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Daily Crossword Puzzles From The New-York Times (1984)(Evolving Tecnology Company)
Dallas Quest, The (1984)(Datasoft)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Dallas Quest, The (1984)(Datasoft)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Dambusters (1984)(Sydney Development Corp.)[cr2]
Dambusters (1984)(Sydney Development Corp.)[cr]
Dark Crystal, The (1982)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 3 Side A)
Dark Crystal, The (1982)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 3 Side B)[nib]
Dark Crystal, The (1982)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 3 Side A)[nib]
Dark Crystal, The (1982)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 3 Side B)[nib]
Dark Crystal, The (1982)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 3)(Save)[nib]
Dark Forest (19xx)(-)[b]
Dark Heart of Uukrul, The (1989)(Broderbund)(Disk 1 of 4)
Dark Heart of Uukrul, The (1989)(Broderbund)(Disk 2 of 4)[scenario A]
Dark Heart of Uukrul, The (1989)(Broderbund)(Disk 3 of 4)(Scenario B)
Dark Heart of Uukrul, The (1989)(Broderbund)(Disk 4 of 4)(Archive)
Dark Horn (19xx)(Avalon Hill)[cr]
Dark Lord (1987)(Datasoft)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)
Dark Lord (1987)(Datasoft)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side B)
Dawn Patrol (1980)(TSR)
Dawn Patrol (1980)(TSR)[cr]
Dead Line (1982)(Infocom)
Death In The Caribbean (1983)(Microfun)(Disk 1 of 2)
Death In The Caribbean (1983)(Microfun)(Disk 1 of 2)[Fixed]
Death In The Caribbean (1983)(Microfun)(Disk 2 of 2)[Fixed]
Death In The Caribbean (1983)(Microfun)(Save)[Fixed]
Death Race '82 (1982)(Avant-Garde)
Death Sword (19xx)(Palace)
Death Sword (19xx)(Palace)[cr2]
Death Sword (19xx)(Palace)[cr]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Blank Save)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 5)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 5)(Master Scenario A)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 3 of 5)(Master Scenario B)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 4 of 5)(Scenario A)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 5 of 5)(Scenario B)[nib]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr2][b](Disk 1 of 5)
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr2][b](Disk 2 of 5)(Master Scenario A)
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr2][b](Disk 3 of 5)(Master Scenario B)
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr2][b](Disk 4 of 5)[scenario A]
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr](Disk 1 of 5)
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr](Disk 2 of 5)(Master Scenario A)
Deathlord (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr](Disk 3 of 5)(Master Scenario B)