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Baby Center Animation (AD)
Bachelor Party (1982) (Mystique)
Bachelorette Party (1982) (Mystique-Playaround)
Back to the Future 2 (Adventure Hack)
Backfire Prototype (Chad Lare)
Backfire SP (Chad Lare)
Backgammon (1978) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Backgammon (1978) (Atari) [!]
Backwards Cannonball v1 by Atari Troll (Human Cannonball Hack)
Backwards Cannonball v2 by Atari Troll (Human Cannonball Hack)
Bad Gorf v1 (Chris Read) (PD)
Balloon Fight v1 (Joust Hack)
Balloon Fight v2 (Joust Hack)
Balloon Fight v2.2 (Joust Hack)
Balls! (16-09-2002) (Fabrizio Zavagli)
Balthazar (AKA Babylon 5) (Snailsoft)
Bank Heist (1983) (20th Century Fox)
Bar-Score Demo (2001) (Roger Williams)
Barber Pole Demo (PD)
Barnstorming (1982) (Activision) (PAL) [!]
Barnstorming (1982) (Activision) [!]
Barnstorming (1982) (Activision) [p1][!]
Barnstorming (CCE)
Bars and Text Demo (PD)
Bars and Text Demo 2 (PD)
Bars and Text Demo 3 (PD)
Base Attack (AKA Z-Tack,Laser-Loop,Sky Scrapper) (1983) (HomeVision) (PAL) [!]
Baseball (2002) (Skyworks) [!]
Baseball (AKA Super Challenge Baseball) (1989) (Telegames) (PAL)
Basic Background Scrolling (PD)
Basic Background Scrolling (PD) [a1]
Basic Math (AKA Fun with Numbers) (1977) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Basic Math (AKA Fun with Numbers) (1977) (Atari) [!]
BASIC Programming (1978) (Atari)
BASIC Programming (1978) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Basketball (1978) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Basketball (1978) (Atari) [!]
Basketball (32-in-1) (Atari) (PAL) [!]
Batari Man (PD)
Battle for Naboo by Josh (Atlantis Hack)
Battle of Midway, The v0.08 (PD)
Battle of Midway, The v0.09 (PD)