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 NegaMAME v0.271-1 
Samedi 02/11/24 à 17:44 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME prévu pour être utilisé avec Negatron a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.271.
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.271-1 (Windows)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.271-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.271-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 nemulator v4.5 
Mercredi 30/10/24 à 16:56 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Il s'attaque maintenant à l'arcade, même si ça reste limité pour l'instant à Pac-Man et Ms. Pac-Man:
Added support for Game Boy Color and Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man Arcade emulation.
- For Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man, supported rom sets* should be placed in c:\roms\arcade**, e.g., c:\roms\arcade\pacman (* pacman, mspacman, mspacmab, mspacmnf, ** or path configured in nemulator.ini arcade.rom_path)
- Code optimization, cleanup, and various bug fixes
- NES: CPU fixes for Ironsword and Cobra Triangle
- NES: MMC3 fix for Wario's Woods
- Switched to WASAPI audio library
Télécharger nemulator v4.5
Site Officiel de nemulator
 DSP v0.23 
Lundi 28/10/24 à 16:01 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour avec une version stable. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Video
*Fixed video freeze in Delphi 12
*Added general video reset
*Enhanced a bit full screen mode
- DIPs switches engine
*Still migrating DIPs to new data structure
- Sound
*Seibu Sound:
.Enhanced IRQs functions, uses new Z80 IRQ M0 functions
.General cleaning
- CPUs
.Added serial functions
.Fixed opcode $20
.Added opcode $2d
*NEC v20-v30
.Fixed prefetch
.Rewrited IRQ/NMI functions
.Fixed BITOP opcodes
.Rewrited IRQ M0 and M2 callback functions
.New function to call IRQ with vector (removed im0 variable)
.Converted daisy chain functions to new IRQ M2 functions
- Devices
*SEGA 315-5195: added open bus function

- Fixed support for cartridges up to 512Kb (Wizard of Wor)

- Fixed end of sprite mark, fixes sprites left on screen
- Added clean memory when reset

- Fixed sprites
- Fixed sound memory decryption, sound works now

Sega System 16A
- Fixed end of sprite mark, fixes sprites left on screen

Sega System 16B
- Fixed end of sprite mark, fixes sprites left on screen
- Added FD1089 functions
- Added IO and open bus functions
- Added clean memory when reset
- Riot City: added driver with sound
- SDI: added driver with sound
- Cotton: added driver with sound
Télécharger DSP v0.23 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger DSP v0.23 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de DSP
 RetroBat v6.4 
Jeudi 24/10/24 à 22:34 par Firebrand
Cet ensemble de scripts pour configurer EmulationStation a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Lime3DS : move to new version with new .exe name
- Add libretro-SNES9X2005 for compatibility with older rom hacks
- Add JGenesis for sega32x
- Update Bizhawk and add 3ds core
- Update OpenMSX
- Add CGenius (Commander Keen port)
- Add bsnes-jg core
- Add Ship of Harkidian (Zelda Ocarina of Time port)
- Add Vircon32
- Add RAZE

- Fixed some missing bezels in new "DEFAULT" bezel sets
- Libretro: stop generating a core input remap file when disable controller autoconfig is enabled
- Lime3DS and Citra : fixed error when bezels are set to none
- Tattoos : fixed wrong bezels when bezel file is not 96dpi and tattoos are activated
- Fixed global disable controller autoconfigure feature not working
- Fix some libretro n64 options
- Fix a potential null call in citra generator
- Fix issue with controller autoconfiguration in BigPemu
- Try to map exit combo to Future Pinball (to test if this solves issue some are having to exit)
- Change exit message to Cemu (to test if this solves issue some or having to exit)
- Remove .m3u extension for 3do
- OpenBor : fixes running .exe (when games do not have separate .pak files)
- Fix exit of bigpemu, ares, bizhawk and jgenesis to ensure saves are made (replace kill process with proper closing)

- Future Pinball : mapped exit to R3 (right stick press), can be used if select+start does not work
- PCSX2: add decompression of zip & 7z
- N64 : add a controller configuration profile that puts A & B according to xbox layout
- Xenia Canary : add the resolution option (same as xenia)
- Switch emulators & Cemu : add deadzone feature
- Tattoos : added activation per system
- MAME64 : add keyboard focus feature
- Windows : added .gameexe ability also for .url (e.g. Steam games)
- Add savestates to OpenMSX
- Add simple .m3u compatibility to SSF (saturn)
- Allow .bin extension for lr-melondsds to run dsi games
- Add rewind option to lr-mame
- Steam : add more solid / alternative way to find game executable to wait for (also for non-Steam games added through Steam)
- Steam : RetroBat will automatically add -silent to shortcuts to prevent Steam to pop in front of game
- Add use_gun option to cxbx/chihiro, this can be used to make the sinden bezel appear
- Add savesstate manager to BigPemu (does not automatically load the save, but sets to the correct slot to load with hotkey)
- Add SaveState Manager & hotkeys to Bizhawk
- Add SaveState Manager & hotkeys to Flycast
- Add SaveState Manager & hotkeys to JGenesis
- Copy saves of ports to retrobat\saves (cgenius, sonic engines for now)
- SNES9X : add gun options
- model2 : add option to use shoulders to brake and accelerate instead of L2 and R2
- Add feature for retroarch to select where to put patches for softmodding (near rom, in patch folder, in folder with rom name, or disable autoloading) WIKI
- RPCS3 : add possibility to use variables at the beginning of the line in .m3u files (SAVESPATH, EMULATORPATH, ROMPATH), they will be replaced by the relevant path WIKI
- mesen : add option to disable/enable softpatching autoload
- RETROARCH : add option to set fast forward shortcut as "toggle" and to define speed

Other stuff:
- add newtonSoftJson to better manage json files
- add a 3-position switch and a slider preset for options
- N64-style controllers - will now detect automatically the controllers known based on the json file only for specific guid, a switch must be activated for controllers sharing guid with non-N64-style controllers
- Tattoos correct scaling in most cases
- Add tattoos for atari lynx & neogeo pocket
- Fix update not working (for next update)
- Additional fbneo standalone control autoconfig
- For megadrive & saturn: automapping of controllers from a file for genesis-like/saturn-like controllers (so far only 8BitDo M30 in bluetooth is added to the file)
- Update Spain translation​
Télécharger RetroBat v6.4
Site Officiel de RetroBat
 GameEx et GameEx Arcane Edition v18.84 
Lundi 21/10/24 à 16:33 par Firebrand
Encore une nouvelle mise à jour pour ces frontends multi-systèmes, mais toujours pas d'information sur les changements.
Télécharger GameEx v18.84
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.84
Site Officiel de GameEx
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.82 
Samedi 19/10/24 à 17:14 par Firebrand
Ces frontends ont une nouvelle fois été mis à jour mais les changements sont inconnus.
Télécharger GameEx v18.82
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.82
Site Officiel de GameEx
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.80 
Jeudi 17/10/24 à 21:00 par Firebrand
Deux nouvelles versions pour ces frontends multi-systèmes ont été publiées consécutivement. Pas d'information pour la v18.80, mais voici les changements pour la v18.78:
- Several bug and cosmetic fixes.
- The GameEx Arcade flash games feature has been removed.
- Full screen exclusive mode has been permanently disabled. I think it is a Windows 11 issue. I am not able to fix it.
Télécharger GameEx v18.80
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.80
Site Officiel de GameEx
 SameBoy v0.16.7 
Jeudi 03/10/24 à 20:56 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur GameBoy/GameBoy Color a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
New/Improved Features
- It is now possible to cycle between different main cameras on supported iPhone models in the iOS frontend
- The iOS frontend can now directly open ZIP archives
- ROMs can now be deleted from the iOS library using a context menu as well
- The Homebrew Hub in the iOS frontend was moved to a tab
- A new flat CRT filter is now available
- Retouched iOS icons, including support for dark and tinted icons

Bug Fixes
- Worked around a Wayland bug that sometimes caused SameBoy to crash it on exit
- Fixed a bug caused turbo/slow-motion/rewind modes to unexpectedly exit when using an external controller in the iOS frontend
- Prevented the console from flashing in the Windows version
- Fixed a bug when comparison operators had the wrong priority in the debugger
- Fixed a potential crash involving haptics in the iOS frontend
- Fixed a bug that caused the delete and unwatch commands to list the wrong breakpoint/watchpoint after deleting one
- Fixed more potential edge cases that could prevent the Cocoa frontend from opening files
- Fixed incorrect spellings of Game Genie as “GameGenie”

Misc Internal Changes
- Fixed an issue that made macOS binaries incompatible with some older versions of macOS when using the latest macOS SDK
- SDL2 has been upgraded for Windows releases
Télécharger SameBoy v0.16.7 (Windows)
Télécharger SameBoy v0.16.7 (MacOS)
Site Officiel de SameBoy
 NegaMAME v0.270-1 
Lundi 30/09/24 à 17:10 par Firebrand
Ces builds de MAME prévus pour être utilisées avec le frontend Negatron ont été mis à jour vers MAME v0.270.
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.270-1 (Windows)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.270-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.270-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 DSP v0.23 WIP 4 (32-bit) 
Lundi 30/09/24 à 17:07 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Controls Engine: Added analog control reset
- Sound
*Konami: added mute, added to all drivers
*MSM5232: added sound chip, but sounds too fast (testing)
*YM2203: fixed sound amplification
*OKI6295: fixed sound amplification
*YM2413: bypass delphi shl function error
- Misc
*Added Taito 68705 protection device, unified from all drivers
*Split Galaxian stars from driver, converted into a device
*General cleaning and still working on new DIP switches data conversion
*Added new preview images

- Fixed screen flicker in mapper 4 (Fixes Kings Quest V)

- Removed MCU, used general Taito 68705

Armed Formation HW
- Added DIPs
- Removed sprite masks

China Gate
- Removed scan lines conversion
- Fixed FIRQs

City Connection
- Enhanced video parameters

Double Dragon HW
- Removed scan lines conversion
- Removed video masks
- Fixed FIQRs
- Double Dragon: change ROMs to world version

Food Fight
- Some video optimizations, removed fake scroll
- Fixed IRQ

- Removed stars generation
- Better background color handling

Legend of Kage
- Removed MCU, used general Taito 68705

Legendary Wings HW
- Added sound CPU reset
- Fire Ball: added driver with sound

Mysterious Stones
- Removed scan lines conversion
- Fixed IRQs

Pacman HW
- Enhanced Z80 map
- Removed video hack, converted to rotated screen
- Ponpoko: added driver with sound
- Wood Pecker: added driver with sound
- Eyes: added driver with sound
- Ali Baba and 40 Thieves: added driver with sound
- Piranha added driver with sound

Prehistoric Isle in 1930
- Enhanced video parameters
- Fixed IRQ

Rally X
- Optimized video functions
- Fixed video buffer
- Fixed screen rotation

- Removed MCU, used general Taito 68705
- Enhanced video parameters
- Fixed screen size
- Fixed IRQs
- Fixed sound IRQs

Return of Invaders
- Removed MCU, used general Taito 68705

Slap Fight
- Removed MCU, used general Taito 68705
- Removed chars and tiles masks

Senjyo HW
- Baluba: Added DIP switches

Super Dodge Ball
- Enhanced video scroll

Tecmo 16
- Final Star Force: Added driver with sound

Time Pilot
- Changed screen render to line by line, fixed sprite render
- Fixed screen orientation

- Added background stars

Wyvern F-0
- Added driver with sound
Télécharger DSP v0.23 WIP 4 (32-bit)
Site Officiel de DSP
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.77 
Dimanche 15/09/24 à 16:38 par Firebrand
Ces frontends multi-systèmes ont encore été mis à jour mais les changements ne sont pas connus.
Télécharger GameEx v18.77
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.77
Site Officiel de GameEx
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.76 
Jeudi 12/09/24 à 20:22 par Firebrand
Ces frontends multi-systèmes ont été mis à jour. Un seul changement est à signaler:
- MAME attract mode bezels have been AI and otherwise upscaled to HD/2K
Télécharger GameEx v18.76
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.76
Site Officiel de GameEx
 VisualBoy Advance-M v2.1.10 
Lundi 09/09/24 à 16:16 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur GameBoy Advance a été mis à jour. Seules les versions Windows sont disponibles pour l'instant. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- 7f06428 - Disable dialog position save/restore on wxGTK (#1331) [Steelskin]
- e4ef4aa - Propagate key events (#1323) [Steelskin]
- e2cf6ec - Add option to mute sound during speedup [rkitover]
- d516683 - build: fix for wx using GTK2 [rkitover]
- 834c7de - build: update macOS builder dists [rkitover]
- fc82e06 - build: do not build SDL bin on Windows or macOS [rkitover]
- d543784 - [UserInput] Filter key events globally [steelskin]
- 902c6c8 - [UserInput] Only process shortcut commands once [steelskin]
- b776509 - [bindings] Set default shortcut for recent file 3 [steelskin]
- cc65ef2 - doc: add system requirements to [danialhorton]
- 32627f6 - [Dialogs] Save and restore dialog positions [steelskin]
- 41952d0 - build: update macOS linker tool to 1.5 [rkitover]
- 0c39a5b - build: override FindGettext to not update po files [rkitover]
- 1b77d65 - build: update macOS build to ffmpeg 7.0 [rkitover]
- 8d08223 - build: fix compatibility with older ffmpeg [rkitover]
- af6028a - build: fix build for nix on macOS [rkitover]
- b52edf5 - build: fix building on macOS with Homebrew [rkitover]
- 6766b9c - build: fix ffmpeg 7.x compat [rkitover]
- 795f25b - build: fix nix deps for OpenGL [rkitover]
- 647be13 - gba: set cpsr=spsr when switching to FIQ mode [40356555+Aikku93]
- 8abe3e7 - build: remove -lgcc from static link flags [rkitover]
- f483567 - [Audio] Rework audio devices enumeration [steelskin]
- 775a571 - build: fix detecting Visual Studio default vcpkg [rkitover]
- 64abd3e - [Audio] Remove manual memory allocations [steelskin]
- 047ad27 - [Dialogs] Prevent viewers from causing a crash [steelskin]
- 045c98d - build: only use -Werror=lto-type-mismatch on gcc [rkitover]
- 3518dc6 - build: fix LTO on Linux [rkitover]
- cc9a03c - Add toggle: SDL GameController mode for joysticks [rkitover]
- 8576733 - [Build] Remove lingering references to OpenAl [steelskin]
- 0556192 - build: fix MSYS2 check [rkitover]
- d9432eb - build: fix build on MINGW{64,32}/UCRT64 on MSYS2 [rkitover]
- f57cad6 - build: fix static linking on MSYS2 CLANG64 [rkitover]
- 23e1573 - build: set wxWidgets_DIR with vcpkg [rkitover]
- 98b5191 - [Build] Remove ENABLE_NLS, fix TRANSLATIONS_ONLY [steelskin]
- a565cea - [Build] Remove the OpenGL check [steelskin]
- f96e42f - build: cmake refactor and improvements [Steelskin]
- 07e4902 - Fix most remaining release warnings (#1243) [Steelskin]
- 18b97b4 - Fix various build warnings (#1242) [Steelskin]
- 13a16eb - Fix various warnings in filters and headers (#1241) [Steelskin]
- f46da1c - build: remove our version of FindSDL2.cmake [rkitover]
- 404e9a1 - build: add clang to ./installdeps for MSYS2 [rkitover]
- 613bd40 - Make menu more reasonably organized (#1230) [wwrustc]
- 215e3c5 - build: use find_program() to find powershell [rkitover]
- e5aa685 - build: don't use wx utils as UNIX cmds on Windows [rkitover]
- 9e4c8e1 - build: fix gentoo dependency namespaces [68k]
- 5f853b9 - Update metainfo.xml to new standards [jhonny.oliveira]
- e7d135d - Update links to new domain [rkitover]
- 60fc096 - build: add libglu-devel for solus in installdeps [rkitover]
Télécharger VisualBoy Advance-M v2.1.10 (32-bit)
Site Officiel de VisualBoy Advance-M
 Messinfo.dat v0.269 (11.59) 
Dimanche 08/09/24 à 16:48 par Firebrand
La publication de ce fichier additionnel pour MAME clôture le cycle de mises à jour de ProgettoSNApS pour MAME v0.269:
- 11.59 09/07/2024: Aligned files to 0.269 version.
Télécharger Messinfo.dat v0.269 (11.59)
Site Officiel de Messinfo.dat
 RetroBat v6.3.1 
Vendredi 06/09/24 à 15:52 par Firebrand
Cet ensemble de scripts écrits pour faciliter l'utilisation et la configuration de l'interface EmulationStation a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Add mednafen standalone for segaSTV
- add gb-msu system (to run SGB MSU games with libretro-bsnes)
- Add Acorn Electron (MAME)
- Add .cue extension to jaguar system
- DOLPHIN TRIFORCE : Update to a version that allows entering test menu
- Move RPCS3 dev_hdd0 folder to saves\ps3\rpcs3\hdd_0 (you need to cut/paste when upgrading, if you want to keep the current folder in emulator directory, delete saves\ps3\rpcs3\hdd_0 folder)
- Move PPSSPP memstick folder to saves\psp (you need to cut/paste when upgrading)
- Move CEMU mlc01 folder to saves\wiiu\cemu\mlc01 (you need to cut/paste when upgrading, if you want to keep the current folder in emulator directory, delete saves\wiiu\cemu\mlc01 folder)
- Move XENIA and XENIA-CANARY content path to saves\xbox360\xenia (you need to cut/paste when upgrading, if you want to keep the current folder in emulator directory, delete saves\xbox360\xenia folder)
- Move Ryujinx portable path to saves\switch\ryujinx (you need to cut/paste when upgrading, if you want to keep the current folder in emulator directory, delete saves\switch\ryujinx folder)
- Move Vita3K content path to saves\psvita\vita3k as default(you can still use a custom path)
- CEMU : add compatibility with CEMU 2.1

- Fix teknoparrot games in gamesDB (uppercase) and add wheel games
- Fix pcsx2 cheevos indexing
- Caprice Forever : fix m3u management
- Fix n64 controllers autoconfiguration when using NSO controller (for standalone emulators only)
- Mednafen - enable loading from zip files (except for psx)
- Fix DS3 controller mapping in RPCS3 (it will have pressure sensitivity if dshidmini driver is used)
- Fix running lime3ds from retrobat menu
- Fix 8BitDo Ultimate 2.4Ghz mapping in several emulators
- Fix flycast extreme hunting missing start button
- Fix Teknoparrot gdpr and licence prompt in latest version
- Fix Mupen64 (RMG) launch of .ndd standalone titles
- Fix Phoenix jaguar controller autoconfiguration

- Retroarch: add custom relay server option in RetroBat
- PCSX2 : add network option
- PCSX2 : add options to map triggers to square and cross for driving games
- PCSX2 : add option to use folder for memory cards
- NDS : enhance bezels recognition based on screen layout
- Vpinball : allow backglass when only 1 screen connected
- XEMU : add Complex 1.03 as firmware option
- Lime3DS & CITRA : write rom path in the emulator settings
- MAME : add more cases of autoboot by reading hash files
- RPCS3 : add input/output options
- RPCS3 : add rumble feature
- 3DS : add .m3u file to be able to run installed apps
- XENIA-CANARY : add framelimit feature
- add .m3u support for amigacdtv and pc98
- add .xbox360 extension to XENIA (same ways of working as .m3u)
- DOLPHIN : add option to run wii menu
- DOLPHIN : add lightgun specific per-game setting based on gamesdb.xml
- DOLPHIN-TRIFORCE : map test menu to R3 instead of L3+R3
- CEMU : add missing vsync options
- lr-flycast : add naomi2 default mapping per game
- Xenia-canary : add feature to turn on "apply patches"
- Add preconfigured nvmem files for Flycast
- Xenia : Add Xenia Manager to the RetroBat store ==> only this version will work well with RetroBat
- Mednafen : add hotkeys/shortcuts

Other stuff:
- Add some logs here and there
- Add 4 types of bezels (default-curved, non-curved and night versions)
- Add xbrz-5X retroarch shader choice from Retrobat
- Cleaning of old XEMU code (ini file management)
- Emulators will now propose update if available when ran from RetroBat menu
- Retroarch : if no hotkey is set, hotkey actions will not be mapped by default
- Add custom relay server option in netplay settings
- Added controller tattoos (only for gb, gbc, gba, nds, 3ds, nes, snes, n64, gamecube, gamegear, mastersystem, megadrive, saturn, dreamcast, psp, ps1, ps2, pcengine, pcenginecd, supergrafx, pcfx, 3do, jaguar & jaguarcd for now)
- Align all NES emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all SNES emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all Megadrive/Genesis emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all Dreamcast emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all Gamecube emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all Mastersystem emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all N64 emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all Saturn emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default and same layout options
- Align all gamegear emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all GBA emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all Gameboy & Gameboy color emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all nintendo DS emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all 3DS emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all PCEngine, PCEngineCD, SuperGrafx and PC-FX emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all 3DO emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default
- Align all Jaguar & jaguarCD emulators controller configuration to the same layout per default​
Télécharger RetroBat v6.3.1
Site Officiel de RetroBat
 DSP v0.23 WIP 3 (32-bit) 
Lundi 02/09/24 à 17:20 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Config: Split ROMs and samples DAT info in two export buttons
- Misc
*Deco 104/146: converted to classes
*Fixed 'Gardia' ROMs export (Thanks to Neville)
*Fixed 'Kick'n Run' ROMs export size (Thanks to Neville)
- DIPs switches engine
*Rewrited engine
*New data structure, easy to maintain and easy to add
*Start migrate all DIPs to new structure
- Graphics engine: Added mask to all functions, no need to mask the graphic number before call any function,
*Removed chars/tiles masks
*Added general color mask
*Added read/write 8bits functions
- Sound engine
*YM2413: added new sound chip
*SN76496: fixed snapshot
*VLM5030: changed to new tables values, rewrited some code
- CPUs
*M6809: Added opcode $28
*HD6309: Added opcodes $1,$28,$29 and $1X2e
*MCS51: Added forced input function
.UPD7801: Fixed CALT opcode
.Added opcode $a9 (makes SCV - 'Elevator Fight' playable)
*Timer engine: One shot timers: added a new kind of timers, when called it's executed once, and then stops

Sega Master System
- Fixed sound chip order creation (Thanks to Neville)
- Removed big borders video in PAL version, NTSC and PAL have the same video size
- Added YM2413 sound

Super Cassette Vision
- Fixed vsync length (Fixes 'Mappy' sound speed)

Boogie Wings
- Still WIP driver, but enhanced the driver, still wrong colors and screen draw
- Fixed read/write maps
- Added screen parameters
- Added screen tiles and tiles bank calls
- Fixed ROMs loading

Deco 8 HW
- Super Real Darwin
*Fixed screen parameters and rotation
*Fixed sprites
- Last Mission: added driver with sound
- Shackled: added driver with sound
- Gondomania: added driver with sound
- Garyo Retsuden: added driver with sound
- Captain Silver: added driver with sound
- Cobra Command: added driver with sound
- The Real Ghostbusters: added driver with sound
- Psycho-Nics Oscar: added driver with sound

Hyper Sports HW
- Fixed screen rotation
- Hyper Sports: Fixed speech sounds
- Road Fighter: added driver with sound

Lasso HW
- Lasso: added driver with sound
- Chameleon: added driver with sound

Legendary Wings HW
- Avengers
*Updated ROMs to version D
*Added DIPs switches

Pang HW
- Added YM2413 sound

Track and Field
- Fixed speech sounds

Tehkan World Cup
- Added missing DIPs

- Added missing DIPs
Télécharger DSP v0.23 WIP 3 (32-bit)
Site Officiel de DSP
 NegaMAME v0.269-1 
Dimanche 01/09/24 à 15:16 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME prévu pour être utilisé avec le frontend Negatron a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.269.
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.269-1 (Windows)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.269-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.269-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 BGB v1.6.4 
Samedi 31/08/24 à 17:07 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet excellent émulateur GameBoy/GameBot Color a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Fixed many bugs and problems
- Accuracy improvements
- Emulating GDMA conflict and improved inaccessible VRAM break for this
- Speed optimizations
- GBC reality colors: cyan was a bit too dark
- Recovery save state can now also be saved if another ROM is loaded or BGB is closed.
Télécharger BGB v1.6.4 (32-bit)
Télécharger BGB v1.6.4 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de BGB
 ares v140 
Mercredi 28/08/24 à 16:41 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:

Bandai - WonderSwan / WonderSwan Color
- Implement cartridge SRAM open bus

Nec - PC Engine / TurboGrafx / SuperGrafx / CD
- Automatic bios detection now prefers the Arcade Card bios for NTSC-J Region, rather than System Card 3.0

Nintendo - NES / Famicom / Disk System
- Fix an issue where cartridge ram was not included in save states for some HVC-NROM and Sunsoft 1-3 mappers.
- Add support for Camerica/Codemasters mappers
- Add support for Tengen Rambo-1 mapper
- Add support for Sachen-0037/Tengen-800008 mapper
- Add support for the NES Zapper

Nintendo - Game Boy Advance
- Prevent the debugger from advancing the CPU clock
- Reset prefetch buffer on ROM accesses from DMA
- Improve DMA timings
- Implement that the prefetcher should halt only once DMA is accessing ROM
- Prevent DMA from interrupting ROM accesses
- Fix controls when using a rotated screen
- Reload timer value after tick
- Use separate latches per DMA channel
- Implement graphics viewer in the debugger

Nintendo - Nintendo 64
- Clear R0 register only when written to (Performance optimisation)
- Fix an issue where loading save states would not set the correct audio frequency
- Add missing fields to save states
- Refactor to remove the branch state machine from the instruction epilogue (paving the way for future recompiler improvements)

Sega - SG-1000
- Fix an issue where cartridge ram was not included for Taiwan-A and Taiwan-B mappers.

SNK - Neo Geo
- Fix an issue where cartridge ram was not included in save states for the Jockey GP mapper.

Sony - PlayStation
- Fix a crash when the display surface wraps around the framebuffer.
- Fix an issue where CD-ROM seeking would not interrupt a read operation

Shared Components

- Fix reading SPSR register in user and system modes
- Improve LDM/STM edge case handling

- Fix DAS overflow flag emulation
- Fix instruction prefix handling
- Fix IP on interrupt fired when prefixes are being used with non-prefixed instructions


- Fix an issue where settings may not save correctly on non-english locale
- Improve the OpenGL integration with librashader; matching the implementation for the Metal driver
- Improve the OpenGL driver on macOS: Fix flickering on resize, add fullscreen behavior toggle and fullscreen monitor selection
- Fix building using Make 3.81 (macOS users no longer need to install a newer Make manually to build ares)
- Properly detect the target arch when compiling with CL
- Improve compatibility with FreeBSD
- Fix an issue where the settings window would be too small to show all options on some configurations
- Add the ability to switch between the interpreter and recompiler at runtime; previously this was a compile time switch unavailable to end users. You can use the "Force Interpreter" setting to force the 32X, N64 and PS1 cores to use the interpreter.
Télécharger ares v140 (WIndows)
Télécharger ares v140 (Latest) (MacOS)
Télécharger ares v140 (Compat) (MacOS)
Site Officiel de ares
 ClrMAME Pro v4.049 
Jeudi 22/08/24 à 20:40 par Firebrand
Ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- fixed: falsely remove backup's _unknown folder in case of a failed backup which might remove already backuped and removed unneeded files. Only if _unknown folder isn't present before.
- fixed: skip a non software list rompath if it is also assigned to a non active software list which would list all sets in that path as fully missing (combined mode only)
- fixed: missing disk merging information within softwarelists, so that some identical chds stay in the clone set (combined mode only)
- added: verify delta chds (via chdman)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.049 (32-bit)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.049 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
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