Compilation RMS Titanic, Aztec Challenge, Turbo, Bomb Jack Music (19xx)(-)
Compilation Road Runner, Slap Fight, Snap Dragon (19xx)(-)
Compilation Rocket Ball, On Court Tennis, BMX Stunts, Evil Dead (19xx)(-)
Compilation Rocky Horror Picture Show, Suicide Express, Alleykat (19xx)(-)
Compilation Rolling Thunder, Pacland, Bop'n Rumble (19xx)(-)
Compilation Saboteur II, Starfox, Mission Omega (19xx)(-)[cr TRI, BB, FLT, TRI]
Compilation Saint Dragon, Wheel of Fortune - Fortuna Kolem Sie Toczy (19xx)(-)
Compilation Samantha Fox Strip Poker, Fearless Fred, Siren City, Jet Boys (19xx)(-)
Compilation Sanxion, Evil Kanevil Jump Challenge, Space Shuttle, Castle of Dream (19xx)(-)
Compilation Saucer Attack, Mountain King, Raid over Moscow, Spike, Space Action, Laser Zone, Omega Race, Pipes (19xx)(-)
Compilation Schizofrenia, Rally Speedway, Magic Car Show (19xx)(-)
Compilation Scooby and Scrappy Doo, Dynamite Dux (19xx)(-)[cr FOX]
Compilation Slaine, To Be On Top (19xx)(-)
Compilation Slapshot Hockey, Transformers, Black Knight, Football Manager (19xx)(-)
Compilation Snookie, High Noon 1984, Trains, Zone Ranger (19xx)(-)
Compilation Sorcerer's Castle, Trip to Atlantis, Castle Adventure, Cavern of Riches (19xx)(-)
Compilation Space Harrier, Uridium II, Quango Lader (19xx)(-)
Compilation Space Taxi, Encounter (19xx)(-)
Compilation Spelunker, Gremlin Bebert, Hulk (19xx)(-)
Compilation Spy Hunter, Spy vs Spy, Spy vs Spy 2, Congo Bongo, Lemonade (19xx)(-)
Compilation Star Wars, Clever & Smart, Soccer Boss (19xx)(-)
Compilation Starfire, Renegade, Poster Paster, Zenon, Mr. Dig, Knockout, The count (19xx)(-)
Compilation Strange Loop, Typing Tutor, Infernal Runner (19xx)(-)
Compilation Street Fighter 2, Platoon v2, Tr (19xx)(-)
Compilation Strike Force - Cobra, Koala Show v2.0 (19xx)(-)
Compilation Stunt Bike, Shogun, Fighter Pilot (19xx)(-)
Compilation Super Mario Bros, Rampage, Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom (19xx)(-)
Compilation Super Zaxxon, On Track Racing, Star Pong (19xx)(-)
Compilation Superman, Empire (19xx)(-)
Compilation Tag Team Wrestling, Asterix, Bubble Bobble, Super Soccer (19xx)(-)
Compilation Tau-Ceti, Hypa, Master of Magic (19xx)(-)
Compilation Terror of the Deep, Pornoland II, The Last v8 (19xx)(-)
Compilation Thai Boxing, Leaderboard III (19xx)(-)
Compilation The Train, Terra Cresta (19xx)(-)
Compilation Theatre Europe,, Tuerken Raus, Cause of Chaos, Thrust (19xx)(-)
Compilation Thing II, Deathscape, Falcon Patrol II, Blue Max 2001 (19xx)(-)
Compilation Time Writer, Bob Sleight, Clever & Smart (19xx)(-)
Compilation Toobin, Dragon Spirit (19xx)(-)
Compilation Touch Football, Show Jumping, Golden Talisman (19xx)(-)
Compilation Tower Toppler, Mission X, Nequinus, Dalto (19xx)(-)
Compilation Treasure Island, Bomb Jack, Pirates, Jungle, Moon Patrol (19xx)(-)
Compilation Troll, Chernobyl, Rim Runner, Wizards Lair (19xx)(-)