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G-Force (1983)(Eurobyte)
G-Force (1983)(Eurobyte)[a]
G-LOC (1992)(US Gold)(128k)
G-LOC - Loader (1992)(US Gold)(128k)
G-Man (19xx)(Peter Williamson)
G.I. Hero (1988)(Firebird)
G.I. Hero (1988)(Firebird)[a2]
G.I. Hero (1988)(Firebird)[a]
GA Max Spy (19xx)(G.A. Bobker)
Gablota (19xx)(-)(Sl)
GAC - Graphic Adventure Creator, The (1986)(Incentive)
GAC - Graphic Adventure Creator, The (1986)(Incentive)[a2]
GAC - Graphic Adventure Creator, The (1986)(Incentive)[a]
Galactians (19xx)(David Turner)
Galactic Abductors (1983)(Anirog Software)
Galactic Attack In Stereo 3D (19xx)(Olaf Hartwig)(De)
Galactic Gambler (1984)(Alpha Omega Software)
Galactic Games (1988)(Activision)
Galactic Gunners (1987)(Cybexlab Software)
Galactic Gunners (1987)(Cybexlab Software)[t]
Galactic Patrol (1983)(CRL Group)
Galactic Trooper (1984)(Romik Software)
Galactic Trooper (1984)(Romik Software)[a]
Galakzions (1983)(Mikro-Gen)
Galax (1983)(Hipocrates Soft)
Galaxians (1982)(Artic Computing)
Galaxians (1982)(Artic Computing)[a2]
Galaxians (1982)(Artic Computing)[a]
Galaxians (1985)(Atarisoft)
Galaxians (1985)(Atarisoft)[a]
Galaxias (1986)(Delta 4)
Galaxias (1986)(Delta 4)[a2]
Galaxias (1986)(Delta 4)[a]
Galaxy Attack (1983)(Sunshine Books)
Galaxy Defence (19xx)(M Lewis)
Galaxy Warlords (1983)(R & R Software)
Galaxy Warlords (1983)(R & R Software)[a]
Galen (1989)(Madragora Software)
Galgje (19xx)(-)(Nl)
Galipoli (1986)(CCS)
Galletron (1987)(Mastertronic)
Gallipoli (1986)(CSS)