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V-Five (Japan)
V-Liner (set 1)
V-Liner (set 2)
Vampire - the night warriors (940630 Japan)
Vampire - the night warriors (940705 Japan)
Vampire - the night warriors (940705 Japan, alt)
Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950302 Japan)
Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950307 Japan stop version)
Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950307 Japan)
Vampire Hunter - darkstalkers' revenge (950316 Japan)
Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan Phoenix Edition) [Bootleg]
Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970913 Japan)
Vampire Hunter 2 - darkstalkers revenge (970929 Japan)
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Asia)
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Euro Phoenix Edition) [Bootleg]
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Euro)
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Hispanic)
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Japan)
Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 USA)
Vampire Savior 2 - the lord of vampire (970913 Japan Phoenix Edition) [Bootleg]
Vampire Savior 2 - the lord of vampire (970913 Japan)
Van-Van Car
Van-Van Car (Karateco)
Van-Van Car (set 3)
Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57) [No sound]
Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 1)
Vandyke (Jaleco, Set 2)
Vandyke (Japan)
Vanguard II
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 3)
Varia Metal
Varia Metal (New Ways Trading Co.)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (920612 etc)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (920612 USA)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (920714 etc)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (920714 Japan Resale Ver.)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (920714 Japan)
Varth - operation thunderstorm (bootleg, 920612 etc) [Bootleg]
Vasara 2 (set 1)