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 SDLMAME v0.274 (Apple Silicon) 
Vendredi 31/01/25 à 16:30 par Firebrand
Cet version de MAME pour MacOS a été mise à jour vers MAME v0.274.
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 MAME v0.274 (64-bit) 
Vendredi 31/01/25 à 16:22 par Firebrand
La version mensuelle de MAME a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
Today’s the day you get to experience MAME 0.274 for the first time! As previously mentioned, our Windows binary releases now require a CPU with x86-64-v2 functionality. The most anticipated feature completed this month is almost certainly the 64-bit ARMv8 recompiler back-end. It’s been tested on macOS, conventional Linux and Android, and provides some very welcome performance improvements when emulating systems with RISC CPUs, including MIPS III, PowerPC and SuperH. In addition to the new back-end, we’ve fixed some bugs in the existing back-ends and made some performance improvements for x86-64. Keep in mind that the actual performance benefits you experience will vary substantially depending on your CPU and the emulated system and software.
While that was happening, emulation work continued to progress. This release adds support for numerous digital pets, a couple more Tronica LCD games, and several synthesisers. Several CD-i graphics formats have been fixed, and speaking of Philips, video emulation for their Minitel 2 terminal has been improved as well. Our NEC µPD17771C emulation has been completely overhauled, which is particularly noticeable in Star Speeder on the Epoch Super Cassette Vision.
Lots has been going on in computer emulation this month. We’ve taken a few steps along the road to emulating the first-generation Power Macintosh systems; the Heath/Zenith computers now have hard-sectored floppy formats and working joystick support; the JUKU E5104 now has mouse support; the Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D workstations are now considered working. There’s also been some work on Amiga graphics emulation, although some of the improvements missed this release.

MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 01595: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) drivfrcg, drivfrcb , drivfrct, drivfrcsg: The crash sound doesn’t play. (Robbbert)
- 04095: [Sound] (namco/namcos1.cpp) splatter, splattero, splatterj: Music for the second stage boss scene is incorrect. (hap)
- 04546: [Graphics] (snk/lasso.cpp) pinbo, pinboa, pinbos: The background color is incorrect. (hap)
- 04729: [Misc.] (namco/namcond1.cpp) ncv1: [possible] The graphics ROM appears to have an incorrectly set bit. (MASH)
- 05592: [Graphics] (konami/asterix.cpp) All games in asterix.cpp: The windmill animation doesn’t work properly. (hap)
- 06865: [Interface] (taito/undrfire.cpp) undrfire and clones: The fake “Show gun target” switch doesn’t work. (hap)
- 07312: [DIP/Input] (irem/m72.cpp) poundfor: Trackball inputs don’t work properly. (hap)
- 07543: [Misc.] (konami/rungun.cpp) rungund, rungunad, rungunbd, rungunuad, rungunud, slmdunkjd: Out-of-bounds accesses. (hap)
- 07573: [Sound] (orca/espial.cpp) netwars: Sounds/music play too slowly. (hap)
- 07938: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) totlvice, evilngt: Second and third player light gun inputs are missing. (hap)
- 07958: [Sound] (sony/taitogn.cpp) kollon, kollonc: Sound is distorted. (hap)
- 08472: [Misc.] (sinclair/atm.cpp) some sinclair/* drivers: The emulator crashes on out-of-bounds palette accesses. (holub)
- 08510: [Gameplay] (midway/balsente.cpp) stocker: The gear shift control should be a toggle switch. (John IV)
- 08660: [DIP/Input] (namco/skykid.cpp) drgnbstr: The “Allow Continue” DIP switch settings are reversed. (Zach S.)
- 08731: [DIP/Input] (taito/taito_z.cpp) bsharkjjs: Left/Right inputs are reversed. (Uncle Petros)
- 08962: [DIP/Input] (konami/zr107.cpp) jetwave, jetwavej: Analog inputs are too sensitive. (hap)
- 08980: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (konami/konamim2.cpp) all sets in konamim2.cpp: Poor performance while loading. (David Haywood)
- 09052: [Misc.] (sega/segaybd.cpp) rchase: Recoil outputs for both gun controllers are sent to a single output. (AchillesPDX)
- 09054: [Speed] (taito/bublbobl.cpp) tokio and clones: CPU time slices are unnecessarily short. (hap)
- 09060: [Graphics] (gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp) krull: Graphics may not display correctly after loading a saved state. (JimCarlTay)
- 09061: [Color/Palette] (nintendo/spacefb.cpp) spacedem: [possible] The background should be black. (hap)
- 09062: [Sound] (sanritsu/drmicro.cpp) drmicro: PSG sound pitch is too high. (125scratch)
- 09063: [Graphics] (pacman/pacman.cpp) alibaba and clones: The mystery item timer is not displayed. (hap)
- 09065: [Sound] (snk/lasso.cpp) lasso, chameleo, wwjgtin: Sound pitch and tempo are incorrect. (hap)
- 09067: [Interface] The tilemap viewer maps the pointer location incorrectly if the tilemap is flipped on either axis. (hap)
- 09077: [Interface] (nichibutsu/nbmj8891.cpp) mjcamerb, mmcamera: Version on older hardware is not marked as a clone. (Vas Crabb)
- 09084: [Sound] (galaxian/galaxold.cpp) 4in1: Explosion sounds do not play. (Robbbert)
- 09087: [Gameplay] (philips/cdi.cpp) quizardi_10: The game does not boot correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 09094: [Interface] (snk/prehisle.cpp) gensitou: The description does not include the release region. (JimCarlTay)
- 09095: [Interface] UI: The menu item highlight texture is not symmetrical. (Vas Crabb)
- 09097: [DIP/Input] (seta/seta.cpp) drgnunit: The undocumented eighth DIP switch in the first bank adjusts stage time. (GoldS_TCRF)

New working systems
- Bandai Digital Monster (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 2 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Digital Monster Ver. 3 (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Let's! TV Play Nou to Karada o Kitaeru Taikan Zunou Family Mattore (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai Mothra no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tamagotchi (Gen. 2, Japan) [hap, azya]
- Bandai Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi (Japan) [hap, azya]
- Casio Casiotone 8000 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
- Casio Casiotone FK-1 [BCM, Devin Acker]
- Code Magik (Ver 5.5) / Super 7 (stealth game) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Jeff Hamelin]
- Cuty Line (ver.1.01) [Taksangs, charlie]
- CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Pocketchess (CXG) [hap, Sean Riddle]
- Epoch Chibi Pachi: Alien Fever [hap, azya]
- Epoch Minna no Tetris (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Hasbro Giga Pets Explorer (Version 1.34.1, Mar 17 2006) [QUFB]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Disney Pixar Classics (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Power Rangers S.P.D. (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Handheld Games Spider-Man 3 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Jun 1 2007 12:34:28) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Superman in Super Villain Showdown (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (26 Jan 2006 A) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Nikko Beans Collection: Venus Diet Monogatari [hap, azya]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Beluga [hap, Berger]
- Oberheim DMX [m1macrophage]
- Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [hammy]
- Takara / SSD Company LTD Webdiver DX W-05 Gladion (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Tandy Corporation Stack Challenge [hap, azya]]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Cars [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney / Pixar Toy Story [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Techno Source Interactive Coloring Book: Disney Princess [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Tronica Diver's Adventure [Milan Galcik, algestam]

New working clones
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 7) [hammy]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin Hands Count bootleg / hack, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 12) [hammy]
- Egg Venture (Release 4) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
- Endless Riches (Ver 1.10) [hammy]
- Fidelity International Excel 68000 Mach IV 68020 Master 2325 (set 1) [Berger]
- Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [alamone]
- Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Excalibur (WCCC 1983 New York TM) [hap, anonymous, Berger]
- Long Hu Da Manguan Duizhan Jiaqiang Ban (V200C3M) [dyq, little0]
- N-Sub (cocktail) [system11]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 14, W-4, Yamate) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines (set 15, W-4, Cleco bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1985) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Witch Bonus, Yamate, 1988, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Novag Industries / Intelligent Heuristic Programming Diablo 68000 (set 1) [Gavin Fance]
- Rocket Convoy [Luis Arrufat]
- Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [Bryan McPhail]
- Super Poker (v120IN) [The Dumping Union]
- Toride II (Japan, revision I) [twistedsymphony]
- Tronica Clever Chicken [Milan Galcik, algestam]

Systems promoted to working
- Bonanza's Joker Poker [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/50 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Silicon Graphics Professional IRIS 4D/70 [Patrick Mackinlay]
- Super Mini-Boy [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]

Clones promoted to working
- IPM Invader (set 2) [system11]

New systems marked not working
- 7 Gold [hammy]
- Alesis MIDIverb [m1macrophage]
- AtGames 40 Bonus Games in 1 (AtGames) [TeamEurope, Patryk Stefanski]
- AtGames Atari Flashback Portable (version 4) [Devin Acker]
- AV-Mahjong Two Shot (Japan Ver 1.00 1990/05/21) [hammy]
- Bandai / Koto Digimon X Arena (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Disney Characters Oto! Iro! Ton-Ton! Miracle Parade (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's TV Play Dragon Ball Z Battle Experience Kamehameha 2 ~Ossu Ome Goku Tenkaichi Budokai~ (Japan) [TeamEurope David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Futari wa PreCure MaxHeart Mat de Dance MaxHeart ni Odotchaou (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Narikiri Taikan Boukenger Hashire! Ute! Mission Start!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Cast Off - Kamen Rider Kabuto Clock Up & Rider Kick!! (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Bandai Let's! TV Play Digital Monster Battle Junction (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Beetlemania (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- BornKid 32 Bit Preloaded 139-in-1 Handheld Game Console [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Casio Casiotone MB-1 [=CO=Windler, Devin Acker]
- Champion 3001 Regular [hammy]
- Cherry Bonus (A.A.I. bootleg) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus II (V2.00 06/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Chickendales (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Enter Tech Leadsinger II (LS-K2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doko Demo Doraemon Nihon Ryokou Game DX Taikan! Doko Dora Grand Prix! (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doraemon Taikan Take-copter! Sora Tobu Daibouken (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Doraemon Ugoku! Oekaki (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Hello Kitty Piano PC (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Epoch / SSD Company LTD Ishikawa Ryou Excite Golf (Japan) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Smart Sports! (US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Fizz Creations Pac-Man Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope]
- Fizz Creations Tetris Arcade in a Tin [TeamEurope]
- Golden Number [hammy]
- Gwasuwon (Korea) [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- Hana Night Rose (Japan, TSM008-04) [hammy]
- Happy Happy Hippy (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Digital Eclipse EA Sports Classics: NHL 95 & FIFA Soccer 96 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Bob the Builder - Project: Build It (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (JUN 2 2006 14:42:01) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / HotGen Ltd Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:59) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- JAKKS Pacific Inc / Santa Cruz Games The Amazing Spider-Man and The Masked Menace (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Jixiang Ruyi (V116CN) [dyq, little0]
- Jin Hua Zhengba (V113CN) [dyq, little0]
- JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD Anpanman Kazoku de! Ikunou Mat DX (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- JoyPalette / SSD Company LTD Anpanman Pyon-Pyon Ikunou Mat (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Lexibook Arcade Center (JL1800_01) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Mahjong Tenho (Japan, P016B-000) [hammy]
- Moog Music Memorymoog [m1macrophage]
- New Mondo Plus (V0.6I) [hammy]
- Oberheim OB8 [m1macrophage]
- Omatsuri Yasan: Ganso Takoyaki [SnakeGrunger]
- Pairs (Italian gambling game) [hammy]
- Radica / Sega Menacer (Radica Plug & Play) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Senario The Amazing Spider-Man (Senario, floor mat) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Shayu Daheng (V104CN) [dyq, little0]
- Shuang Long Qiang Zhu Tebie Ban (V104CN) [dyq, little0]
- Skill Chance (W-7, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Super Ball 2001 (Italy version 5.23) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
- Thinkway Toys Interactive M.A.G. Motion Activated Gear: Teen Titans Arena Showdown [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- Tic Tac Toe (Sundance bootleg of New Lucky 8 Lines) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Top-7 (V8.8, set 1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Typhoon Lagoon (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- unknown TAX game [hammy]
- unknown VT369 based 128-in-1 (GC31-369-20210702-V2) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Vibes Retro Pocket Gamer 240-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- VTech Paw Patrol: The Movie Learning Tablet (Spanish) [ArcadeHacker]
- WinFun TV Art Design Center [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- Xiaoyao Dou Dizhu [dyq, little0]
- YSN Play Portable Color GameU+ (90-in-1) (Japan) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- Zupapa (Italian gambling game) [hammy]

New clones marked not working
- Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Babooshka (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00) [Corrado Tomaselli]
- Batman Forever (Italian, 4.0, Sept. 26 1995, Display Rev. 4.00, earlier sound ROM) [Corrado Tomaselli]
- Bonus Chance (W-8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus III (ver.5.1) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.1) [Taksangs, charlie]
- Cherry Master '97 (V1.7, set 2) [hammy]
- Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.7C.14) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Cuty Line (LC-88 bootleg, ver.8.05C) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Dream Maker (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- El Dorado (V1.1J) [Taksangs, charlie]
- F-16 Super 8 Lines [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fever Chance (W-6, Japan, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Fever Chance (W-6, Taiwan) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Golden Regular (version 388/2000) [hammy]
- I C Money (Atronic) (set 2) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Inquizitor (V1.1) [Paul-Arnold]
- Inquizitor (V1.2, alt) [Paul-Arnold]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.0) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.3A, 10/30/01S) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. AB5.3, 20/06/03) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Bomb (Ver. EB4.0, 05/04/01) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [hammy]
- Monkey Land (Ver. A1.2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.B) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Monkey Land (Ver. AA.21.C) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- NtCash (set 2) [hammy]
- Omatsuri Yasan: Kingyo Sukui [SnakeGrunger]
- Pentacup (rev. S) [Ken Sumrall, PinMAME]
- Radica / FarSight Studios Connectv Real Swing Golf (set 2) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
- Skill Chance (W-7, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
- Sphinx II (Atronic) [Brian Troha, Heihachi_73]
- Top-7 (V8.8, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]

New working software list items
- amiga_cd: Aminet Games []
- apple2_flop_clcracked: The Coveted Mirror (version 1983) (4am crack) [4am, A-Noid]
- apple2gs_flop_orig:
*2088: The Cryllan Mission, Draw Plus (version 1.0), First Categories, MultiScribe IIgs (version 3.01c), The New Talking Stickybear Alphabet, Peanuts Maze Marathon IIgs, Photonix II (version 2.50), Reading Magic Library: Jack and the Beanstalk IIgs, TopDraw (version 1.01A (8/4/87)), The Ugly Duckling (version 1.1) [4am, A-Noid]
*List Plus (version 1.0 (11-Dec-87)), Panzer Battles IIgs, Skate or Die! IIgs (version 1.0), Transylvania III IIgs [4am, ianoid, A-Noid]
*The New Talking Stickybear Opposites [4am, LoGo, A-Noid]
- cdi: Validation Disc (Version 1.0) []
- ibm5170_cdrom:
*Win32 Software Development Kit (version 3.51), Win32 Software Development Kit and Device Driver Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 2, Windows NT 3.1 Service Pack 3, Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 2, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 1, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 3, Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 4, Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.5), Windows NT Resource Kit (version 3.51), Windows NT Server Resource Kit (version 3.1), Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit (version 4.0) [Mike Swanson]
*Sonic CD (China), Sonic CD (Europe), Sonic CD (USA), Sonic CD (USA, 1996 release), Sonic CD (USA, 1997 release), Sonic CD (USA, Packard Bell) []
- juku: E5104 System Disks, EKTA Utilities Disk #4 [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder]
- m3: M3 Utilities (Release 3) [Steve Hunt]
- pc6001_cart:
*Turpin (1982-10-12) [Mike Stedman]
*Turpin (1983-01-29) [bsittler]
- pc8801_flop: Berserkers Front Gaiden 3 Plus - Turning Point [krugman]
- psx: 007 - Demain ne Meurt Jamais (France), 007 - Der Morgen Stirbt Nie (Germany), 007 - Die Welt Ist Nicht Genug (Germany), 007 - El Mundo Nunca es Suficiente (Spain), 007 - Le Monde ne Suffit Pas (France), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Europe), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (Sweden), 007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, prototype 20000826), 007 - Tomorrow Never Dies (Europe), 007 Racing (Europe), 007 Racing (France), 007 Racing (Germany), A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan), A Ressha de Ikou 4 - Evolution Global (Japan) (PlayStation the Best), A.IV - Evolution Global (Europe), Actua Golf (Europe), Actua Golf (Japan), Actua Golf 2 (Europe), Actua Golf 3 (Europe) []
- spectrum_cass:
*Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Double Issue 6 + 7 (Sept. 1991), Channel 1 - Spectrum Music Club - Issue 5 (Jan. 1991), Computer Form Pools Predictions, Sample Editor, Silent 'e' & /y/ Rules, VTX 711 Prestel & Terminal Software [Planeta Sinclair, Steven Brown]
*Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 6 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 7 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 8 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 9 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 10 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 11 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 12 (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 13 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 14 - Spy Chip (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 15 - Invasion (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 16 - Carr-2001 (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 17 - Xirius (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 18 - Zortron (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 19 - Argon (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 20 - Night (covertape, alt), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 21 - Voyager (covertape), Libreria de Software Spectrum № 22 - Blue Lands (covertape), Light Force (Zafi Chip), Lode Runner (48K), Misiles [Spectrum Computing]
- zx81_cass:
*3D Monster Maze (ZX Data), Astral Convoy, Gulp II (ZX Data), Monstro das Trevas, ZX Breakout [Spectrum Computing]
*Centipede (Kayde), Constellation (red logo inlay), The Damsel and the Beast (red logo inlay), Dictator (red logo inlay), House of Gnomes, Multifile (Bug-Byte), Videograph [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair]
*3D 3D! (Kayde), 3D Monster Maze (Aackosoft), Asteroids (dK'tronics), Can of Worms (alt), Frogs (Aackosoft), Gulp II (Aackosoft), Invasion Force (Aackosoft), Love and Death, Mazeman, Morse Decoder, Ny Teknik - 7 Program till din Sinclair ZX 81, Skak, Stock Car (alt), ZX Breakout (pink inlay), ZX Nightmare Park (Aackosoft) [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]

Software list items promoted to working
- amigaocs_flop: Abandoned Places - A Time for Heroes (Europe), Alien Breed (Europe), Australo Piticus Mechanicus (Europe), B.C. Kid (Europe), BMX Simulator (Europe), Battle Isle (Europe), Bio Challenge (Europe), Body Blows (Europe, v2), Brutal - Paws of Fury (Europe), Ghouls 'n' Ghosts & Venus the Flytrap (Europe, Chart Attack), Lost Patrol (Europe), Lost Patrol (USA), Road Rash (Europe) [Angelo Salese]
- zx81_cass: 3D 3D! [ArcadeShadow]

New software list items marked not working
- amiga_cd: 17 Bit - Level 6 (Europe), 17 Bit - Phase Four (Europe), 17 Bit - The Fifth Dimension (Europe), The Big Red Adventure (Europe), Emulators Unlimited Plus (Germany), Final Odyssey: Theseus Verses the Minotaur (Europe), Gunbee F-99: The Kidnapping of Lady Akiko (Europe), Kang Fu, Pinball Brain Damage (Europe), Red Hat Linux 5.1 []
- ibm5170_cdrom: Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition), Sonic CD (USA, Pentium Processor Edition, alt) []
- zx81_cass:
*Space Invaders (Kayde) [Steven Brown, Mark Westmoreland, Planeta Sinclair]
*ZXED [Steven Brown, Planeta Sinclair]

Merged pull requests
- 12984: bus/hp_dio: Added the HP98628 and HP98629 communication cards. [F.Ulivi]
- 13040: frontend/luaengine.cpp: Expose mame_ui_manager::show_menu() to scripts. [Nathan Woods]
- 13040: bus/heathzenith: Use machine configuration fragments to supply additional connections to cards. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13047: sega/segas32_v.cpp: Use 10-bit tilemap position values when zooming and 9-bit values otherwise. [mahoneyt944]
- 13070: 3rdparty/bgfx: Cherry-picked upstream improvements for Wayland desktops. [Belegdol]
- 13074: tvgames: Added eight XaviX-based TV games (not working), and improved XaviX video emulation. [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 13080: 3rdparty/lzma: Don't treat K&R function definitions as an error. [FlykeSpice]
- 13082: bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Added a machine configuration option to disable page 2 RAM for UltraROM. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13089: psx.xml: Added nine working James Bond games and replaced three items with better dumps. [, ArcadeShadow]
- 13090: moog/memorymoog.cpp: Added preliminary Memorymoog emulation (no sound output). [m1macrophage]
- 13091: namco/mappy.cpp: Moved Phozon to a derived state class and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13095: namco/namco_cus4xtmap.cpp: Converted CUS42 + CUS43 tilemap hardware to a device. [cam900]
- 13105: bus/heathzenith/h89: Added the Z-89-11 multi-function interface card. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13106: cpu/upd177x: Replaced high-level µPD17771C emulation with a CPU core. [Wilbert Pol]
- 13107: cpu/mpk1839/kl1839vm1.cpp: Improved user-space VAX-11 instruction decoding. [holub]
- 13108: cpu: Fixed various recompiler issues and added four UML instructions. [Windy Fairy]
- 13109: machine/ncr5385.cpp: Mask auxiliary status bits if no interrupts are pending. [Adam Billyard]
- 13110: tvgames/spg2xx_dreamlife.cpp: Added Hasbro Giga Pets Explorer. [QUFB]
- 13112: moog/source.cpp, nec/pc88va.cpp: Fixed two Microsoft Visual C++ implicit conversion warnings. [Meerkov]
- 13114: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added eight versions of Sonic CD. [, Mike Swanson]
- 13115: taito/taito_z.cpp: Corrected Battle Shark left/right 8-way joystick directions (MT08731). [Uncle Petros]
- 13119: neogeo: Reduced run-time tag lookups, suppress side effects for debugger reads, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13121: konami/nemesis.cpp: Moved games to derived state classes to reduce optional object finders, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13123: sinclair/atm.cpp, sinclair/pentevo.cpp: Fixed out-of-bounds palette accesses (MT08472). [holub]
- 13134: taito/taitotz.cpp: Fixed FIFO packet size calculation and cleaned up code. [Ryan Holtz]
- 13126: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added Pirates of the Caribbean - Islands of Fortune. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13127: philips/mcd212.cpp: Fixed CD-i DYUV color format decoding. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13129: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added Superman in Super Villain Showdown. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13130: bus/heathzenith/h89/sigmasoft_sound.cpp: Fixed reading joysticks, and tidied code. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13132: cpu: Fixed more recompiler back-end issues, particularly when handling 32-bit operands. [Windy Fairy]
- 13133: atari: Cleaned up various Atari 2D arcade system drivers. [cam900]
- 13134: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Spider-Man 3. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13135: imagedev/flopdrv.cpp: Removed code supporting functionality that’s no longer used. [Priit Laes]
- 13136: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Power Rangers S.P.D. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13137: osd/interface/inputcode.h: Fixed enumeration range warnings in debug builds. [AJR]
- 13140: handheld/hh_e0c6x.cpp: Fixed a typo in a comment. [einstein95]
- 13141: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added the third button for JAKKS Pacific Spider-Man 3. [David Haywood]
- 13142: Updated links and compiling instructions, and rearranged for readability. [Dirk Best]
- 13144: cpu/hcd62121/hcd62121.cpp: Register recently added member variables for save states. [QUFB]
- 13145: sinclair/tsconf.cpp Improved decoding of graphics tiles. [holub]
- 13146: apple2gs_flop_orig.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Added sixteen working items and updated one crack. [A-Noid33]
- 13149: pc6001_cart.xml: Added two versions of Turpin. [Mike Stedman, bsittler, David Silva]
- 13151: atari/atarig1.cpp, atari/atarig42.cpp, atari/atarigt.cpp, atari/atarigx2.cpp, atari/atarirle.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13153: Added two TV Games (not working), and improved SPG110 SoC emulation. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13154: bus/heathzenith/h89/sigmasoft_sound.cpp: Fixed joystick polarity. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13155: nmk/quizpani.cpp: Added comments noting the purpose of the video timing PROMs. [cam900]
- 13156: nmk/ddealer.cpp: Clarified that the sprite DMA PROM bit is not used at all for this system. [cam900]
- 13157: atlus/patapata.cpp: Added comments noting the purposed of the video timing PROMs. [cam900]
- 13158: nmk/quizdna.cpp: Cleaned up memory banking, palette handling and graphics decoding. [cam900]
- 13160: philips/minitel_2_rpic.cpp: Corrected the default serial frame settings for the second serial port. [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13162: cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Added a 64-bit ARMv8 (AArch64) recompiler back-end. [Windy Fairy]
- 13163: moog: Tidied code to better follow MAME conventions. [m1macrophage]
- 13165: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added preliminary Oberheim DMX emulation (no sound output or cassette I/O). [m1macrophage]
- 13168: sound/dac76.h: Corrected pinout in comment and noted equivalence to AM6070. [m1macrophage]
- 13170: koei/pasogo.cpp: Fixed apparent copy/paste errors in the real-time clock code (fixes setting alarm). [einstein95]
- 13171: bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp: Added joystick support to the SigmaSoft IGC board. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13172: pasogo.xml: Updated the list of undumped software in the header comment. [David Silva]
- 13173: nmk/nmk004.cpp, nmk/nmk16.cpp: Improved save state support and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13174: zx81_cass.xml: Added 29 items (27 working), and promoted one item to working with usage instructions. [ArcadeShadow]
- 13176: misc/4enraya.cpp: Corrected the speed and difficulty DIP switch settings. [Uncle Petros]
- 13177: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Allow faders to be controlled with a single pointing device. [m1macrophage]
- 13178: psx.xml: Added ten working items and replaced two items with better dumps. [, ArcadeShadow]
- 13179: apple/macadb.cpp: Added support for second button of an ADB mouse (used by Apple IIgs). [as-tb-dev]
- 13180: bus/heathzenith/h89: Don’t register fixed configuration member variables for save states. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13182: gaelco/goldart.cpp: Changed main CPU clock frequency, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13184: machine/dl11.cpp: Added 1801VP1-065 variant and implemented more functionality. [shattered]
- 13185: misc/4enraya.cpp: Labelled DIP switch on bit 1 (0x02) as unknown (it does not control demo sounds). [Uncle Petros]
- 13186: moog: Added General MIDI note mappings to piano key inputs. [m1macrophage]
- 13187: roland/roland_d70.cpp: Added five program versions as BIOS options and adjusted LCD palette. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13189: dataeast/exprraid.cpp: Corrected DIP switch locations for Express Raider. [Uncle Petros]
- 13193: bus/heathzenith/h89: Removed signals not present on a real H-89 bus. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13194: gaelco/gaelco3d.cpp: Suppress side effects for debugger reads and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13195: gaelco/gaelco.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13196: bfm/bfcobra.cpp: Load Inquizitor attract mode ROM, and added alternate versions as clones. [Paul-Arnold]
- 13198: galaxian/galaxian.cpp: Added Rocket Convoy (War of the Bugs clone from Radar Ltd.). [Luis Arrufat, ClawGrip]
- 13199: megacd.xml: Combined the Mega CD and Sega CD software lists. [Mike Swanson]
- 13200: philips/minitel_2_rpic.cpp: Corrected the palette so all colors are distinct. [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13203: irem/m72.cpp: Corrected the demo sounds DIP switch settings for Battle Chopper/Mr. HELI. [David Haywood]
- 13204: handheld/hh_sm510.cpp: Added Tronica Diver’s Adventure. [Milan Galcik, algestam]
- 13205: ussr/juku.cpp: Use a memory view for switching memory mapping, and added the mouse and fixed timer. [Märt Põder]
- 13206: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added sound emulation. [m1macrophage]
- 13209: sound/roland_sa.cpp: Emulated the CPU-B board sound generation used in Roland SA-synthesis digital pianos. [Giulio Zausa]
- 13210: sinclair/tsconf.cpp: Register data members for save states. [holub]
- 13211: gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp: Moved systems with LaserDisc players to a derived state class and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13212: roland/roland_d70.cpp: Added an internal layout. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13213: excellent/excellent_spr.cpp: Fixed sprite delay and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13214: oberheim/ob8.cpp: Added a skeleton driver for for the Oberheim OB8. [m1macrophage]
- 13215: barcrest/mpu3.cpp: Corrected the 100 Hz input to the 6821 PIA IC3. [blueonesarefaster]
- 13217: juku.xml: Added JUKU E5104 system disks from 1988 to 1989. [Elektroonikamuuseum, Märt Põder]
- 13218: handheld/hh_sm510.cpp: Added Tronica Clever Chicken. [Milan Galcik, algestam]
- 13219: matsushita/kn5000.cpp: Show feedback for pressed buttons and added some details to the internal layout. [Felipe Sanches]
- 13221: edevices/edevices.cpp: Derive from device_gfx_interface to decode graphics, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
- 13222: formats/h17disk.cpp: Added Heath hard-sectored floppy disk formats. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13223: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added support for pitch tuning and optimized pitch calculations. [m1macrophage]
- 13224: cpu/mcs51/mcs51.cpp: Implemented the PES bit for the DS5002FP. [cam900]
- 13225: video/ef9345.cpp: Implemented the service row for the TS9347 variant (used for Minitel 2 status display). [Fabio D'Urso]
- 13226: heathzenith/h89.cpp: Simplified GPP handling for the MMS floppy controller. [Mark Garlanger]
- 13228: oberheim/dmx.xpp: Added anti-aliasing/reconstruction filters, and refactored and optimized the code. [m1macrophage]
- 13230: ibm5170_cdrom.xml: Added Windows NT service packs, resource kits and development kits. [Mike Swanson]
- 13232: cpu: Calculate negative and zero flags for shifts/rotates with a zero shift count in DRC back-ends. [Windy Fairy]
- 13234: misc/changyu.cpp: Identified contents of sound ROMs and set year to 1991 for 999 based on an advertisement. [flama12333]
- 13235: Added eleven TV games and karaoke systems (two working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Sean Riddle]
- 13236: vtech/vtech5303.cpp: Added a partial dump of the Spanish VTech Paw Patrol Learning Tablet. [ArcadeHacker, ClawGrip]
- 13237: casio/ct8000.cpp: Emulated the Casiotone 8000 keyboard and related systems. [Devin Acker, BCM, =CO=Windler]
- 13238: alesis/midiverb.cpp: Added a non-working driver for the Alesis MIDIverb digital delay/reverb unit. [m1macrophage]
- 13239: cpu/drcbearm64.cpp: Fixed ADRP instruction usage (destination must be an X register. [Windy Fairy]
- 13240: dataeast/deco156_m.cpp: Updated comments and cleaned up code a little. [cam900]
- 13241: tvgames: Added seventeen TV games (four working). [TeamEurope, Sean Riddle, Patryk Stefanski, David Haywood]
- 13243: philips/mcd212.cpp: Fixed CD-i RLE decoding and transparency color key bit mask. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13244: alesis/midiverb.cpp: Hooked up the audio path with a pass-through placeholder for the DSP. [m1macrophage]
- 13245: Added 34 working items, and improved metadata. [ArcadeShadow]
- 13246: philips/mcd212.cpp: Implemented RBG decoding and RGB transparency bit. [Vincent-Halver]
- 13247: tvgames/monkey_king_3b.cpp: Dumped the AtGames Atari Flashback Portable console. [Devin Acker]
- 13249: util/corestr.cpp, sound/sdl_sound.cpp: Added missing standard library headers. [Belegdol]
- 13251: bus/spectrum/zxbus.cpp: Use a memory view for shadow I/O selection. [holub]
- 13252: kaneko/snowbros.cpp: Added Gwasuwon (made playable using protection data from another game). [Taksangs, David Haywood]
- 13254: sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Added three variants of the new Scorpion GMX ProfROM +GMX V.6.xx.043.9226s BIOS. [holub]
- 13256: sinclair/scorpion.cpp: Added the new ProfROM V.4.xx.043.9226su BIOS for the ZS-256 TURBO+. [holub]
- 13257: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Emulated stereo sound output, improved voice balance, and optimized VCA emulation. [m1macrophage]
- 13262: hash/pc8801_flop.xml: Updated usage comments for Babylon. [Marc Roy]
- 13265: tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp: Added Power Rangers to the Rescue (not working). [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
- 13266: oberheim/dmx.cpp: Added tuning trim sliders to the internal layout. [m1macrophage]
- 13267: seta/downtown.cpp: Adjusted Meta Fox/Arbalester video refresh rate to improve Meta Fox music tempo. [cam900]
- 13269: pc8801_flop.xml: Added Berserkers Front Gaiden 3 Plus - Turning Point. [krugman, Marc Roy]
- 13270: seta/simple_st0016.cpp: Removed unnecessary trampoline functions; seta/st0016.cpp: Improved member function names. [cam900]
- 13272: tvgames/spg2xx_jakks.cpp: Added JAKKS Pacific Disney Pixar Classics. [David Haywood, TeamEurope]
Télécharger MAME v0.274 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de MAME
 ARCADE v0.274.0 (64-bit) 
Jeudi 30/01/25 à 20:13 par Firebrand
Le successeur de MAMEUIFX passe aussi à la v0.274 un peu en avance.
Edit: liste des changements:
- Fixed minor issues with galaxian-based games such as 4in1, frogger, mooncrst, pacmanbl, etc
- Centralised version control to the top of the makefile. This fixes an issue with certain poorly-written lua plugins.
Télécharger ARCADE v0.274.0 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ARCADE
 MAMEUI64 v0.274.0 
Jeudi 30/01/25 à 20:12 par Firebrand
La version officielle de MAME n'est pas encore sortie, mais Robbert a publié en avance cette version avec frontend intégré pour MAME v0.274.
Edit: liste des changements:
- Fixed minor issues with galaxian-based games such as 4in1, frogger, pacmanbl, mooncrst and jumpbug [MT 02074, 02077, 09084, 05208, 01598]
- Centralised version control to the top of the makefile
- Fixed crash sound in drivfrcg and clones [MT 01595]
- ELF2: fixed numerous bugs to get this system working [MT 09076]
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Site Officiel de MAMEUI64
 BigPEmu v1.18 
Mardi 28/01/25 à 16:46 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet excellent émulateur Jaguar a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements:
- New Steam integration! This includes support for game servers, friends/invites, rich presence, and more. At the time of this writing, Valve is still holding the actual Steam release up over some petty nonsense. (like supported categories and Patreon references)
- Added a script for Breakout 2000 touch control. The paddle is horizontally positioned to match the first active touch.
- Added an audio interpolation setting, along with a higher-quality bandlimited audio interpolator.
- Added an option to change the size of the state operation undo buffer.
- Exposed a few more network settings.
- Added options for PvP damage scaling and infinite shotgun ammo to the AvP MP script.
- Added another terrible secret.
- Fixed a bunch of problems in the socket implementation for non-Windows platforms. Special thanks to Luigi for spending the entire morning of December 4, 2024 helping me debug these problems and for offering some excellent tips on developing class consciousness. (he's a big fan of OOP)
- Various changes/optimizations in the network protocol.
- Fixed swipe velocity not being explicitly reset when entering the menu.
- Fixed a GUID conflict bug in the SDL2 input plugin. Thanks to Tartifless for the bug report.
- Fixed script input callbacks having the potential to break movie recording/playback.
Télécharger BigPEmu v1.18 (Windows)
Télécharger BigPEmu v1.18 (Linux)
Site Officiel de BigPEmu
 Novo Player v1.12 
Lundi 27/01/25 à 16:48 par Firebrand
Ce frontend pour émulateurs MSX a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Added sound chip detection and usage to the openMSX session management window
- Added support for launching games on the emulator Emulicious
- Few bug fixes, enhancements and updates
Télécharger Novo Player v1.12 (Windows)
Télécharger Novo Player v1.12 (MacOS)
Télécharger Novo Player v1.12 (Linux)
Site Officiel de Novo Player
 Messinfo.dat v0.273 (14.01) 
Dimanche 26/01/25 à 16:10 par Firebrand
Le cycle de mises à jour des fichiers additionnels de ProgettoSNAPS se termine pour MAME v0.273 avec ce fichier donnant des informations sur les machines non-arcade:
2025/01/00 14.01: Aligned files to 0.273 version.
2025/01/15 14.00: Revised whatsnew.txt file (date format and internal version numbering).
Télécharger Messinfo.dat v0.273 (14.01)
Site Officiel de Messinfo.dat
 DuckStation v0.1-8520 
Dimanche 26/01/25 à 16:07 par Firebrand
Cet excellent émulateur PlayStation a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- e34d23c FullscreenUI: Implicitly close non-multichoice dialogs
- 7cc4755 FullscreenUI: Fix parent scroll resetting on directory change
- f98b904 FullscreenUI: Add 'Set Cover Image' to game list
- b982260 FullscreenUI: Show game icons in game list
- 1481c1d System: Post-processing is shut down on GPU thread
- e41f179 PostProcessing: Fix erroneous reload message
- 08d2586 System: Allow host to set async worker count
- 8f19ac2 System: Set rapidyaml error handlers on startup
- d52bf79 GPU: Split backend into Backend+Presenter
- 6cba825 System: Add fatal error shutdown path
- dd97882 GPU: Refactor display presentation workflow
- da13579 GPU: Align presenter/backends to cache line
- 609fa5c GPUDevice: Add sampler cache to base class
- 338d29d GPUDevice: Move empty/null texture to base class
- d589696 PostProcessing: Get rid of GPU-dependent globals
- e0a9bbe PostProcessing: Move into GPU presenter
- 313f653 Data: Add one example overlay
- 7fcf0a3 README: Update feature list for 2025
- d62261e GPUDevice: Allow nested GL_SCOPE macros
- 88b4337 GPUDevice: Replace explicit GL_PUSH/GL_POP with nested GL_SCOPE
- 6131ddb GPU: Fill in unused/padded area in overlays
- 725dcea GPU: Fix crash toggling border overlays
- e1cbb50 GPU: Fix various capture/screenshot issues
- 9b8d2a8 System: Required changes for Android
- 9fdeeb3 GPU: Add alpha blending support to overlay
- ade8bf7 GPU: Fix overlay+postprocessing combination
- 8c5c0e6 Common: Fix Vector2->Vector4 zero-extend constructor
- 7905793 GPU: Use screen alignment for overlay instead of display rect
- 21b167d CDImage: Tidy up Open() method
- c03b6f3 Misc: Replace isspace() usage with StringUtil::IsWhitespace()
- 7c2488c PostProcessing/GLSL: Fix image moved off-screen with alignment
- f219b47 FullscreenUI: Use constant width/height scale on Android
- cc0ccf2 Data: Update resources
- 78902d7 FullscreenUI: Fix several more unsafe reads
- 4b20fc6 Path: Fix several errors in URLEncode/Decode and add tests
- 17b0da7 GameList: URL encode custom properties paths with brackets
- 9d4789e FullscreenUI: Fix blank screen flicker starting game
- 389276b GPUDevice: Normalize supports_texture_buffers => texture_buffers
- fb3e290 GPUDevice: Move exclusive fullscreen to features
- 9c4b211 GPU: Fix incorrect screen draw rect
- 080eccd GPUThread: Shutdown instead of panicing on switch failure
- 19ca9cb GPU/HW: Use texture loads for native resolution
- 78f6e11 GPUThread: Skip debug window update on Android
- 4e588bb GPU: Fix incorrect interface for postfx config
- af58740 System: Always display OSD warning messages
- be75a97 GPUDevice: Fix swap chain clear colour normalization
- 0166939 PostProcessing/GLSL: Clear alpha to 1.0
- 0129679 GPU: Reduce overdraw when using overlays
- 8eaa1f3 GPU: Fix overlay destination alpha with postfx
- f045a17 GPUThread: Fix order of updating state
- 89504b0 GPUThread: Push settings through FIFO
- d395be0 Qt: Fix global setting showing incorrectly for int-list
- b08ab9f Qt: Fix border overlay export button
- 9113a6e Qt: Add 'Multiple Devices' to automatic mapping
- df88227 GPU/HW: Further tweaks to replacement alpha handling
- 4da1f61 System: Simplify CD speedup warnings
- 13c7b85 GPUThread: Fix starting big picture mode
- 807094d Atualização Português do Brasil (#3357)
- dc5f85a System: Display safe mode warning when toggling on
- 9096402 GameDB: Rakugaki Showtime does not support analog mode (#3358)
- 9666abc FullscreenUI: Hook up to disc change hotkey
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8520 (Windows)
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8520 (MacOS)
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8520 (Linux)
Site Officiel de DuckStation
 Rosalie's Mupen GUI v0.7.1 
Mercredi 22/01/25 à 17:18 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce frontend pour mupen64plus a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- Fix RDRAM initialization allowing for libdragon IPL3 to boot (see mupen64plus/mupen64plus-core#1111)
- Fix AppImage not working on some Linux distributions (thank you @Samueru-sama)
- Fix 64DD disks being shown in the Create Netplay Session dialog
- Add support for ROMs that are bigger than 64MiB (see mupen64plus/mupen64plus-core#1103)
- Add support for launching a cartridge + disk combo where the disk is in an archive
- Add stricter filename validation in the update dialog
- Improve Netplay Session dialog by keeping it open while in-game
- Improve 'Play Game with Disk' by turning it into a context menu
Télécharger Rosalie's Mupen GUI v0.7.1 (Windows)
Télécharger Rosalie's Mupen GUI v0.7.1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de Rosalie's Mupen GUI
 Hoxs64 v1.1.2.7 FR 
Mercredi 22/01/25 à 17:15 par Firebrand
La dernière version de cet émulateur Commodore 64 a été traduite en français par Tradu-France.
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.1.2.7 (32-bit) FR
Télécharger Hoxs64 v1.1.2.7 (64-bit) FR
 clrmame v0.2 
Mardi 21/01/25 à 18:00 par Firebrand
Cette réécriture de ClrMAME Pro a été ajouté à nos sections à l'occasion de sa mise à jour. Voici ce qu'elle propose:
- added: #thread selector
- added: scanner, Clipboard->Copy Machine Names option
- fixed: rebuilder log Copy To Clipboard misses linefeed

- added: you can define a thread pool size which is used for parallel scanning rebuilding/etc. Either you keep auto (default value) or pick the number of threads used for the pool yourself. "auto" picks a high value when you work with compressed files and a low value when using decompressed ones. A low value is better when you run into file seek overhead issues. If you're not happy with auto, you can try to tweak it yourself.
- fixed: scanner and rebuilder ignore output path, mergemode, pattern changes when xml data hasn't changed
- misc: more effective reimplementation of thread pools and thread queueing
- misc: prefetching sha1s on an archive if needed (speed increase, espically for archives with lots of files)
- misc: rebuilder: major update / reworked internal logic, less complex, way smaller memory footprint especially for dats out of hell (dats with thousands of dupe files), faster.
- misc: scanner, smaller memory footprint and speed update for "dats out of hell"
- fixed: scanner, accidently getting a crc32 on sub folders showing an error
- fixed: scanner, detection of unnneeded empty sub folders failed
- fixed: scanner, using old archive name when trying to remove some unneeded files causing can't remove files/can't access messages
- misc: updated bit7z to 4.0.9
- misc: updated pugixml to 1.15
- misc: use "-" instead of "_" for replacing illegal file chars (cmpro align)
- misc: monitoring hash folder for -listsoftware exports. In case of a change, cached data is ignored and a new export is generated. This is more for users which update their hash folders during the development phase of MAME on a regular basis and don't want to recompile the binary.
- misc: use one version number, fixed a tooltip typo ;-)
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Site Officiel de clrmame
 Languages.ini v0.273 (13.01) 
Dimanche 19/01/25 à 16:29 par Firebrand
Ce fichier permettant de trier les machines de MAME par langue supportée a été mis à jour pour MAME v0.273:
- 2025/01/18 13.01: Added 0.273 sets.
- 2025/01/15 13.00: Revised readme.txt file (date format and internal version numbering).
Télécharger Languages.ini v0.273 (13.01)
Site Officiel de Languages.ini
 WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 6 
Dimanche 19/01/25 à 16:27 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de cet émulateur Amiga a été publiée. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
First optimization is fully back: RTG mode disables most of chipset emulation. This should restore pre-v6 RTG mode performance. (For obvious reasons, don't try to use sysinfo to check it! )

Beta 6:
- Almost all chipset emulation code is skipped when RTG mode is active and chipset screen is not visible (not connected to any other virtual monitor). This should restore RTG mode performance back to pre-v6 WinUAE versions. Pre-v6 versions also used similar optimization.
- "Remove interlace artifacts" now uses virtual lines internally, works even when VPOSW is modified mid screen. Last line flicker fixed.
- Limit initial Windows to Amiga clipboard copy to max 30k (initial = when Amiga is booted and Windows clipboard is not empty) if clipboard sharing is enabled. This prevent slow startup if clipboard sharing is enabled and configuration is not fast and Windows clipboard has some random large image.
- Fixed A2024 15Hz mode vertical line.
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 6 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 6 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Series.ini v0.273 (11.00) 
Samedi 18/01/25 à 16:47 par Firebrand
Les fichiers additionnels de ProgettoSNAPS arrivent au compte-gouttes ce mois-ci. Voici la version mensuelle de celui qui trie les machines de MAME par séries:
- Items REMOVED (2) : (flamolce) and (flamoljc).
- Items RENAMED (10) : (3bagflnz) to (3bagfullnz), (3bagflvt) to (3bagfull), (eforsta5ce) to (eforstcea), (eforsta5cea) to (eforstce), (goldpyra) to (goldpyru), (goldpyrb) to (goldpyr), (hnktonku) to (honktonk), (kgbirda) to (kgbirdnza), (kyhatonu) to (kyhaton) and (wafricau) to (wafrica).
- Series ADDED (5) : "Adonis * Slot", "Geisha * Slot", "Golden Pyramids * Slot", "Queen of the Nile * Slot" and "Torch of the Gods".
- Series RENAMED (1) : "Fruit Bonus" to "Fruit Bonus * Slot".
- Series REMOVED (9) : "Chuugokuryuu", "Dancing Stage" (merged with "Dance Dance Revolution"), "Dynablaster" (merged with "Bomber Man"), "Fire Shark" (merged with "Flying Shark"), "Guitar Freaks" (merged with "DrumMania"), "Makaimura" (merged with "Ghosts'n Goblins"), "Moon Alien" (merged with "Galaxian"), "Percussion Freaks" (merged with "DrumMania") and "Vampire" (merged with "Darkstalkers").
- Series UPDATED (34) : "Aristocrat MK Hardware", "Cherry Bonus * Slot", "Dance Dance Revolution", "Darius", "Darkstalkers", "Deal Or No Deal * Slot", "Defender", "Del's Millions * Slot", "Dinosaur King", "Donkey Kong * Slot", "Donkey Kong", "DonPachi", "Double Dragon", "Dragon Spirit", "Dragon World", "Dynasty Wars", "F355 Challenge", "Fantasia", "Firepower * Pinball", "Flying Shark", "Forgotten Worlds", "Frogger", "Galaxian", "Galaxy Games", "Gals Panic", "Ghosts'n Goblins", "Gold Rush * Slot", "Golden Tee", "Gradius", "Gun & Frontier", "Gunbird", "Gunlock", "Jack Potten's Poker" and "Lucky 8 Lines".
Télécharger Series.ini v0.273 (11.00)
Site Officiel de Series.ini
 WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 FR 
Samedi 18/01/25 à 16:45 par Firebrand
La dernière version de WinUAE a été traduite en français par l'équipe de Tradu-France.
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 FR (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 FR (64-bit) (Windows)
 vAmiga v3.2 
Vendredi 17/01/25 à 16:30 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur Amiga pour MacOS a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements:
- Improved Dashboard (#856)
- User-selectable number formats in inspector (#862)
- Auto-completion for enum-like options in RetroShell (#861)
- Framebuffer screenshots (#863)

Bug fixes:
- The emulator does no longer crash when a dropdown menu in a shrinked toolbar is selected.

Internal changes:
- Switched Swift interoperability from C to C++.
- Encapsulated more data structures and types in the vAmiga namespace.
Télécharger vAmiga v3.2
Site Officiel de vAmiga
 DuckStation v0.1-8452 
Vendredi 17/01/25 à 16:28 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur PlayStation a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- 9bc5ffe Common: Add Vector4i xyxy(Vector2i)
- b918613 GPU/HW: Use sized tristrips instead of fullscreen quads
- 4c801c3 GPUDevice: Move size-matches check into ResizeTexture()
- 0030bc2 GPUDevice: Ensure 16 byte minimum UBO alignment
- 670dc46 GPU/HW: Slight re-shuffling of field offsets
- 1daa60c GPU: Use tristrips for presentation as well
- 45afc8f OpenGLDevice: Add map-based stream buffer paths
- 87743c7 FullscreenUI: Fix crash reloading postfx shaders
- 08a3c31 CMake: Fix scmversion PRE_BUILD warning
- fc8fbd8 Qt: Disable shared memcard settings outside of shared mode
- 0ad0859 Atualização Português do Brasil (#3351)
- 561397a CDROM: Add 'maximum' read speedup option
- b76ebd2 FullscreenUI: Fix scrollbar rounding in choice dialogs
- bed3dd6 FullscreenUI: Use span for DrawIntListSetting()
- 2b4e60a FullscreenUI: Fix loading screen font
- 9b339d4 PostProcessing: Remove StageCount key for game settings
- 4449ae7 Settings: Rearrange fields to avoid padding
- 40589dc Settings: Add advanced option to set delay for max CD speedup
- 1c9b9ca GPUThread: Restore context after backend creation
- 7d2898b GPU/HW: Exclude 2D polygons from depth buffer
- d9c9b30 GPU/HW: Fix ROV depth being written with semitransparency
- d25cffe GPU/HW: Disable depth testing with semitransparency
- 29934d6 System: Improve rewind behaviour
- 1320d9b Common: Use __builtin_shufflevector() for NEON blend()
- 18c9071 GPU/SW: Skip pixel load if none preserved
- ccfc60e GPU/HW: Remove extra barrier on VRAM download
- 7ac4a85 InputManager: Fix per-bind sensitivity/deadzone not copying to profile
- ee33044 InputManager: Fix SDL sub-options not copying to profile
- ea4e756 Data: Update SDL Game Controller DB
- a26cac1 Cheats: Added register cheat types 5107 & 5147 (#3352)
- c98dbb9 Atualização Português do Brasil (#3353)
- 93a7e7c Cheats: Add bounds check to 5107/5147
- 05b0b03 Cheats: Order special characters before alpha characters
- 440aaf2 FullscreenUI: Modernize achievement popup a bit
- 4af5e96 Controller: Remove analog-mode-start OSD message
- 4b0bb9f FullscreenUI: Increase input dialog padding
- 844287b FullscreenUI: Fix scrollbar on choice dialog at some screen sizes
- 13b8572 Qt: Refactor input device/motor tracking
- 6f9caa6 InputManager: Add proper binds for vibration motors
- 2298227 FullscreenUI: Add binding of vibration motors
- 2d63b34 Qt: Add icons/decorations to input devices
- e4c11aa Qt: Separate controller settings to global and profiles
- d3bee3c Qt: Rename 'Input Profile' to 'Controller Preset'
- e6c0725 InputManager: Hold lock while manipulating devices/sources
- 9971b9e Data: Update PromptFont with KamFretoZ's changes
- d6ce322 Controller: Use additional icons
- 234e1f7 FullscreenUI: Improve controller settings page
- 348e335 Qt: Fix BP start/stop menu item after first activation
- 54780d4 Qt: Fix fullscreen state stuck after exit
- 6785285 Qt: Fix game list toolbar/view menu desync
- 36590f3 InputManager: Fix crash on controller connect on Windows
- 9c35b0e FullscreenUI: Get rid of Timer global
- 9779cee GPU/HW: Ensure texture window bits are initialized
- ee1da34 GPU/HW: Use default initialization for BatchConfig
- ab790ed Common: Fix ARM32 build (again)
- c43533f FullscreenUI: Extend achievement overlays to screen margins
- ce06896 Qt: Fix editing first controller preset
- 0f76543 Achivements: Set rc_client log level from host log level
- e43d704 Achievements: Attempt relogin on system boot
- e4dea69 System: Drop state load OSD duration to quick
- be7cff5 CDROM: Fix loading of subimage SBI files
- 035762a System: Fix subimage change OSD message
- 19ee37c FullscreenUI: Render notifications on top of OSD
- d3ee12d Achievements: Login error notification should be translatable
- a422e06 Qt: Fix incorrect InitialSortOrderRole use
- ea82dac FullscreenUI: Fix a couple of GPU thread race conditions
- 738c96f FullscreenUI: Fix slot disappearing after delete in save state menu
- 2f854de Qt: Invalidate FSUI cover cache when cover changed
- 8f39dbb Achievements: Fix race condition invalidating images
- 3621705 Achievements: Ensure loading old states behave the same as new
- 17e8930 ImGuiManager: Pack state based on thread access
- 9d3c56f ImGuiManager: Fix data races in input forwarding
- 21aef08 XInputSource: Arrays to std::array and forward generic axis
- c45e59f SDLInputSource: Arrays to std::array and forward generic axis
- 062776c ImGuiManager: Map left stick to dpad
- 462a4a3 Controller: Refactor so that GetControllerInfo() can't return null
- 3476140 GPUThread: Add BeginASyncBufferCall()
- aaf2a4b InputManager: Adjust scope of constants
- dd7fd32 Controller: Add GetVibrationMotorState()
- f6c7681 ImGuiOverlays: Double buffer input OSD and add vibration
- dc58d85 Data: PromptFont additions by KamFretoZ
- d3854d0 AnalogController: Use variant vibration icon for large motor
- 0dc257a System: Set time constraints for GPU thread on MacOS
- 991405c Qt: Add search and sorting to cheat list
- 5aa23fa CI: Only pin to major version of actions
- 33c0674 Qt: Remove unused struct
- 6db1dbb GameList: Don't return nonexistant path on icon extract fail
- da1590e Qt: Fix cheats sort button tooltip
- 88e18a8 Image: Fix crash on loading corrupted JPEG file
- 3a13806 Hotkeys: Fix Toggle OSD hotkey
- 880c76d Qt: Fix columns being hidden after editing cheats
- 6a6d362 Atualização Português do Brasil (#3354)
- 1aa1b5a Qt: Make main toolbar editable
- ccb2b61 FullscreenUI: Fix incorrect back button
- 3130e16 FullscreenUI: Add user-selectable backgrounds
- 2fd8940 FullscreenUI: Name landing icon files after action
- bbb1bef RegTest: Build fix
- 2e95667 Qt: Fix returning to desktop mode from Big Picture
- 7973a91 FullscreenUI: Make menu item backgrounds slightly transparent
- 135d99a FullscreenUI: Fix incorrect help text
- 050bda8 FullscreenUI: Fix scroll reset on resume state popup
- 68d9971 Updated Swedish translation (#3355)
- 1952869 Cheats: Author field should be exported
- 3687697 CPU/CodeCache: Only reset used portion of buffer
- 45b500b GPU/HW: Fix draw call count spiking in some scenarios
- 0189e1e Common: Fix vector allfalse() on ARM32
- 57f3fee Common: Further optimize alltrue()/allfalse() on ARM
- 79245b6 FullscreenUI: Make footer text background semitransparent
- 9377198 FullscreenUI: Add sort alphabetically option to cheat page
- 0507054 Common: Add vector rsize()
- f6f709b System: Fix vsync preventing fast forward/turbo
- 074a8a2 GPUThread: Fix input OSD with threaded rendering off
- 10de915 System: Remove 'sync_to_host_with_vsync'
- 804b8ff CDROM: Remove redundant min()
- c4a7456 GPU/SW: Use no_unique_address for potentially-unused varyings
- add76c2 Achievements: Fix request spam downloading own badge icon
- a0c075e CI/Flatpak: Bump to SDL2 2.30.11
- cd8a160 GPU/HW: Clear alpha channel in opaque replacements
- 092b280 GPU/HW: Flipping the mask bit test should flush
- 2957f55 Atualização Português do Brasil (#3356)
- bf7ca19 Qt: Fix game list search box oversizing
- 3be4f19 GPU: Fix playback of VRAM updates during draws
- e554456 System: Fix blank display on pause-on-start
- 7deaaa8 FullscreenUI: Use ImGui dialogs for boot failure
- fbb63a8 FullscreenUI: Change default background and add Strobe
- feeb8d9 CI: Fix Flatpak manifest URL
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8452 (Windows)
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8452 (MacOS)
Télécharger DuckStation v0.1-8452 (Linux)
Site Officiel de DuckStation
 Fichiers additionnels pour MAME v0.273 (2ème partie) 
Jeudi 16/01/25 à 20:31 par Firebrand
De nouveaux fichiers additionnels de ProgettoSNAPS ont mis à jour pour MAME v0.273. Voici de quoi il s'agit:
Category.ini v0.273:
- 2025/01/16 10.01: Aligned files to MAME 0.273.

Catlist/Catver v0.273:
- 2025/01/16 10.01: Aligned files to MAME 0.273.

Version.ini v0.273:
- 2025/01/16 9.01: Aligned to MAME 0.273.
Télécharger Category.ini v0.273
Télécharger Catlist/Catver v0.273
Télécharger Version.ini v0.273
 WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 
Jeudi 16/01/25 à 20:22 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle beta de cet émulateur Amiga a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements:
- Autoscale filter fixed again.
- BPLCON4 was cleared when on the fly switching from OCS/ECS to AGA, causing wrong sprite colors.
- Wait for blitter option works again.
- "Remove interlace artifacts" option works again (with last line flicker, this will be fixed later). It now uses different logic which might work better when interlace mode is "non-standard".
- Prometheus FireStorm PCI IO space size is 2M, only lowest 1M was mapped and it also was not correctly mapped.
- Do not log Prometheus FireStorm status long read as config space accesses.
- Merged some minor Voodoo emulation updates from 86box.
- Added previously missing hardware feature: PAL/NTSC long line count always causes end of field, even if current LOF=0. (Only important when doing VPOSW tricks badly) NTSC long line horizontal is also always matched, even if LOL=0.
- Added address and length to sample ripper file names.
- Query PC drive/network drive/removable drive status only after confirming drive type first. (For example if "Add PC drives at startup" or "CDFS automount" is only ticked, don't query status of possible network drives that might respond slowly)
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 (32-bit)
Télécharger WinUAE v6.0.0 Beta 5 (64-bit)
Site Officiel de WinUAE
 Negatron v1.0.0 
Mercredi 15/01/25 à 16:39 par Firebrand
Les mises à jour de NegaMAME sont mensuelles, mais celles de son frontend associé, Negatron, sont beaucoup plus rares. Voici les changements de la dernière mouture qui vient d'arriver:
The initial plan was to version it as v0.200.0 following the trend of MAME numbering system but macOS doesn't allow to version anything as v0.x.x. As this release fixes a lot of little annoying bugs and thus makes Negatron quite smoother to use in every aspect, here we are, out of the beta loop.
Since the last release of 2020, the retrogaming community at has moved to a Discord channel. They still provide new MAME EXTRAs packs with each version of MAME (at least as long as AntoPISA will provide pack updates) and those packs are now available from

The main hightlights of this release are the following:
- Since the last release, the content of the MAME EXTRAs packs has changed a bit. Notably, the history.dat file provided by has been migrated to become an xml file and there is a new command.dat file. Negatron now supports those 2 dat files, albeit command.dat is supported in a very basic fashion for now.
- Since the last release, MAME has deprecated its old bezel layer formats and some lua script functions in favour of a new format and new functions. When running a game, MAME promptly reports those old formats and functions as warning messages that were directly relayed by Negatron as annoying warning popups. Now, Negatron logs those warnings in a new logging panel, which is forcefully displayed only when MAME reports actual errors. No popups anymore!
- This version fixes an important bug where Negatron couldn't properly manage cartridge ports that are also used to plug hardware extensions into machines. That was mainly an issue for emulated computers like the Commodore 64 but, with the latest versions of MAME, this had also become an issue with popular consoles like the Super Nintendo, preventing from playing popular games from Negatron. Well, now those issues are all gone.
- Negatron has always been provided with native installers for Windows and macOS. An attempt to provide Linux native installers (.deb and .rpm) was done with v0.99.4 but failed miserably: Negatron actually could not work within the imposed folder architecture of installed applications on Linux... Well, now it works.
- Finally, now Negatron fully supports dual stick gamepads as a mean to navigate the different panes and panels. This is done by redirecting gamepad inputs to emulate mouse and keyboard interactions.
The native installers for macOS and Linux don't embed VLC anymore. For macOS, this is because I stripped VLC from every file not strictly needed for local video play and this OS doesn't allow to tamper with the application integrity. The alternative would be to embed the full VLC pack but, in this case, it's better to let users install VLC from official sources. For Linux, it's simply proper to let users install VLC from official sources and it is often already installed by default anyway.
I do not provide a native installer for Mac devices on Apple Silicon (M series) simply because I don't own one and so I cannot generate and test a native installer for them.

Gamepad inputs are retrieved by using SDL3. This means a new dependency that must be downloaded from The native packs all already embed a version of SDL 3.1.8. My test results are the following:
- All the gamepads I own work well on Windows 10. This means gamepads for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PlayStation 3 (with third-party drivers), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, also the Nintendo Switch Pro controller and PDP Realmz wired controllers for Nintendo Switch.
- On macOS Monterey 12, Xbox family controllers are not recognised, the Nintendo Switch Pro controller is recognised but inputs are ignored, PDP Realmz controllers make Negatron to crash hard and PlayStation family controllers work quite well. The issue with Xbox controllers is well known on Mac devices and a third-party driver must be downloaded to fix this. I suppose that those other compatibility issues can also be ironed out with third-party drivers.
- All those gamepads also works on Linux but there are 2 issues:
*The input mapping for those Realmz controllers is totally wrong, I need to come up with a system to easily remap those buttons.
*The left stick is supposed to emulate the movements of a mouse pointer. But on Linux, the pointer as a graphical element doesn't move at all while the OS does register the pointer movements... Visual cues and actual input management are completely desynchronised.
- This last bug on Linux is due to the fact that Java uses X11 on top of Wayland and the layer linking those 2 desktop systems, XWayland, has a bug when emulating mouse movements. I reported this to Oracle but they won't fix it. They do have long-term plans to fix this eventually. But in the meantime, I found a workaround that is not ideal because it will put the burden of maintaining gamepad interactions on Linux on me. To simplify things, currently the software stack on Linux is like this: Negatron > Java framework > X11 > XWayland > Wayland > Libevdev > Kernel. The idea is to get a shortcut and completely ignore the Java framework in this way: Negatron > Libevdev > Kernel. Doing this takes time and a new release for Negatron is quite overdue. So, I should deliver this workaround for the next release, hopefully not in 5 years...
Télécharger Negatron v1.0.0 (Windows)
Télécharger Negatron v1.0.0 (MacOS)
Télécharger Negatron v1.0.0 (Linux)
Site Officiel de Negatron
 VirtualC64 v5.1.1 
Mercredi 15/01/25 à 16:29 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur Commodore 64 pour MacOS a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
Bug fixes:
- No disk was inserted when dragging a D64 file onto the app icon (#819).
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the UTType definitions of the supported file types.
Télécharger VirtualC64 v5.1.1
Site Officiel de VirtualC64
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