Choisissez votre affichage : Liste Screenshots
Serra Pelada (1987)(ProKit)(pt)[a]
Sewer Sam (1984)(Toshiba-EMI)
Sewer Sam (1984)(Toshiba-EMI)[a]
Sex-Shop (1988)(Nemesis Informatica)(pt)
Shark Hunter (1984)(Electric Software)
Shindobaddo Nanatsu no Bouken. The Seven Adventures of Sindbad (1986)(Casio)
Ship Wars (19xx)(-)(pt)
Shnax (1985)(Jon Sawyer)
Shop Boy (1988)(Mind Games Espana)(es)
Shougi Meijin (1985)(Toshiba-EMI)(jp)
Shout Match (1987)(Victor)
Shup. Trebol (1986)(Mind Games Espana)(es)
Silent Shadow (1988)(Topo Soft)
Silent Shadow (1988)(Topo Soft)[a]
Silent Shadow (1988)(Topo Soft)[b]
Silfi (1988)(Iber Soft)(es)[aka Elidon]
Silfi (1988)(Iber Soft)(es)[h CEZ][aka Elidon]
Silicon Dreams I - Snowball (1983)(Level 9 Computing)[cr Magicracks]
Silicon Dreams II - Return to Eden (1984)(Level 9 Computing)[cr Magicracks]
Simulador Profesional de Tenis (1990)(Dinamic Software)(es)
Sir Camelot y el Rey Arturo (1985)(Load 'n' Run)(es)
Sir Fred (1986)(Zigurat Software)(es)
Sir Fred (1986)(Zigurat Software)(es)[a]
Sirwood (1990)(Opera Soft)[cr Damian Roman]
Sirwood (1990)(Opera Soft)[cr Damian Roman][a]
Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix (1990)(Zigurat Software)(es)[cr Damian Roman]
Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix (1990)(Zigurat Software)(es)[cr Damian Roman][a]
Skate Dragon (1986)(Idealogic)(es)
Skate Dragon (1986)(Idealogic)(es)[h CEZ]
Ski Command (1984)(Casio)
Skooter (1987)(Eaglesoft)
Skramble (1985)(Aackosoft)
Skull Exilon (1988)(Iber Soft)[aka Safari X]
Sky Jaguar (1984)(Konami)
Sky Jaguar (1984)(Konami)[h Onaki]
Sky Vision (1987)(Eaglesoft)
Skyfox (19xx)(-)(nl)
Skygaldo (1986)(Magical Zoo)
Skyhawk (1986)(Bug-Byte Software)
Slalom (1998)(Stefano Fronteddu)(it)
Slapshot (1985)(Anirog Software)
Slapshot (1985)(Anirog Software)[a]