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Ifr-Fly (1988)(Philips)
Ifr-Fly (1988)(Philips)[b2]
Ifr-Fly (1988)(Philips)[b]
Ikari Warriors (1987)(SNK)
Ikari Warriors (1987)(SNK)[a2]
Ikari Warriors (1987)(SNK)[a]
Indianquest (1992)(Office Pasta)
Infini, L' (1986)(Radarsoft)(nl)
Infini, L' (1986)(Radarsoft)(nl)[a]
Infinity (1991)(MSX Club Magazine)
Infinity (1991)(MSX Club Magazine)[a]
Inindo Datou Nobunaga. Way of the Ninja (1991)(Koei)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)
Inindo Datou Nobunaga. Way of the Ninja (1991)(Koei)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]
Inindo Datou Nobunaga. Way of the Ninja (1991)(Koei)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[b]
Inindo Datou Nobunaga. Way of the Ninja (1991)(Koei)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)
Inindo Datou Nobunaga. Way of the Ninja (1991)(Koei)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)
Intruder (1989)(Alice Soft)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)
Intruder (1989)(Alice Soft)(jp)(Disk 2 of 2)
Invaders Revenge (19xx)(MMG Software)
Ishido - The Way of Stones (1991)(Ascii)(Disk 1 of 2)
Ishido - The Way of Stones (1991)(Ascii)(Disk 2 of 2)
Ishin no Arashi. Storm of the Meiji Restoration (1989)(Koei)(jp)
Ishin no Arashi. Storm of the Meiji Restoration (1989)(Koei)(jp)[b]
Isla del Tesoro, La (1986)(Idealogic)(es)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Greg]
Isla del Tesoro, La (1986)(Idealogic)(es)(Disk 2 of 2)
Isseki ni Kakeru Seishyuun (1988)(Log)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)
Isseki ni Kakeru Seishyuun (1988)(Log)(jp)(Disk 2 of 2)