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Jabato (1989)(Aventuras AD)(Side A)
Jabato (1989)(Aventuras AD)(Side B)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1984)(Thor Computer Software)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1984)(Thor Computer Software)[a]
Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software)
Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software)[a2]
Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software)[a3]
Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software)[a]
Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software)[u]
Jack the Nipper (1986)(Gremlin Graphics)
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)[a2]
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)[a3]
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)[a4]
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)[a5]
Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics)[a]
Jackson Soft Compilation Blu Nr.1 (1986)(Jackson)(it)
Jackson Soft Compilation Rossa Nr.1 - Starquake (1986)(Jackson)(it)
Jackson Soft Oro - Herbert's Dummy Run (1986)(Jackson)(it)
Jail Break (1986)(Konami)
Jail Break (1986)(Konami)[a2]
Jail Break (1986)(Konami)[a]
James Pond 2 - Robocod (1992)(Millennium)(Side A)
James Pond 2 - Robocod (1992)(Millennium)(Side B)
Java Jim - Square Shaped Trouble (1984)(Creative Sparks)
Jaws (1989)(Box Office)
Jeep Command (1986)(Bug-Byte Software)
Jeep Command (1986)(Bug-Byte Software)[a]
Jet Bike Simulator - Coasts (1989)(Codemasters)[b]
Jet Bike Simulator - Docks (1989)(Codemasters)[b]
Jet Bike Simulator - Expert (1989)(Codemasters)
Jet Bike Simulator - Standard (1989)(Codemasters)
Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects)
Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects)[a2]
Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects)[a3]
Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects)[a]
Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (1985)(Software Projects)
Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (1985)(Software Projects)[a2]
Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (1985)(Software Projects)[a]
Jet-Boot Jack (1984)(English Software)
Jewels of Darkness - Adventure Quest (1986)(Level 9 Computing)(Disk 1 of 3)
Jewels of Darkness - Colossal Adventure (1986)(Level 9 Computing)(Disk 2 of 3)