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I-Damiano (1985)(Bantam)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
I-Damiano (1985)(Bantam)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
I.O. Silver (1984)(Beagle Bros)
I.Q. Baseball (1983)(Davka)[cr]
Icewar (1990)(Ken Coates)
IFR Flight Simulator (19xx)(-)
Il Faut Fuir Thesee (1984)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Il Faut Fuir Thesee (1984)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Imperium Galactum (1984)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Imperium Galactum (1984)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Impossible Mission (19xx)(Epyx)[cr]
Impossible Mission (19xx)(Epyx)[cr][a]
Incredible Shrinking Man, The (1982)(Chiang Brothers)
Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom (1989)(Mindscape)[cr](Disk 1 of 2)
Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom (1989)(Mindscape)[cr](Disk 2 of 2)
Indiana Jones In Revenge of The Ancients (1987)(Mindscape)
Indoor Sports (1987)(Designstar)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Indoor Sports (1987)(Designstar)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Indoor Sports (1987)(Designstar)[cr][a](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Infidel (1983)(Infocom)
Infiltrator (1987)(Enterprise Inc.)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Infiltrator (1987)(Enterprise Inc.)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Infiltrator, The (19xx)(Lim Thye Chean)
Inhumane (19xx)(Infralogic)[cr]
Injured Engine (19xx)(-)[cr2]
Injured Engine (19xx)(-)[cr]
Inmate (1987)(Philip Goetz)
Institute, The (1983)(Screenplay)[cr](Disk 1 of 2)
Institute, The (1983)(Screenplay)[cr](Disk 2 of 2)
Interlude II (1986)(Recreational Technology)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Interlude II (1986)(Recreational Technology)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
International Grand Prix (1981)(Riverbank)
Intrigue (19xx)(-)[cr][b](Disk 1 of 2)
Intrigue (19xx)(-)[cr][b](Disk 2 of 2)
Islands of Beta, The (1984)(Milliken)[cr]