon favori, Violent Storm qui se prend un méchant revers. Pas assez connu? Tentez l'expérience, vous ne le regretterez pas! Comment ça, "stop au forcing"? :-P

Pour le nouveau sondage, cela ne sera pas une surprise si je vous dire que ça tournera autour de Noël. Quelle console allez/aimeriez-vous mettre au pied du sapin? Les choix porteront majoritaire sur des machines récentes, mais on garde une ouverture pour le rétro.

Et vous, que mettrez-vous?

Vous pouvez venir défendre votre avis sur notre forum!
 openMSX v0.15.0 - Sinterklaasphemy - 
Dimanche 09/12/18 à 13:17 par Firebrand
Ca faisait un an et demi qu'on n'avait pas eu de nouvelles de cet émulateur MSX mais désormais aussi ColecoVision. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
Again a release, because we did quite a lot, so it's due! Major new stuff is support for ColecoVision (including Super Game Module and MegaCart mapper),
Musical Memory Mapper and Carnivore 2. And we have fixed a lot of long-standing OPL4 emulation issues, thanks to Valley Bell. Furthermore, we overhauled the Android port, but you'll mostly notice the scale factor 2 there. And several other (sometimes very long standing) issues were fixed.

Here's the list with all highlights and details:

MSX device support:
- fixed 16 year old bug regarding sprites behaviour as shown in Ash Guine 3
- fixed National CF-3300: it has a 2DD disk drive, not 1DD
- fixed V9958 commands in non-bitmap modes
- allow non-standard cartridge slots to be used as normal cartridge slots, consistently
- fixed VDP type of National FS-1300
- fixed a bug in the turboR mapper
- fixed a bug regarding VIBrato in the YM2413 (Okazaki core)
- fixed CAPS lock on SVI 318/328
- fixed Canon V-20 configurations
- fixed Sanyo MPC-25FD configuration
- added support for 2 mapper read back bits, used in Panasonic MSX2+ machines
- added emulation of the SN76489 DCSG sound chip
- added emulation of the Musical Memory Mapper
- added emulation of ColecoVision, ColecoVision Super Game Module
- added emulation of the MegaCart mapper, used in some new homebrew
ColecoVision games (mostly MSX ports)
- added emulation of the Carnivore 2 cartridge
- improved emulation of OPL4 (wave part) considerably, thanks to Valley Bell
- added emulation of bizarre I/O port mirroring of Philips Music Module (thanks
to Grauw and L. Oliveira for doing the research)
- implemented Y8910 status register bit 0
- fixed exact formula for noise generation on AY8910 (PSG)
- made memory mapper ports readable on MegaFlashROM SCC+ SD, conforming to the latest version of this cartridge
- added new machines: Sony HB-G900AP (thanks to Louthrax), Eurohard/Radofin Dragon MSX (thanks to MAME), Yamaha CX7/128 and CX7M/128 (thanks to Peter Hanraets), Al Alamiah Sakhr AX230, Sanyo MPC-2, Yamaha CX11 (thanks to Tabajara Labs) and Toshiba HX-32 (thanks to Jorge Janaite Neto)
- added new extensions: Musical Memory Mapper, Carnivore 2 and SN76489 (on the same I/O port as PlaySoniq)

New or improved emulator features:
- fixed some crashes when using very high Z80 frequencies
- improved tab-completion to initially hide internal procs, until you specify the namespace
- many updates to the software database
- many updates to the VGM recorder script, thanks to Niek. Use 'help vgm_rec' to find out about the new subcommands. Sample RAM content is now logged even when starting recording after the sample kit is loaded, actual data recording starts automatically when data is sent to the chip, the proper OPL4 init data is automatically written to the VGM file, and many more things.
- changed default machine symlinks to JP machines (for applicable systems)
- many robustness fixes against bad XML config files
- added videosource setting to OSD menu, GFX9000 is getting more popular
- fixed reverse bug in GFX9000
- performance improvements: several fixes to improve start-up time
- added support for DCSG in the music keyboard and vu meters script
- changed events about unplugging to an empty plug-event
- changed fixed scale factor from 1 to 2 on Android
- added OSD menu button to open the main menu for Android, as (most?) modern
Android devices do not have a menu button anymore
- OSD menu: fixed issue of getting stuck in an unreadable directory when
browsing for a file (e.g. on Android)
- added scrollbar when showing lists in OSD menu, as a visual cue on the length
of a list; the scrollbar cannot be dragged
- fixed crash in hq/hqlite scalers in interlace modes
- fixed frame skipping when doing 'debug continue'
- fixed function keys not working anymore when console is open on macOS
- exposed tile viewer widget to the console (try "about tile")

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- upgraded C-BIOS to release 0.29a: default to 60Hz generic international config
- to load older savestates, added all C-BIOS ROMs shipped with openMSX 0.7.0 and later for your convenience
- put several pieces of code under unit-test with the Catch2 framework
- added svicpm2dmk utility so disk images from the web can be converted to a suitable DMK file for use with the SVI-707 drive with CP/M ROM
- reworked complete Android port build. Now uses NDK 18b and recent version of commandergenius Android SDL port and all other 3rd party libraries are built by the openMSX build system. Minimum required Android version is now 4.1.
- removed all hand-made ARM and 32-bit x86 assembly code
- fixed version information of application on macOS
- added workaround for FreeType no longer installing its config script
- enabled retina support on macOS
- advise people to compile with Xcode 9.4.1 on macOS, not Xcode 10 (see issue #1126)

And of course the usual various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Télécharger openMSX v0.15.0 - Sinterklaasphemy - (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger openMSX v0.15.0 - Sinterklaasphemy - (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger openMSX v0.15.0 - Sinterklaasphemy - (MacOS)
Site Officiel de openMSX
 AppleWin v1.27.13.0 
Dimanche 09/12/18 à 13:08 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Apple // a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- [Bug #599] Fix for Ultima V not loading in Authentic Speed mode (regression introduced at
- [Change #205] Added support for Apple II/II+ custom 2K video ROMs.
*Extended command line switch: -videorom
*If the ROM size is 2K, then it replaces the video ROM for the Apple II/II+.
Télécharger AppleWin v1.27.13.0
Site Officiel de AppleWin
 Emu Loader v8.7.2 (version complète) 
Samedi 08/12/18 à 13:40 par Firebrand
Ce frontend multi-système a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
And one more... commented ROM / DISK entries were added to MAME software games list. You must create new MAME software games lists again to fix this. Go to main menu MAME/Arcade then select Create MAME Software Games List.
Added PDF manual support for MAME software lists. The View Missing ROMs/CHDs screen now have a search game edit box so you can go to a game without scrolling the list. You can enter a game title or a game name.
Frontend docs folder updated. Some files had old info.

- Commented ROM / DISK entries were added as game files when creating MAME software games lists (softwarename.xml files)
*ROM or DISK entries ending with "-->" tag will not be added ("rocnrope" from "msx1_cart.xml" is one of the affected games)
*you must create MAME software list games again to fix this bug (main menu "Arcade", "Create MAME Software Games List")

- PDF game manual updates
*support for MAME software lists
*scan support for a sub-folder "\manuals\" added at the end of your selected PDF folder
- File "\console_computer\mame_systems_softwarelist.ini" updated to MAME .204

- Some code cleanup, mostly commented out and deprecated

- "Search game" bar in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (audit results)
*the frontend searches the entered string in game title and then game name if title is not a match
*it works like the incremental search in the main games list, partial strings supported
*you can press ENTER key in the edit box instead of clicking the "search" button
*if there's no match, the edit box blinks red
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.7.2 (version complète)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 WinUAE v4.1.0 FR (Stable) 
Samedi 08/12/18 à 13:37 par Firebrand
La nouvelle version stable de WinUAE est disponible en français grâce à Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 FR (32-bit) (Stable)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 FR (64-bit) (Stable)
 WinUAE v4.1.0 (Stable) 
Vendredi 07/12/18 à 09:34 par Firebrand
La v4.1.0 sort de sa période de beta et est désormais disponible en version stable. Voici les améliorations depuis la v4.0.1 stable:
PC Bridgeboard (A1060 Sidecar, A2088, A2088T, A2286 and A2386SX) emulation rewrite:
- Emulation core replaced with PCem. Compatibility has improved greatly, for example Windows 3.x enhanced mode, DOS extenders and Windows 95 are now fully working.
- Bridgeboard built-in CGA emulation graphics corruption fixed.
- A2386SX VLSI chipset memory remapping, shadowing and EMS fully supported.
- Cirrus Logic emulation PC compatibility improved, 2M VRAM, linear frame buffer and blitter support.
- PC Speaker emulation (PCem)
- Sound Blaster emulation (PCem, various models)
- Serial mouse emulation (PCem)
- SCSI adapter emulation (Rancho Technology RT1000B)

Other updates:
- AGA hires/superhires horizontal pixel positioning and borderblank horizontal single hires pixel offset fully emulated. Optional because it requires much more CPU power and it is rarely needed. DIWHIGH H0/H1 AGA-only bits emulated.
- AGA FMODE>0 undocumented features implemented (BPLxDAT, SPRxDAT CPU/copper accesses, bitplane modulos that are not integer divisible by fetch size)
- Added new misc option which captures mouse immediately when windowed/full-window winuae window is activated.
- 68030 MMU emulation compatibility improved.
- Paula disk emulation GCR MSBSYNC support added (Alternate Reality protection track).
- Added quick search and quick directory select to Configurations panel. Link and autoload moved to Advanced information panel.
- Added history list to config file name edit box and to statefile path string box.
- Added vertical offset option to D3D scanlines.
- 64-bit version didn’t support 64-bit unrar.dll.
- 68030/040/060 with data cache emulation but without enabled MMU emulation: force Chip RAM as non-data cacheable.
- Magic mouse Windows cursor to Amiga mouse sync partially fixed.
- Window corners now work as drag’n’drop hot spots for different floppy drives. (top/left=0, top/right=1, bottom/left=2, bottom/right=3).

Bug fixes:
- 68020 + memory cycle exact hung the emulator in some situations.
- Reading CIA interrupt status register in a very tight loop generated spurious interrupt(s) in certain situations.
- Softfloat mode with unimplemented FPU emu ticked didn’t disable 68040/060 unmasked interrupts, confusing 68040/68060.library and possibly causing it to return incorrect values.
- Some CHD CD images didn’t mount correctly.
- uaehf.device HD_SCSICMD didn’t set scsi_SenseActual. Also set io_Actual=30 (=sizeof(struct SCSICmd))
- If config file had KS ROM path/file that didn’t exist, it was replaced with non-existing ../system/rom/kick.rom path or was not correctly fixed with valid path.
- NCR53F94 SCSI chip emulation DMA counter fix (affected for example Blizzard SCSI Kit)
- Very large directory harddrives returned halved used/free space.
- Fixed multiple problems with screenshots and video recording from hardware emulated RTG board.
- Filter panel scanlines work now correctly in multimonitor mode.
- Crash fixed if more than one non-Paula audio stream was active. Included emulated sound cards, also CD audio if “include” option ticked.
- NE2000 PCMCIA and NE2000 bridgeboard didn’t support custom MAC and network mode selection.
- Fixed hardware emulated graphics board hang with Picasso96 if board supported vblank interrupts and RTG board refresh rate mode was not Chipset.
- Fixed statefile crash when saving statefile while disk operation was active and disk image included bit cell timing information.

Bug fixes (Introduced in 4.0.0/4.0.1):
- Display port adapters that needed genlock transparency data (FireCracker, HAM-E, OpalVision, ColorBurst) didn’t work correctly since 4.0.0.
- Display port adapters didn’t work in multimonitor mode.
- Blitter statesave with blitter active: log window opened and listed few lines of blitter debug information.
- Some programs caused continuous flood of “blitter is active, forcing immediate finish” log messages.
- CTRL+F11 quit ignored new “Warn when attempting to close window” option.
- 68020/030 more compatible/cycle-exact mode statefiles didn’t always restore properly.

New emulated hardware:
- CSA Twelwe Gauge (A1200 68030 accelerator + SCSI controller)
- AccessX/Acetec IDE controller.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 (32-bit) (Stable)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 (64-bit) (Stable)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 FR 
Mercredi 05/12/18 à 13:48 par Firebrand
La traduction française de la dernière version de cet émulateur Commodore 64 a été publiée par Tradu-France.
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 (32-bit) FR
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 (64-bit) FR
 WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 13 
Mercredi 05/12/18 à 13:45 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta pour WinUAE a été publiée et ce devrait être la dernière avant la version stable prévue dans quelques jours si tout va bien. En attenant, voici les changements apportés:
- Hardware emulated graphics board interrupt was not emulated when gfxboard mode was not (yet) active and refresh mode was not "chipset". (For example Picasso96 + PicassoII+ or PicassoIV hang when switching to gfxboard mode)
- cdimageX config entries didn't support ejecting CD using uae-configuration. Now empty string ejects the CD. String "empty" and dot also equals empty.
- floppyX config entries also supports dot as empty drive.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 13 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 13 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 OpenEmu v2.0.8  
Mardi 04/12/18 à 14:24 par Firebrand
Cet ensemble de noyaux d'émulateurs réunis dans une même interface pour MacOS a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Note: This is likely one of the last releases to support OS X 10.11.
- Added "Display Mode" change support to the HUD bar for display-related options, currently available for Atari 2600, Game Boy, Game Gear, NES, Nintendo DS, Virtual Boy.
- Added Next/Last Display Mode change hotkeys.
- Improved the UI to better fit macOS 10.14 Mojave native menus and system colors.
- Fixed case where a directional button could get stuck.
- Fixed a rare input-related crash.
Télécharger OpenEmu v2.0.8 (stable)
Télécharger OpenEmu v2.0.8 (experimental)
Site Officiel de OpenEmu
 Emu Loader v8.7.1 (version complète) 
Lundi 03/12/18 à 15:47 par Firebrand
Et 2 versions pour le prix d'une! Ce frontend multi-systèmes a encore éé mis à jour puis corrigé très rapidement. Voici de quoi il retourne:
Oh my crap!
Minor fix to the audit system. Some clone games got lost in the woods. Minor fix to the Game Details screen, some ROMs were listed as missing because I forgot to include special ROM IDs after the audit system change.

- Minor adjustment in the audit system; some clone games fell thru the cracks
- ROMs info in Game Details screen was not correct for some ROMs

Out with the old, in with the new. Version 8.7 cycle has begun.
More fixes to the audit system. Many clone games you don't have wrongly set as missing ROMs/CHDs if you have the parent set... again.
Two important changes in the audit system for clone sets. If you have one clone game ROM merged into the parent set, the clone set will be tagged as missing ROMs/CHDs. Second, if you have all clone game ROMs merged into the parent set but some parent ROMs are missing, the clone set will be tagged as merged... because you actually have all clone ROMs, no matter if parent ROMs are completely missing.
To update your games list you need only to re-scan MAME games.
MAME on! :)

- Audit system hotfix, round 2
*clone games you don't have wrongly tagged as "missing ROMs/CHDs"
*games with CHDs and no game ROMs were deleted from "arcade\games\mame.miss", not listing them in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (scan results)
*some good games were not removed from "arcade\games\mame.miss", listing them in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (scan results)
*wrong " found" info shown in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen for sets with no game ROMs (scan results)

- Audit system adapted to scan clone sets the right way (and fixing some master games in the process)
*from now on, if one clone game ROM is found, merged into parent set and "" is not found, it will be tagged as "missing ROMs/CHDs"
*if no game ROMs/CHDs are found, but bios/device ROMs are present, the set is still tagged as "missing" (bios/device ROMs are not game ROMs)
*if you have all clone ROMs merged into parent set but have parent ROMs missing, the clone set is still tagged as "merged" (crazy mode ON)...
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.7.1 (version complète)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 FR 
Lundi 03/12/18 à 15:43 par Firebrand
La dernière beta de WInUAE est disponible en français grâce à Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 FR (64-bit)
 WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 
Lundi 03/12/18 à 15:40 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Amiga qu'on ne présente plus a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements apportés:
- If tablet.library was ticked and config was loaded to system without tablet, it was not possible to untick it.
- If original path stored in statefile is not valid anymore, fix attempts (testing if it exists in current dir etc..) may have returned non-existing path in certain situations even if valid path was available.
- More 68030 MMU bus error retry fixes. (Remaining Previous NextOS crashes fixed)
- MMU's internal table read/write accesses should be always done in supervisor mode. (Not much effect on Amiga but other platforms usually have memory regions that are supervisor only)
- Magic mouse Windows cursor to Amiga mouse sync fixed. (Broken long time ago, still not fully working in every filter combination)
- When config file rom path pointed to non-existing file, autodetect of rom path is attempted. If last autodetect phase detected it, rom path was not updated.
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v4.1.0 Beta 12 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 
Lundi 03/12/18 à 15:38 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur Commodore 64 pour Windows a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
1) Allow game device axes to be unselected in the joystick settings.
2) Experimental support for game devices with more than 32 buttons and up to 128 buttons.
3) Fix to broken save state.
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 (32-bit)
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.0.12.0 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de Hoxs64
 Messinfo.dat v0.204 (11.18) 
Dimanche 02/12/18 à 13:03 par Firebrand
Fermant comme à son habitude la marche des mises à jour mensuelles d'AntoPISA, la nouvelle version de Messinfo.dat a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- 11.18 01/12/2018: Aligned files to 0.204 version.
- 11.17 15/11/2018: Fixed some errors.
Télécharger Messinfo.dat v0.204 (11.18)
Site Officiel de Messinfo.dat
 GameInit.dat v0.204 (0.35) 
Samedi 01/12/18 à 11:51 par Firebrand
Encore un fichier additionnel de ProgettoSNAPS qui n'avait pas été mis à jour depuis bien longtemps. Voici les nouvelles informations apportées:
- 0.35 0.204 30/11/2018: 269 new entries added and various minor fixes.
- 0.34 0.203 22/11/2018: Fixed (lottofun) entry.
Télécharger GameInit.dat v0.204 (0.35)
Site Officiel de GameInit.dat
 History.dat v2.04 
Samedi 01/12/18 à 11:49 par Firebrand
Ce fichier pour MAME contenant des anecdotes sur les jeux émulé a été mis à jour à l'occasion de la sortie de MAME v0.204.
Télécharger History.dat v2.04
Site Officiel de History.dat
 Emu Loader v8.6.9 (version complète) 
Samedi 01/12/18 à 11:46 par Firebrand
Une correction de bugs rapide a été publiée pour ce frontend multi-système. Les changements sont les suivants:
Quick fix. You're not surprised, are you... ?
Audit system was tagging clone sets you don't have as missing ROMs/CHDs.

- Audit system was tagging clone games you don't have as "missing ROMs/CHDs", if you have the parent set
- Merged tag is now properly displayed in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen
Télécharger Emu Loader v8.6.9 (version complète)
Site Officiel de Emu Loader
 VirtualC64 v3.2 
Samedi 01/12/18 à 11:43 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Commodore 64 pour MacOS a été publiée. Voici les nouveautés:
- Added support for Kingsoft, StarDos, and Atomic Power cartridges.
- Revised the Rom dialog. It can be opened manually in the hardware settings now.
- Improved the CRT monitor emulation and redesigned the emulator settings window to make video options easier to control.
- Fixed a bug in the VICII implementation that caused too many rasterline IRQs to be triggered under some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug in the VICII implementation that caused too many sprite-sprite and sprite-background IRQs to be triggered.
- Improved the emulation accuracy of the sprite shift register emulation.
- Fixed several user interface issues in the sprite debug panel.
- In positional key mapping mode, the left and right shift key are now treated as two different keys.
- Starting with this version, VirtualC64 offers limited scripting support via Apple's Open Scripting Architecture. It can be controlled remotely via Applescript or JXA (JavaScript for Automation).
Télécharger VirtualC64 v3.2
Site Officiel de VirtualC64
 Fichiers additionnels pour MAME v0.204 
Vendredi 30/11/18 à 14:56 par Firebrand
AntoPISA a publié la quasi-totalité de ces fichiers additionnels pour MAME alignés sur la v0.204. On notera la présence de Command.dat qui n'avait pas connu de sortie depuis bien longtemps. Voici les release notes pour les fichiers qui en possèdent:
BestGames.ini v0.204 (1.18):
- 2018/11/29 1.18: Online the version 0.204; 3 new games added.

Command.dat v0.204 (0.08):
- 0.08 0.204 29/11/2018: Renamed (xmcotaar1) to (xmcotaar2); 38 items added.

Languages.ini v0.204 (0.93):
- 2018/11/29 0.93: Added 0.204 sets.

Series.ini v0.204:
- Items RENAMED (6): (pbaction2)to (pbactiont), (pbaction3) to (pbaction2), (pbaction4) to (pbaction3), (pbaction5) to (pbaction4), (shinobi5) to (shinobi6) and (xmcotaar1) to (xmcotaar2).
- Series UPDATED (12): Centipede, Fighting Vipers, Jurassic Park, Sega Rally, Shinobi, Snow Bros., Star Wars Arcade, Street Fighter, Touchmaster, Virtual On, X-Men and Xevious.

Unofficial Catlist/Catver v0.204:
- 2018/11/02: Aligned files to MAME 0.204.
Télécharger BestGames.ini v0.204 (1.18)
Télécharger Category.ini v0.204
Télécharger Command.dat v0.204 (0.08)
Télécharger Languages.ini v0.204 (0.93)
Télécharger Series.ini v0.204
Télécharger Unofficial Catlist/Catver v0.204
Télécharger Version.ini v0.204
Site Officiel de ProgettoSNAPS
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