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Abadia del Crimen, La (2001)(Manuel Pazos)
Abadia del Crimen, La (2001)(Manuel Pazos)(es)
Abunai (19xx)(Agorm)
AcroJet (1988)(System Soft)
Adventure Tcool v1.00 (1988)(MSX Magazine)
Adventurer (19xx)(-)[b]
Aerobic (1986)(Philips)(es)[cr Joan Angel]
Aerobic (1986)(Philips)(es)[cr Joan Angel][a2]
Aerobic (1986)(Philips)(es)[cr Joan Angel][a]
Affaire, L' (1986)(Infogrames)(es)
Affaire, L' (1986)(Infogrames)(es)[a]
Affaire, L' (1986)(Infogrames)(es)[needs MSX-DOS]
Affaire, L' + Les Passagers du Vent (1986)(Loriciels)(nl)[cr Star Frontiers]
Agat (1988)(MMG Software)
Aguni no Ishi. The Stone of Aguni (1989)(Humming Bird Soft)(jp)
Aguni no Ishi. The Stone of Aguni (1989)(Humming Bird Soft)(jp)[b]
Ahparmyadock. Am-Pah-Mata (1991)(T&E Soft)(jp)
Akanbe Dragon (1988)(Winky Soft)
Akanbe Dragon (1988)(Winky Soft)[a2]
Akanbe Dragon (1988)(Winky Soft)[a]
Akumajyo Drakyula. Vampire Killer (1986)(Konami)
Akumajyo Drakyula. Vampire Killer (1986)(Konami)[a2]
Akumajyo Drakyula. Vampire Killer (1986)(Konami)[a]
Al Capone (1987)(MSX-Studio)(nl)
Aleste (1988)(Compile)(jp)
Aleste (1988)(Compile)(jp)[a2]
Aleste (1988)(Compile)(jp)[a]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a2]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)[a2]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)[a2]
Aleste 2 (1989)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]
Aleste Gaiden (1989)(Compile)(jp)
Aleste Gaiden (1989)(Compile)(jp)[a]
Algo Wars (1989)(MSX Magazine)
Alice Soft Demo (1989)(Alice Soft)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)
Alice Soft Demo (1989)(Alice Soft)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]
Alice Soft Demo (1989)(Alice Soft)(jp)(Disk 2 of 2)