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Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[a2]
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[a3]
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[a]
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[cr CCS]
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[cr JCF]
Leaderboard Golf (1986)(Access Software)[cr LCG]
Leaderboard Golf Tournament (1986)(Access Software)
Leap Frog (1992)(RUN-IDG Communications)
Legend of Kage (1986)(Imagine Software)
Legend of Kage (19xx)(Imagine Software)[cr Triad]
Legend of Sinbad, The (1986)(Superior Software)
Legend of the Amazon Women (1986)(Silvertime)[cr Lucifer Crackware]
Legendary Deeds - Circle of Wisdom (19xx)(-)
Legionaire (1984)(Avalon Hill)
Lemonade (1984)(Commodore)
Lemonade Stand (19xx)(-)
Lesbian Love Game, The (2003)(Cout)[cr Lap Dancers]
Lethal (1988)(Alternative Software)
Letter Square (19xx)(-)
Letterbrij (19xx)(-)(nl)
Lex Feareon (19xx)(-)
Lifeboat (1988)(River Software)
Lifeforce (1987)(CRL)
Lightforce (1987)(FTL)
Lightforce (1987)(FTL)[a]
Lightforce (1987)(FTL)[cr CCS][t +2 CCS]
Lightforce (1987)(FTL)[cr Sharks][t +1 Sharks]
Lightsaver (1984)(Compute!)
Lingo (2001)(LowBit Software)[cr Triad]
Little Computer People (1985)(Activision)[cr Mr Z]
Little Duck (19xx)(-)[h TRC+SCS]
Little Kat's Maze (19xx)(-)
Little Puff in Dragonland (1990)(Codemasters)[cr DOM]
Little Sara Sister (2004)(Ice Team)
Live and Let Die (1988)(Elite)[cr Agile][t +2 Agile]
Liverpool - The Computer Game (1993)(Grandslam Entertainment)
Living in a Maze (1989)(Rockon)[cr FBR]
Livingstone (19xx)(-)
Livingstone, I Presume (1987)(Alligata Software)[cr HTL]
Loco (1984)(Alligata Software)
Lode Runner (1983)(Broderbund)