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Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Dom][h Axel Follet][b]
Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Was -Not Was-]
Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]
Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire]
Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire][a]
Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr V8]
Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr V8][m EMT]
Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (19xx)(Dinamic)
Freedom - Les Guerriers de l'Ombre (1988)(Coktel Vision)(Fr)[cr Bladerunners][m Atariforce]
Frenetic (1991)(Core Design)[cr Elite][t +3]
Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 1 and 2]
Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 3 and 4]
Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 5]
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Fr)
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Fr)[a2]
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Fr)[a]
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix]
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix][a]
Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix][m Vectronix]
Fugger, Die (19xx)(-)(De)
Fugger, Die (19xx)(-)(De)[a2]
Fugger, Die (19xx)(-)(De)[a]
Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)
Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)[b2]
Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)[b]
Future Basketball (1990)(Hewson)[cr Replicants]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][a]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][m EMT]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][f Tos 1.40]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][a]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][m EMT]
Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][f Tos 1.40]
Fuzzball (1987)(Methodic Solutions)
Fuzzball (19xx)(H. Pezzotta)