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 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.56 
Mardi 16/01/24 à 17:54 par Firebrand
De nouvelles versions de ces frontends ont été publiées, mais les changements ne sont pas connus.
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Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.56
Site Officiel de GameEx
 Raine v0.96.6 (MS-DOS) 
Jeudi 11/01/24 à 13:55 par Firebrand
Un build MS-DOS de la dernière version de Raine a été publié. A priori, la toute dernière version (pour l'instant?) pour ce vénérable système d'exploitation.
- Yeah I check everything is working or at least can be compiled. This dos version is really hard to test nowdays. The good news is that it works quite well with dosbox-x, an extended version of dosbox, with cputype = ppro_slow, and memsize = 64 at least. The rdtsc emulation is broken, so you can't even access the rdtsc counter with the f11 key, but except that the rest seems to work alright. I hope that nobody uses the dos version nowadays, except me because I am curious to see how it works now !
- It would need a few improvements, like that sample support from the galaxian driver, for now all this is simply disabled. same thing for the galaga explosion... But oh well too much work, not enough use, I'll probably leave it as it is now, at least it works, even if not perfect.
- The debug build of raine doesn't work in dosbox, it needs an optimized build otherwise it's just too slow !
Télécharger Raine v0.96.6 (MS-DOS)
Site Officiel de Raine
 RomVault v3.6.4 
Mercredi 10/01/24 à 16:55 par Firebrand
Ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été mis à jour. Quelques bugs sont corrigés:
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where RV7Z files would be needlessly recompressed
- Fixed a missing fix status icon for “MIA found, but won't be used because it results in an incomplete set”
- Fixed an issue with the description tag in Fix DATs
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Site Officiel de RomVault
 Raine v0.96.6 
Mardi 09/01/24 à 16:58 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été publiée. Elle apporte des correctifs:
Ok, just release 0.96.6, no new topic because it's exactly the same kind as the previous one, small things. The difference is that this time there is no new game :
- what I hope will be the curl final fix, see a few posts higher in this topic for more info, everything should finally work as expected, it will create html files for index in the raine directory when needed.
- a fix for savegames in the gui which showed by mistake the clones saves at the same time, this thing is never used, really.
- the neogeo saveram can be saved by game to preserver hiscores, or shared as the neogeo hardware did and as we did until now. Option in neogeo/neocd options.
- Fixed the colors selection in the gui (gui options / colors), they were broken since the switch to sdl2 ! and slightly improved the look of the green theme by the way.
- The old behavior of the sdl1 gui where menus appeared behind dialogs in transparency is restored, it's only for dialogs, those having a black title bar. You can update the blue theme either by going to gui options / colors / revert to... and choose green, then blue, then exit and the colors are updated. Or edit the bg color in this same menu, and set alpha to 0xc0, same result. Or you can do nothing to keep the old one, but then don't complain if the transparency makes things hard to read sometimes !

The rest are super minor changes, not worth detailing here...
Télécharger Raine v0.96.6 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.6 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.6 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.6 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
 Raine v0.96.5 
Samedi 06/01/24 à 16:58 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- All the motivation of mer-curious brought this, it's mainly for samsho2pe, "samurai shodwon II perfect hack v1.8", thanks to the info found in final burn neo. This is a special hack this time since it adds a new memory rom mapping to the neogeo driver, never seen before in raine.
- Except that I got rid of index_roms.html finally, this file was here as a quick way to get the roms sizes, but actually using the head http command is more efficient (!), and got a proper fix for this weird green screen bug that mer-curious had in windows for way too long... !
Télécharger Raine v0.96.5 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.5 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.5 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.5 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
 RomVault v3.6.3 
Vendredi 05/01/24 à 16:22 par Firebrand
Deux nouvelles versions de ce gestionnaire de ROMs ont été publiées. Voici la liste des changements:
Feature Updates:
- Enhanced the Directory Mapping window to highlight non-existent directories in red

Bug Fixes:
- Added checks to ensure directory exists while creating a directory mapping
- Fixed the DAT XML loader to load non-standard characters in XML
- Fixed a DatVault crash that could occur on startup
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding directory mappings

Feature Updates:
- Split Directory Settings into Directory Mappings and DAT Rules for greater flexibility
- Added a new Single Archive directory setting to use subdirectories only if a set contains multiple roms or a rom/set name mismatch (Great for archiving TOSEC with shorter paths)
- Added a new DAT Rule to use category tag values as subdirectories (Most useful for Redump DATs)
- Added the ability to prioritize categories for subdirectories in case the DAT contains multiple for a partiular set (Common with No-Intro)
- Added a global setting to delete previous cue packs downloaded by DatVault
- Added a Modified Date column to the Game List and ROM Details grids
- Added a context menu to the Game List grid (Shift + Right-click) which includes re-scanning options and opening a directory, archive, or No-Intro game details webpage
- Added support for new CHD compression codecs, ZSTD and CDZS
- Updated the Game List grid to hide the Description column if there is nothing to display
- Updated the “old DAT cleanup” function to also remove empty directories in the DATRoot
- Updated the layout of the global settings section
- Improved performance of deleting cue files downloaded from DatVault

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue related to path and filename lengths
- Fixed an issue with scanning archives with the Shrink compression method
- Fixed an issue where corrupt CHDs would freeze the scanning process
- Fixed an issue where corrupt CHDs could be marked as good after a Level 1 then Level 2 scan
- Fixed a scanning performance issue with v1 CHDs
- Fixed an issue where MIA status was not reflected when using the “Merged” merge type
- Fixed an issue where Tree Presets could cause a crash
- Fixed an issue where directories created by RomVault during a fix did not have modified time stored in the cache
Télécharger RomVault v3.6.3
Site Officiel de RomVault
 GameEx et GameEx Arcane Edition v18.55 
Dimanche 03/12/23 à 13:52 par Firebrand
Ces frontends multi-systèmes ont été mis à jour. Voici la liste des changements:
- Looking to remove any possible video or input lag GameEx will now lower its process prioirty to idle after launching an emulator.
- Fixes to the sync refresh MAME display feature. I revisited all this and looked at GroovyMAME usage on an LCD. It will work with GroovyMAME but on a 5 year old mini PC I reverted to vanilla MAME in my new Chewlix build, I incestigated all this again and other than going with a Mister, your best bet in 2024 is to go for a G Sync monitor for MAME for no tearing and input lag on an flat panel.
- In MAME attract mode the bezel will try to show the logo first if available rather than marquee. Looks mich nicer.
Télécharger GameEx v18.55
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.55
Site Officiel de GameEx
 Raine v0.96.4 
Vendredi 01/12/23 à 14:54 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été publiée. Elle corrige un crash dans l'émulation Neo-Geo CD:
- I found a crash in raine if using all bin files for audio like here and the audio requires some conversion because the soundcard is configured for something like 48000 Hz, and these files are for 44100 Hz, it's a stupid bug, just 1 forgotten line, but it's still a crash, it's fixed in git, if somebody else has the problem I'll make another binary.
Télécharger Raine v0.96.4 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.4 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.4 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.4 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
 ClrMAME Pro v4.048d 
Jeudi 30/11/23 à 12:22 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements:
- fixed: softwarelists can lack some possible mergings
- fixed: possible assertion during delta checks
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048d (32-bit)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048d (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
 NegaMAME v0.261-1 
Jeudi 30/11/23 à 12:16 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME destiné à être utilisé avec le frontend Negatron a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.261.
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Télécharger NegaMAME v0.261-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.54 
Vendredi 17/11/23 à 14:33 par Firebrand
Un correctif a été apporté à ses frontends multi-systèmes:
- Video downloads for Steam working again.
Télécharger GameEx v18.54
Télécharger GameEx Arcade Edition v18.54
Site Officiel de GameEx
 GameEx et GameEx Arcade Edition v18.53 
Jeudi 16/11/23 à 12:31 par Firebrand
Ces frontends multi-systèmes ont été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
- New auto configuration ArcadePC TeknoParrot support.
- Fixes to dialog box and auto update.
Télécharger GameEx v18.53
Site Officiel de GameEx
 ClrMAME Pro v4.048c 
Dimanche 05/11/23 à 13:12 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été publiée. Voici la liste des changements:
Some minor work on delta chd messages. Keep in mind that in general there are some open issues with chdman:
- fixed: wrong "Error while..." message after delta operation succeeded but backup is disabled.
- misc: minor changes to the delta output messages
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048c (32-bit)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048c (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
 ClrMAME Pro v4.048b 
Lundi 30/10/23 à 14:49 par Firebrand
Plusieurs versions de ce gestionnaire de ROMs ont été publiées suite à la prise en charge des delta CHDs (similaire au système parent/clones des ROMs, mais pour les CHDs) qui nécessitait plusieurs correctifs. Voici les changements:
- fixed: wrong delta chd proposals in full merged mode (identical chds)

- fixed: unneeded scan crashes/exits
- misc: limiting delta chd support for chd version >=5

- added: delta chd support, show warnings, support convert/revert of chds
- fixed: MAME 260 "samples" issue (is shown as unneeded and not found)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048b (32-bit)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.048b (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
 NegaMAME v0.260-1 
Jeudi 26/10/23 à 12:40 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME prévu pour fonctionner avec le frontend Negatron a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.260.
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Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 ClrMAME Pro v4.047b 
Lundi 23/10/23 à 16:52 par Firebrand
Ce gestionnaire de ROMs a été mis à jour. Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
Tiny update for MAME's latest CHD feature "delta chds". I will think about additional options (like optionally marking found not-delta chds and maybe a conversion tool/update opption) but for this I need more time.

- fixed: don't mark delta chds as missing
- misc: updated unrar (6.24.0)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.047b (32-bit)
Télécharger ClrMAME Pro v4.047b (64-bit)
Site Officiel de ClrMAME Pro
 Raine v0.96.3 
Jeudi 19/10/23 à 12:25 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- Gunbarich is a new psikyosh game, so 32 bits only, it's a crazy breakout, but with the standard joystick as input.
- Except that the fixes :
*fixed loading roms from internet archive when there are multiple rom names known and the 1st is not the one in internet archive, I noticed this one while doing a new raine install at a friend's... ! This bug was added in 0.96.2 because I wanted to have a visible error when the rom size wasn't found, well it wasn't found for all these games with multiple names !
*fixed a crash in the 32 bits version when trying to use any game using the 6502 cpu, there was a conflict between the 6502 and the sh2 because of an endif and a misplaced break... !
- Also I started to add daraku, but this one uses a new type of layer, with line/row scroll too, so it's too much for me for now, the game is loadable, but doesn't work.
Télécharger Raine v0.96.3 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.3 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.3 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.3 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
 NegaMAME v0.259-1 
Dimanche 01/10/23 à 15:14 par Firebrand
Ce build de MAME principalement prévu pour fonctionner avec le frontend Negatron a été mis à jour vers MAME v0.259.
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Télécharger NegaMAME v0.259-1 (MacOS)
Télécharger NegaMAME v0.259-1 (Linux)
Site Officiel de NegaMAME
 Raine v0.96.2 
Vendredi 29/09/23 à 12:53 par Firebrand
Cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été mis à jour pour corriger quelques bugs:
Earlier than what I thought because of some rather big bug found, but I took the opportunity to fix a few more things :
- fixed the hiscore saving for tgm2 / tgm2p (a new @delay command in the hiscore.dat for these 2)
- fix a crash when starting acrobatm or any game in the nmk driver actually, and fixed an older bug which prevented these games from starting
- Finally added the roms info so that the new sh2 games can be downloaded from internet archive
Télécharger Raine v0.96.2 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.2 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.2 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.2 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
 Raine v0.96.1 
Jeudi 28/09/23 à 12:21 par Firebrand
Une nouvelle version de cet émulateur multi-systèmes a été publiée. Voici les changements apportés:
- Fixes for the left out bugs from yesterday, plus adding a last game :
*fixed the bad ymf278b emulation, sound is normal again for all games using this chip which include the sh2 games
*fixed the bad palette for dragon blaze
*added s1945ii (including hiscore saving, cheats and there is a new history file).
- Which should make a much more solid version than the one from yesterday. A word about alpha blending in the psikyosh driver : currently sprites are drawn 1st, which means that if a sprite is drawn with some alpha blending effect over some layers, it won't work, you can see that for example in tgm2, the next game piece to go down is drawn over a black background instead of some alpha blending effect on top of the background layer. The idea was to make an improved version of this driver using directly opengl functions, it would simplify a lot all this alpha blending stuff and the priorities, I had a piece of code I had played with a few years ago, but I lost it ! I am not really motivated for now to restart everything from scratch, so for now I'll leave it as it is, tgm2 is very playable and enjoyable as it is anyway (by the way I thought 1st it was just a commercial tetris accelerating like crazy so that the player can't play for too long, but actually there is a trick, if you survive the big acceleration after some time the game will return to its initial speed after some quite surprising effect... ! So it's not a bad game, it's just a pity they don't explain exactly how it works during attract mode).
- I could have made a workaround for tgm2 to have the blending effect anyway, but as it is now this would be in software and the blending functions are super slow, so I prefer to leave it as it is now.
- Probably the last raine version for at least quite a while !
Télécharger Raine v0.96.1 (32-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.1 (64-bit) (Windows)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.1 (32-bit) (Linux)
Télécharger Raine v0.96.1 (64-bit) (Linux)
Site Officiel de Raine
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